readerlatte's reviews
236 reviews

The Final Six by Alexandra Monir

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My Review: This one was a slightly slower story but it worked out very well. I really loved how this one made me think of a prequel to a movie that was out forever ago called Water World. Because this is set in our world but it been devastated by storms, flooding, and earthquakes. The world is pretty much almost fully covered in water and the government and NASA are trying to find a way to send 6 teens to one of the moons of Jupiter called Europa.

I really enjoyed how this one started out and the dual POV. At first, I thought I was going to hate it but it really worked out in the end. So don't worry you do NOT have 6 POVS just 2. I was kind of freaking out when I saw that it has different POVs and went and checked to see how many there were.

So the story of this one has us going through the selection, training, and the final selection for the final six. Along the way there were some major twists and turns that I didn't totally see coming. One twist dealing with this story and this injection the kids were given had me thinking of this movie on Netflix where adults were given an injection so they could survive on another planet but it started changing them into a being or creature that could survive and it took away their humanity altogether. But don't worry that was so not a turn off for this book. That movie although kind of weird was really good.

The pacing of this was really good. I never felt bored and I wanted to keep reading I really hope that we get a book two. I tweeted to the author but she never said if there was going to be a book two. Why are authors so evil sometimes?

We get another twist during the end of this book and it really sets up a book two. I will be nothing but tears if we do not get a book two for this!! Well, I guess there will be a book two Goodreads has updated to add the series so YAY!!

One other thing about this book that I am totally freaking out about is that Sony has picked it up to turn it into a movie!! So fingers crossed they don't kill it.

Go Into This One Knowing: Dual POV, Romance, No Space
The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King

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My Review: OMG I really kind of forgot how much I loved this book!! From beginning to end it was a beautiful story and one that I enjoyed rereading. This one starts off with the world abusing women and slowly changes with the help of Kali. I really can not wait to start the next title. As I remember nothing of what happens. This is one story where the men think they hold all the power but it's really the women that are in charge. This is one story that will make you both happy and sad and it will rip out your heart by the end.

Go Into This One Knowing: Overthrowing an Empire, Death, Slight Insta-Love, Cliffhanger, Abuse of Women
The Fire Queen by Emily R. King

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My Review: First off you really do need to read book one of this before this one. However if you decide to jump into this one without reading book one. I think the author did a wonderful job giving us an update on what happened in book one. She didn't over do it and did it just enough to remind you of the key points of what happened in the first title.

This story was very well done. I do think that there is one part of this where Kalinda is in a cave and there's something else down there with her. I really hope that we find out what it was. I really thought that maybe it was a dragon that was going to come out of hiding and jump in and save her but that never happened. So much stuff happens in this story and the flow of it was so good. I was up until 2am to finish it and the it left me on a slight cliffhanger and I really wanted to start the next book but of course I fell asleep before that happened.

I really loved how Kalinda was torn between keeping her throne and doing what she wanted. It felt very real and genuine with how she felt and how she was dealing with the aftermath of book one. This is one of those stories where you will be flipping the pages faster and faster.

I asked Emily R. King last night about Kalinda and how in the world she embodied the Dragon Queen from Game of Thrones and she told me she doesn't watch it at all. So that was a big shocker. Because fans of the Danny will totally fall in love with Kalinda in this title. She is fierce as all get out and OMG I love her so much!!
I really did enjoy having Deven's POV in this one however parts of it early on just kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I know that Deven had it in his head that he was disgraced but how could he loose faith in Kali so fast? On the other hand I know how it feels to doubt yourself and in this stance he was doing that more than really losing faith with Kali. But I really wished that would have come out on the page. I feel so sorry for Deven in this story to start out with.

Duty and Love war in this second installment of The Hundredth Queen series set in a vivid world you are sure to fall for this thrilling adventure! ~CrossroadReviews

Go Into This One Knowing: Dual POV, Light Love Triangle
The Rogue Queen by Emily R. King

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My Review: This one picks up where book two left off. To start off this one really reminded me of parts of the Throne of Glass series. They are going into a cove with a breaker just like what is in the Pirates cove in a few of the TOG books. As well as a man who doesn't know his father which is also in the TOG books. I really liked the similarities of the two stories.

