A review by ariamariereads
I Think They Love You by Julian Winters

  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


back to back amazing reads? hell yeah.

i started reading this book at midnight and didn’t stop until i was finished. i was hooked from the dedication. i love a fake dating, second chance romance SO BAD!!! denz and braylon's original break up is heartbreaking, but necessary. like braylon said, absence makes the heart grow fonder. 

i love denz’s protective family members; kami is my fav. denz is struggling to find and be himself, kami isn’t afraid to let him know. i even love the nosey aunties. 

braylon is sUCH A CUTIE!! i would love to read any part of the story from his POV. i was weary of him, just like denz’s family, but WHEW did he win me over. they were both so lonely without each other and i am glad to have seen them giving each other, and themselves, another shot at happiness. 

“‘The best part is,’ Denz continues, ‘even if you know the ending, if you predicted how the couple is going to get there in the first five seconds, the journey is never the same. How we get there is always, always different.’” 🤎