ariamariereads's reviews
143 reviews

You & I, Rewritten by Chip Pons

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i’m so sad because i wanted to love this and i just… didn’t. 
  1. i typically don’t mind insta-love, in fact, i’d venture to say i actually like the trope. however,  i felt like we were going to get some workplace tension with the introduction of the love interest and then all the sudden they’re going on dates??? like give me some angst, give me some “i want him so bad but i can’t because (insert reason here).”
  2. the book felt very monologue-y.  the paragraphs(!!!) explaining how important klair’s friendship is to will and how he’d never be able to say how much she meant to him–YOU’RE SAYING IT RIGHT NOW AND YOU’VE BEEN SAYING IT 
  3. i spent like twenty chapters waiting for something (anything!!) to happen, and then in the last like two chapters EVERYTHING happened. all the sudden
    his dads dying, oh and also wrote the book will’s trying to publish, and oh, dad’s been sober for years.
    and as the daughter of addicts i completely understand the whirlwind that emotionally-unstable parents can cause. but i felt like we could’ve made that more relevant throughout the entire book. it was too jam packed of an ending for a book that had like ?nothing for most of the book. 

idk if i’d read something else by this author. we will see. 

“My father, one of the few people on this earth who is genetically programmed to love me, could not or would not choose me.” 

(.5 star for this quote bc #relatable)
Eternal Echoes by Ophelia Reign

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


let me start by saying this is a STRONG 3 ⭐️ i’m going to try to explain my feelings about this book as nicely as possible and hope it makes sense. 

  • i LOVE magical realism. seriously, it’s my favorite. i thought the existence of vampires and reincarnation was super interesting and different from anything else i’ve read 
  • that being said, i needed more background on the witches, vampires, and overall more insight into the magic in general. i was often confused. with stronger world building and character background info, this likely becomes a 4⭐️
  • i don’t like to knock indie authors for this, so it doesn’t factor into my rating too much but it may for other readers: there were quite a few grammatical errors. i normally wouldn’t take notice if it was three or less, but there were easily more than 10. 
  • the author highlights relevant social and political issues in an effective and important way and i was so glad to see it. 
  • the romance was so GOOD; the characters were likeable (both main and side) and i was so invested in their development. mmc was protective & obsessed. fmc was independent & assertive. 

tldr: likeable characters, grammatical issues, interesting magic that needed more background, well done social & political commentary 

“How incredible that man must be… to have earned the love of a woman with enough heart for the both of you." 🤎
I Think They Love You by Julian Winters

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


back to back amazing reads? hell yeah.

i started reading this book at midnight and didn’t stop until i was finished. i was hooked from the dedication. i love a fake dating, second chance romance SO BAD!!! denz and braylon's original break up is heartbreaking, but necessary. like braylon said, absence makes the heart grow fonder. 

i love denz’s protective family members; kami is my fav. denz is struggling to find and be himself, kami isn’t afraid to let him know. i even love the nosey aunties. 

braylon is sUCH A CUTIE!! i would love to read any part of the story from his POV. i was weary of him, just like denz’s family, but WHEW did he win me over. they were both so lonely without each other and i am glad to have seen them giving each other, and themselves, another shot at happiness. 

“‘The best part is,’ Denz continues, ‘even if you know the ending, if you predicted how the couple is going to get there in the first five seconds, the journey is never the same. How we get there is always, always different.’” 🤎
Game Changer by Rachel Reid

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i cannot stop thinking about this book. i woke up this morning, started reading the sample, immediately bought the book and didn’t get out of bed until five pm because i was so enamored. 

who knew i’d love a MM hockey romance so much? not me. i was giggling, i shed a few tears, and i was so invested in a happy ending for these characters. the conversation around being yourself or being safe was heartbreaking but so, so real. none of the conflict felt contrived. i understood where both mc’s were coming from. 

i am happy i stumbled upon this book and i cant wait to read the rest of the series. 

“But this? You? I feel like…like I found the missing piece.” 🩷
Fake It Till You Bake It by Jamie Wesley

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


conflicted on how to rate this… it was cute at times but otherwise pretty boring? i didn’t feel anything for donovan. i felt like jada just really needed therapy (no shade girl, me too).

neither character felt fully fleshed out to me.
the third act breakup came out of nowhere and was completely resolved at a random event after three months

i wanted to love it but i just… didn’t :(

“We’re in this together. We said that from day one. Now that we’re us for real, I mean it even more.”
The Neighbor Favor by Kristina Forest

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


i LOVED the emails in the beginning of this book. i loved lily and how she grew throughout the book. she never gave up on herself and eventually learned to stand up for herself!! i was so proud. 

i’m a sucker for any book with close sister relationships so this was right up my alley and i am so looking forward to reading the next two books in the series. also???? the flower names??? SO CUTE

nick and lily felt so real; nick’s childhood trauma affecting his ability to maintain relationships; lily’s constant comparison to her sisters and trying to be her own person. i love how earnestly they believed in each other. they made strides as individuals and in their relationship. we love to see it. 

“‘I love you,’ he said. ‘I've loved you since you sent me that first email last year. You found me when I didn't want to be found. You saved me.’” 🩷
Team Players by Deanna Grey

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


Sunny Disposition by Deanna Grey

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


Not in My Book by Katie Holt

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


best book i’ve read this year, and dare i say: it’s in the running for my favorite book ever.

so many things to love about not in my book:
  • rosie is a romance reader AND writer but not in an annoying way??? you know what i’m talking about. she reads so naturally and i’d definitely be her friend irl 
  • aiden had moments where he sucked but it was for good reason (hello #daddyissues) so it didn’t make him irredeemable 
  • rosie’s workshop group were supportive without being overbearing and i loved their dynamic
  • aiden was so down bad for rosie and i loved it too much
things not to love about not in my book:
  • literally nothing 
  • i will take no criticisms of this book, no matter how valid they are

anyways this book is likely to become my entire personality!!!

“I love you. In light and dark, in romance and litfic. In this lifetime and the next.” 🩷
Snap Shot by Ruby Rana

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  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


listen,, i firmly believe romance books rarely need to be over 400 pages but i ate this UP!!! there was so much love between indira and landon and i love me a man who’s down bad for his girl 

four stars instead of five because i didn’t love that we’d experience something from landon’s perspective and the very next chapter would be the same experience from indira’s perspective. i wouldn’t have minded that once or twice but it felt unnecessary repetitive, especially in the beginning. 

“I have always, always, always loved you. It’s always been you.“ 🤎