A review by spectracommunist
1984 by George Orwell


“Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.”

Under the spreading Chestnut Tree
U sold me & I sold U
There lie they & here lie we
Under the spreading Chestnut Tree

this line at the climax part OMG!!!

More horrific than a horror.It's a Masterpiece by genius George Orwell.The thought of this book provoked from the regimes of Socialist & Communist parties of World War II.The initial part was kinda boring but at the middle & then the end was great, The best part of the book was I think the tortures by O'Brien & the book of Goldstein & awesome twists.The Power Hunger & The absolute corruption by manipulations.
Spoiler I knew how that it was gonna end as a tragedy as I've read Animal Farm i know Orwell's ways.

It was the worst conditions in a dystopia i've ever read.The world was reconstructed on the basis of Fear & Hatred.How the things turned out in the book like Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace & Ignorance is Strength...The concept of Doublethink was the most important part of the book & how the brainwashing they did to the entire population throwing them in the pits of illusions and even burning up their conscience.

This book was also on the Existentialism & the Illusion of Destiny laying many psychological implications. I don't think this would be suitable for children & shouldn't be in academics although it is thought provoking.This was based on the fact that the ever struggling Highs now decides to retain their positions permanently by suppressing everyone else.

I totally agree with the critics that 'THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A WARNING & NOT A GUIDE'. This is the most awesome thing I've read this year!