The pacing of this one was just as fast as book two. It's really speeding along. I do will say that what was going on with Kalinda and Ashwin was kind of predictable to me. Which when I first figured out what was going on I was a little bummed but once things started heating up I was yelling at them NO NO!!! Because of corse I knew why they were doing certain things but they didn't. So in the end knowing before hand what was happening and why really worked out. It raised the suspense and really just made me want to hop into the book and like slap them both to make them stop.

Kalinda in this one has really come into her own. She knows what she wants by the end of this story and really understands what she wants to bring to the empire. As for Ashwin I really enjoyed his parts of the story and he as well has grown. He isn't so much of a fluffy little boy anymore and is really starting to take the lead on being a ruler. As for Deven I didn't like parts of his POV as much as I did in book two. I do still love the man with all my heart but parts of his POV just seemed a little flat to me.

Another part of this story that I really thought was wonderful is that the author didn't try and have Kalinda stop the multiple wives and courtesans things. I thought she was going to bring it up or have Ashwin say he only wants Kalinda but they never did. I think that really brings a lot of culture and way of life to this story. That just because it's not how we do things. We should still respect how things are done in other places.

The third installment of The Hundredth Queen series will leave you grasping for you heart and gives new understanding what it means for good to fight evil.

Go Into This One Knowing: Slightly Predicable, Good vs. Evil

In Another Life by C.C. Hunter

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My Review: When I first started reading this one I found myself pulled into the story. I will have to see if some of this comes up in the finished copy so please be advised that I am saying this via an ARC. So one major issue I had with this one was that early on Cash (yes that is his name) talks about having one of those DNA test things from like and then that's it. Its never mentioned after that. I thought it was a little weird and well kind of stupid to bring it up if nothing came of it.

The entire story about a girl who was adopted but might have been kidnapped was great. It had danger and mystery, a little romance, and a lot of heart. But I kind of wished that a little of it would have been cleaned up just a little more than what it was. My ARC of this book is 336 pages and I think this could have been cut down by say 50-75 pages give or take. Towards the middle parts when they are in the thick of the mystery of finding out for sure if Chole had been kidnapped it began to drag a lot. So that was kind of disappointing as I think this is the first book by this author that I didn't flat out a scream from the rooftops loved. I mean don't get me wrong I did LOVE it but as it sits it wasn't the 5 stars read I was hoping for.

So all in all this book had two main characters it was told in alternating POV of them then one other POV towards the middle-end parts. I won't tell you who that one is since I don't want to spoil anything. I loved Chloe and me really kind of wanted to bend Cash over my knee and bust his butt. (not in a sexual way btw but as a parent). I really wished that this book would have had a little more of him coming to terms with who he was and the issues he harbored against his past. The book pretty much takes like three paragraphs and does that but it would have been nice to really see him talk with his foster parents and really come to terms with his anger and guilt. Another thing I wished would have really happened which I guess it kind of did but not how I really wanted it to. Chloe in this is pretty much the parent. Her mom is going downhill, she is getting over Cancer (which was hard to read about since my mom is doing the same thing), she is going through a divorce from her husband cheating on her and of course, she is just not doing well. I would have liked to see Chole to break a few eggs as she said and rip into her mom about her being the child and her being the mom. She did yell at her about taking pills which I thought was great. But I wish they would have had a real conversation about what was going on. For Chole's dad, I think his side of the story worked well. I was kind of sad of one turn in the story that although was ok I was really hoping that a certain purchase was going to be him trying to win Chole's mom back. But alas it was not meant to be. Last but not least Cash's foster parents were great we got to learn a little about them etc. I don't really have anything to say about them.

I do have to say that I loved that parents were actually in the story and not just one but two full sets of mom and dad!! I mean YES PLEASE!!

The romance in this one was light but deep. I really loved the epilogue we got at the end. Although this two fall in love early I didn't feel like it was insta-love I felt like they had spent time together and bonded. So that was wonderful.

So the mystery of wither or not Chole had been kidnapped. This I have to say got me going at first. Towards the end of the book, you learn if it was one way or another and the secret is out of the bag. I kind of wished that the author would have omitted those parts out since it took the mystery out of the story from then on. You know the truth and that's that. Although it became somewhat predictable I still enjoyed getting to that part and learning the truth.

