spectracommunist's reviews
372 reviews

Deception Point by Dan Brown

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An excellent blend of Sci-fi & Politics

It's been a very looong read..

Dan Brown is one of my favourite author & this was his third book I've read..Dan always targets some great figures or organisations in his every book which makes it sometimes controversial but very exciting.He is a man with a vast knowledge in the fields of Science, Geology, Religion and many others sometimes it just makes me wonder!!

The story was very thrilling it's got excellent twists till end. The Character of Rachel Sexton was very strong at centre.There was a lot of mind blowing techie stuffs & A house of cards among politicians.There were lots of terrific action scenes..

I think there was some middle part which felt somewhat empty but the last part was much fascinating & exciting.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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Every search begins with beginner's luck and every search ends with the victor's being severly tested.No one fails to suffer the consequences of everything under the sun.All you have to do is contemplate a simple grain of sand,and you will see in all the marvels of creation.
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

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A classical play by Oscar Wilde with best dialogues ever.There's a lot of fascinating vocabulary used which makes it an essence of English literature.The play is quite humourous & dramatic,a family play about relationships.I loved the style of writing & characters were great.The play was just great I don't have words to express..
Karmyog - by Swami Vivekananda

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It's a chapter from The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. An Ultimate Philosophy on The Art of Living.
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

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“After dinner, I become afraid despite myself. I know I should be joyous, for this reunion is the proof that love can still be ours, but I know the bell has tolled this evening. The sun has long since set and the thief is about to come, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. So I stare at her and wait and live a lifetime in these last remaining moments.”

It is a touching, poignant and compelling story that will forever linger in you with nostalgia. It resonates with an emotional vibrancy that will enchant one, making it remarkable and memorable.

This is the best love story I've read so far. The beauty lies in the sweet little moments larger than life that they have spent together in a small south american village. The romance between Noah and Allie is Sublime!

Nicholas Sparks avoided much of Drama to make it a perfect Romance in the midst of nature. All the Love Letters and Poetry of Whitman, Tennyson, Thomas and Browning was described aesthetically.

I have a lot of feelings with this book which is difficult to express.
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

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3.5 stars

The Tipping Point is basically an idea which refers to the critical crucial extremely small point that we often neglect but it tends to be the biggest cause of an epidemic..

Some of the Tipped epidemics like the rise of Hush Puppies, the fall of New York's crime rate, the spread of syphilis in Baltimore which is highly catalyzed by the agents of change like the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor & the Power of Context.

It is quite astonishing that all the major changes we see around in every stream is brought mainly by few people whom we call the Connectors, the Mavens & the Salesmen.

Malcolm Gladwell is I would say a Man of vast knowledge & experience in Economics, Business as well as Psychology. Some of the things I didn't liked about this book was some of the topics like Blue's Clues Stickiness factor & The Unsticky Cigarette like He just started to elaborate an episode of Blues Clues to find the factors as if I was the reader is little child :/ but okay except that part the book was quite interesting I got many things to know...
The Power by Rhonda Byrne

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I don't regret the theme of this book ... but Mann! this so exaggerating, everyone knows all this things, it's insidious and we actually receive these things from our environment itself. The book was like' Yes, you can do it and blah blah' It's so boring. If anyone wants to try something like this go for 'The Secret'.
I would say the quotes of famous people in it are actually good but all that are not in the harmony with the topic in which the author describes them, it actually creates an illusion leading to misunderstand the actual meaning of them.
Life is so short to read books like this
1984 by George Orwell

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“Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.”

Under the spreading Chestnut Tree
U sold me & I sold U
There lie they & here lie we
Under the spreading Chestnut Tree

this line at the climax part OMG!!!

More horrific than a horror.It's a Masterpiece by genius George Orwell.The thought of this book provoked from the regimes of Socialist & Communist parties of World War II.The initial part was kinda boring but at the middle & then the end was great, The best part of the book was I think the tortures by O'Brien & the book of Goldstein & awesome twists.The Power Hunger & The absolute corruption by manipulations.
Spoiler I knew how that it was gonna end as a tragedy as I've read Animal Farm i know Orwell's ways.

It was the worst conditions in a dystopia i've ever read.The world was reconstructed on the basis of Fear & Hatred.How the things turned out in the book like Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace & Ignorance is Strength...The concept of Doublethink was the most important part of the book & how the brainwashing they did to the entire population throwing them in the pits of illusions and even burning up their conscience.

This book was also on the Existentialism & the Illusion of Destiny laying many psychological implications. I don't think this would be suitable for children & shouldn't be in academics although it is thought provoking.This was based on the fact that the ever struggling Highs now decides to retain their positions permanently by suppressing everyone else.

I totally agree with the critics that 'THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A WARNING & NOT A GUIDE'. This is the most awesome thing I've read this year!
A Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka

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This short story was the last work of Kafka symbolically expresses the death.
In “A Hunger Artist,” the hunger artist’s troubled relationship with his spectators suggests that the artist exists apart from society and must therefore be misunderstood. In the hunger artist’s case, being an artist means cutting oneself off from the world, a conclusion reflected in the hunger artist’s conscious choice to sequester himself in a cage. This physical separation of hunger artist and spectator mirrors the spiritual separation of the individual artistic ego and public will. This gap in mindset leads to a critical gap in understanding. Set apart from others, only the hunger artist realizes the importance of his ambitions and accomplishments, and only he knows that he is not cheating. The further the hunger artist goes in pursuit of perfection, as he does in the circus, the further away he moves from the understanding of the people for whom he performs. The artist will always be separated from society because the qualities that distinguish him as an “artist” and are worth preserving are the ones that ensure he will never be understood.