tinaanderson's reviews
267 reviews

Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia by Greg Rucka

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It's been some time since reading this, I had to pull the hardcover off my shelf for this review. (smiles) I loved the ancient Greek tie-in, we see Diana as a normal citizen [an ambassador sans her teddy], and with that, we see her as more human. A young woman kills the pornographer that murdered her sister--thus incurring the wrath of Batman; but she makes it to the Themysciran embassy and bows at the feet of Princess Diana, she begs for shelter and protection--and Diana, following tradition--gives it to her. This puts her at odds with Bats. The only thing this story could've done without? The Furies. They just seemed too distracting...I think this story could've been told without their involvement. Overall, it is one of the better Wonder Woman stories out there!
Wonder Woman: Love and Murder by Jodi Picoult

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I couldn't begin to chronicle the epic fail of this writer on this series. :/ I also resent the way DC is promoting the hardcover, with Piccolt's name larger than the series title...are we making romance novels now DC? By the time I hit book #7, I couldn't take anymore of the 'duh dosage'.
Wonder Woman: The Contest by William Messner-Loebs, Mike Deodato Jr.

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There's just not enough love I can give this book. I could show my true fangeek and actually quote lines from it...but I wont do that. Not here. The only con for this book is that, it was drawn in the time where 'glossy cheesecake' was KING in the comics world, and so you have a story with very well rounded women, having very well rounded drama...but they're all dressed like they're at the Playboy Mansion for some poolside drinking. :/

But hey, that the tradition of the Paradise Island that was the norm on the television show. Sure, if you can overlook the togas, breasts that defy gravity, and long flowing Caucasian hair on ethnic women, then you'll find a story here that will keep you reading from start to finish. No shoujo can touch it!
Lemon's and Cream's Fairy Tale Collection by Camilla Bruce

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Now I’ve never been a fan of the ‘fairy-tale yaoi’ works. I know it’s done extensively in Japan, and because of what I’ve seen from Japan, it’s turned me off. There’s a modest fan base for ‘fairy-tale yaoi’ in West, fans really love it, but for me, the Japanese doujinshika using western fairytales as a basis for their man smut, qualifies as too close too 'stupid'. I don’t care how lovely your artwork is, if your story translated makes no flipping sense, then you get the stupid card and every Japanese ‘fairy-tale yaoi’ book I’ve ever seen, has pretty much qualified. ^^;

So when I got this book, I rolled my eyes…but then I read it. The first story, Faerie Doll Bride, didn’t interest me. It was too close to ‘fairy tale’ for me I guess and so I didn’t even finish. The second story, Magenta, was frigging hot. Very hot. 0_0. Camilla Bruce has an uncanny talent for extremely sexy narrative. The Swan story was a bit too fluffy for me, but I know many fen who’d swoon over it. And the final story, 'Nix', was a short and very well written piece of erotica. It had more imagery than Magenta, but remained just as sexy.

I liked it, and I'm not even a true fan of ‘fairy-tale yaoi’. If you are a fan of this sort of thing, you’ll definitely enjoy it.
Snagged by Jet Mykles

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This is pure ‘yaoi fic’.

The plot on its own would easily qualify as something straight out of the annals of ‘yaoi manga’: Kyle is an 18 yo safecracker-being blackmailed into stealing by his dead father’s boss. [The man has evidence that he’s a thief, so uses it to force Kyle to steal for him]. So Kyle figures he’s just going to steal the evidence and get out from under boss man’s thumb—NOT. He gets caught by one of the boss’s henchman, Seth, who also demands a payment in order to keep quiet—the male/male sort. Seth has an interesting story though, especially when it comes to the boss’s hold over Kyle, which comes out as you read—I like where the story went, because it’s not where I thought it would go [I don’t want ruin it.]

Get this book if you’re into this sort of fiction. The cover is hot—except for the typography. Do pubs not realize that puffy oversized text is made of some serious suck? 0_o.
Only the Ring Finger Knows: The Left Hand Dreams of Him by Satoru Kannagi

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I’d love to leave it at Generic, but I got fooled by Amazon reviews into actually buying this piece of crap. I disliked the first one, because I felt the writing wasn’t meant for my age group, so I didn’t review it...but upon reading this one...I’ve determined that I wouldn’t even wipe my ass with it, yet I’ve no qualms about sodomizing a few of those Amazon reviewers with it.

Fool me once, b*tches. I stand by my original parody name for this series...Only The Ring Finger, Blows. Oh, and don’t get me started on how badly this book is put together–if I were June, I’d be embarrassed to put my logo on it.
Robin: Wanted by Karl Kerschl, Wayne Faucher, Adam Beechen, Freddie E. Williams II

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No words can express my love for this book. Williams art if perfect, Beechen's story is very entertaining...are grown women supposed to be into 'young action hero's' this much? This book will definitely make many women 'Robin fans'.