At the end of this one, I kind of wished that this would have centered around Chole finding out the truth sooner then them dealing with the outcome of that truth. Then the danger towards the end wouldn't have felt so rushed and more could have happened. With Chole and her family dealing with emotions etc. As well as Cash and Chole learning how to deal with their romance. And Cash with his issues.

Go Into This One Knowing: Child Kidnapping, LGBT in passing, Child Abuse, Adoption, Romance
Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody

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My Review: I am so sad that I did not enjoy this one. I tried it three times before I had to call it quit. First off I would like to tell you that I have not read Six of Crows so I will not be comparing the two.

So this one started off pretty good but once that dual POV takes over and we get into the story this one fell apart for me. Early on this one lost me in its world of info dumping, characters, and well the world itself. I really do love made up names and terms but when it gets to the point where I need a dictionary and a float chart to keep things straight then its a little much.

I really loved the authors first book but this one just lacked the right execution. I kind of wished that this one would have been just one POV which I think it would have made the story a little more solid.

So in the end for me this one just did not work out at all. I had high hopes but those were dashed.
Damsel by Elana K. Arnold

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This book was a grey book with a grey world and in that world it was full of med that slayed dragons to find damsels but he had to have sex with the hole that his sword made in that dead dragon. (yep its not word for word but that's in there!!!).
The Queen's Rising by Rebecca Ross

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My Review: I really wanted to love this book. I gave it over 200 pages instead of the normal 50-100 pages that I normally give books but sadly this one came to an end around page 225. I found that it took the story way to long to get really started. At about 100 pages the story picked up but even past that it lagged a lot.

I loved the idea of the passions it was something fresh and new. The world that they lived in was like most fantasy worlds set in this time period of Castles and queens and kings. My main issue was that I was just bored to tears. I wished that this would have started out like it did with Brienna showing up at the school and then it skipping to 7 years later. But I wished that those chapters after that leading up to the solstice and her graduating would have been summed up a lot faster.

The next issue I had was that if you looked at the front of the book it gives you a very convent family tree that lays out who everyone belongs to and where. So this entire book that centered around Brienna's family was kind of stupid I am sorry to say. Because we already knew who her father was etc. So that was a very big let down. I wished that the author/publisher would have maybe put that at the back of the book because it really is like a MAJOR spoiler for the story.

This book just really lacked the suspense and thrill that it could have had. I kept reading because I was hoping that something was going to happen to speed up the story and make me be like OMG that's awesome. But in 225 pages that just didn't happen.

So sadly this one just was not for me. If you like slower stories that well are fairly predictable then check this one out.

Go Into This One Knowing: Spoilers at the start of the book, Predictable, Slow
Toward a Secret Sky by Heather Maclean

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My Review: I was so enjoying this story. It was well paced and had a lot of mystery in it. I loved the romance that was coming and the suspense of figuring out what in the world was going on. But that all came to a crashing halt when around 70 pages our heroine finds some girl laying in a pew and this girl holds all of the answers that she was looking for. She knows where Maren's parents worked, the necklace, and she just goes on an info dumping story of telling Maren everything she needed to know. For me that killed the story. It was way to much to believe that this girl who says o don't let any information fall into the wrong hands. That she would just blurt out all this information to this girl that she JUST met. It was just to much for me to believe. So although I would kind of still want to know what was up the story just pretty much fell apart. I wished that this girl didn't exist in this story and maybe Maren could have overheard something from the nun that was there or something else. Because this just did not work for me at all.

Go Into This One Knowing: Unrealistic, Info dumping the Mystery starting at page 70
Beyond a Darkened Shore by Jessica Leake

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My Review: I really loved this one to start out with and I made it a little past 200 pages before I decided that this one was just not for me. I usually eat up books that are faster paced but this one seemed to be just a little too fast. I swore that these characters needed a vacation within the first 200 pages. I was like man people take a day off and rest for a few hours. Because from the start of this one it was one bad guy to the next and the next and the next and the next. And as I crept toward that 200 pages I just lost interest in what was going on.

I really loved the mythology that was used as well as the characters. For this one it was all the the action that just didn't work for me at all.