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A review by readerlatte
The Queen's Rising by Rebecca Ross


My Review: I really wanted to love this book. I gave it over 200 pages instead of the normal 50-100 pages that I normally give books but sadly this one came to an end around page 225. I found that it took the story way to long to get really started. At about 100 pages the story picked up but even past that it lagged a lot.

I loved the idea of the passions it was something fresh and new. The world that they lived in was like most fantasy worlds set in this time period of Castles and queens and kings. My main issue was that I was just bored to tears. I wished that this would have started out like it did with Brienna showing up at the school and then it skipping to 7 years later. But I wished that those chapters after that leading up to the solstice and her graduating would have been summed up a lot faster.

The next issue I had was that if you looked at the front of the book it gives you a very convent family tree that lays out who everyone belongs to and where. So this entire book that centered around Brienna's family was kind of stupid I am sorry to say. Because we already knew who her father was etc. So that was a very big let down. I wished that the author/publisher would have maybe put that at the back of the book because it really is like a MAJOR spoiler for the story.

This book just really lacked the suspense and thrill that it could have had. I kept reading because I was hoping that something was going to happen to speed up the story and make me be like OMG that's awesome. But in 225 pages that just didn't happen.

So sadly this one just was not for me. If you like slower stories that well are fairly predictable then check this one out.

Go Into This One Knowing: Spoilers at the start of the book, Predictable, Slow