A review by ariamariereads
You & I, Rewritten by Chip Pons


i’m so sad because i wanted to love this and i just… didn’t. 
  1. i typically don’t mind insta-love, in fact, i’d venture to say i actually like the trope. however,  i felt like we were going to get some workplace tension with the introduction of the love interest and then all the sudden they’re going on dates??? like give me some angst, give me some “i want him so bad but i can’t because (insert reason here).”
  2. the book felt very monologue-y.  the paragraphs(!!!) explaining how important klair’s friendship is to will and how he’d never be able to say how much she meant to him–YOU’RE SAYING IT RIGHT NOW AND YOU’VE BEEN SAYING IT 
  3. i spent like twenty chapters waiting for something (anything!!) to happen, and then in the last like two chapters EVERYTHING happened. all the sudden
    his dads dying, oh and also wrote the book will’s trying to publish, and oh, dad’s been sober for years.
    and as the daughter of addicts i completely understand the whirlwind that emotionally-unstable parents can cause. but i felt like we could’ve made that more relevant throughout the entire book. it was too jam packed of an ending for a book that had like ?nothing for most of the book. 

idk if i’d read something else by this author. we will see. 

“My father, one of the few people on this earth who is genetically programmed to love me, could not or would not choose me.” 

(.5 star for this quote bc #relatable)