A review by readingwithcake
The Shelf by Helly Acton


Wow this book sensational! I went in with zero expectations and I was blown away by how much I enjoyed this. I read it in one day, that’s how much I loved it. This book seemed like a big eff you to sexist, self centred men who treat women terribly. We meet Amy who literally just got dumped and get her development over 4 weeks as well as her observations of the other women in the house. I just felt that this book was pure girl power, women taking ownership of their decisions and self realisation about how they wanted to be treated by not only men but by themselves too. Honestly I think everyone who is single or happily loved up needs to read this highly relevant 21st century take on the treatment of women and how disgusting attitudes towards women are still prevalent in our society. I feel like I tackled so many issues and that it was done in a strong but also light way? It really was a fantastic commentary on so many feminist issues and the author has done so well on her debutbook!