A review by tinaanderson
Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia by Greg Rucka


It's been some time since reading this, I had to pull the hardcover off my shelf for this review. (smiles) I loved the ancient Greek tie-in, we see Diana as a normal citizen [an ambassador sans her teddy], and with that, we see her as more human. A young woman kills the pornographer that murdered her sister--thus incurring the wrath of Batman; but she makes it to the Themysciran embassy and bows at the feet of Princess Diana, she begs for shelter and protection--and Diana, following tradition--gives it to her. This puts her at odds with Bats. The only thing this story could've done without? The Furies. They just seemed too distracting...I think this story could've been told without their involvement. Overall, it is one of the better Wonder Woman stories out there!