readingwithcake's reviews
665 reviews

Magpie Lane by Lucy Atkins

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This whodunnit read kept me on my toes! I smashed it out in one day because I had to find out what had happened! @ had to suffer through my ramblings as I tried to guess who was the bad guy as I read! It was a well written book, I felt for the poor child, Felicity, and just wanted to wrap her in cotton wool. The book had me questioning all the characters and the ending left me all whaaaaa did I just read! This is not my usual read but I am so glad I read it as I loved the thrill it gave me while reading! Fantastic work Atkins, it is a suspense/ thriller book that you cannot put down.
The Shelf by Helly Acton

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Wow this book sensational! I went in with zero expectations and I was blown away by how much I enjoyed this. I read it in one day, that’s how much I loved it. This book seemed like a big eff you to sexist, self centred men who treat women terribly. We meet Amy who literally just got dumped and get her development over 4 weeks as well as her observations of the other women in the house. I just felt that this book was pure girl power, women taking ownership of their decisions and self realisation about how they wanted to be treated by not only men but by themselves too. Honestly I think everyone who is single or happily loved up needs to read this highly relevant 21st century take on the treatment of women and how disgusting attitudes towards women are still prevalent in our society. I feel like I tackled so many issues and that it was done in a strong but also light way? It really was a fantastic commentary on so many feminist issues and the author has done so well on her debutbook!
The Sight of You by Holly Miller

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Okay so even though Joel’s medical condition ( can I call it that??) is insane, I am so in love with this story!! I love Joel, I want Joel and Callie to have the best life together and go to Chile together and grow old together... I keep saying together because the blurb implied that they don’t stay together and this breaks my heart as I am here for them
A Dance with Fate by Juliet Marillier

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really enjoyed the first book Harp of Kings which I read the week before reading A Dance with Fate. I love Juliet Marillier, her writing is so beautiful and she takes you on such a journey in her story. Harp of Kings was a 5 star read for me whereas A Dance with Fate was a 4 star read. It follows the same characters thankfully, Liobhan is such a strong female character and I wanted to get more of her journey! There is some romance but it’s not the focus of the book at all. This book and the one before is about forging strong friendships and family bonds. I couldn’t give this a 5 star because the story setting at the beginning seemed rather unnecessary to me, sending a 19 year old man back to his insanely abusive family? Why? Send him to the next village, he’s 19 not 15
The Harp of Kings by Juliet Marillier

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Loved being back in another Juliet Marillier book! The lady can do no wrong ❤️
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

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There is nothing better than reading an amazing review book! Feels so good to give a glowing review
Navigating the Stars by Maria V. Snyder

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⁣ I loved that Lyra was outspoken, insanely intelligent and has a beautiful relationship with her parents ( dunno this was just really refreshing for a 17 year old protagonist). This book was in first person and Lyra talked directly to the reader, something that I sometimes don’t overly enjoy but in this case found very entertaining. The book is centred on Lyra and her parents hunting down Terracotta warriors on planets across the universe. I do love Chinese history so I’m really excited to see where this aspect of the plot takes us in book two and three, I want more terracotta warriors! Of course we have a love interest and it’s funny/ interesting to watch that unfold. The book was all action forward the end and didn’t disappoint. I’m really excited to read book two this month, just in time for book three to be realised in early December! ⁣⁣

City of Lies by Sam Hawke

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A fantasy book by an AUSTRALIAN author!! Honestly I was so unbelievably excited when Penguin told us about Sam and her latest book getting released next month, which is actually being released next week, and we just knew we had to get our hands on the first book! I really enjoyed the setting, a family of poison tasters to the ruler/ chancellor. I do love a good rebellion and normally our protagonists are on the rebellion side so it was interesting to be on the side of the monarchy for once! Kalina was definitely one of my favourite characters and I loved An Hadrea too. Jovans’ character seemed a little naive at times but I think this was part of his character so it didn’t bother me too much. The book started off very fast paced then slowed in the middle slightly but then picked up again and wow that ending was intense!! It was a fantastic fantasy whodunit book that kept me guessing and I would love it for more Aussies to support their local fantasy authors because this book is great and I can’t wait to read the next instalment ( I’m starting it today)!!
One Day in December by Josie Silver

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The drama! I loved it and it’s now going to be a regular Christmas book for me!