A review by spectracommunist
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell


3.5 stars

The Tipping Point is basically an idea which refers to the critical crucial extremely small point that we often neglect but it tends to be the biggest cause of an epidemic..

Some of the Tipped epidemics like the rise of Hush Puppies, the fall of New York's crime rate, the spread of syphilis in Baltimore which is highly catalyzed by the agents of change like the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor & the Power of Context.

It is quite astonishing that all the major changes we see around in every stream is brought mainly by few people whom we call the Connectors, the Mavens & the Salesmen.

Malcolm Gladwell is I would say a Man of vast knowledge & experience in Economics, Business as well as Psychology. Some of the things I didn't liked about this book was some of the topics like Blue's Clues Stickiness factor & The Unsticky Cigarette like He just started to elaborate an episode of Blues Clues to find the factors as if I was the reader is little child :/ but okay except that part the book was quite interesting I got many things to know...