onebookishbabe's reviews
785 reviews

Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck

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I really enjoyed this.., UP until about the last 25% of the book seriously too melodramatic for my liking. I feel a Vampire diaries plot 2 brothers vying for the love of 1 girl! Smh I'm going to have to get mentally prepared for it because that kind of love triangle is quite annoying. Anyway Ren is AWESOME, Kishan is a Prick and Kelsie I do like her but she is majorly ANNOYING. Sighs I digress... It was a lot of steamy make out scenes really steamy boy these YA books are really getting HOTTER these days.

Overall 4 stars will surely continue the series.
Starters by Lissa Price

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I swear I'll never look at the elderly the same after this book. They're going to forever frighten me...

This book was Good! Honestly a solid 4 stars. I let the romance that I felt was shoved down my throat go. For obvious reasons. The lack of world building total -.75 but that ending the last page before the cliffhanger I totally saw coming got it a -.25stars because to me it just seem like its going to be another forced romance In the 2nd book*sighs*. I guess I can forgive the sorry excuse for romance if I can find out more on the war. Those are my only gripes.

I'd definitely recommend to folks so enjoy this genre because clearly other folks don't get it.
Insurgent by Veronica Roth

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Sighs... I don't know what to say!

It was action packed there's no denying that, but me and this story don't seem to be getting along. Now don't get me wrong I don't hate it, it's just not something I'll be Fangirling over with the rest of you!

I feel a little bad I wanted to LOVE the series like everyone else but I can't it's just so much I guess I don't get :/ (Oh Well)


Will I be recommending this to others..? There is really no need I'm sure all of the Die Heard Divergenites have already read it.
Faefever by Karen Marie Moning

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I can't deal! I just can't WTF was that about the entire book was so BOMB up until that ending I just want to scream (but don't want the cops called) my feelings are Hurt. That ending man Jeez.

Thank heavens this was during the publication years I wouldn't be able to take wait a whole FECKING year.
Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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I mean I knew deep down this might happen but really, Really Armentrout? Sighs. I can't even think straight right now, you're EVIL, pure EVIL I tell you! After everything really after all of the things that happened why would you put me through this?

My feelings are hurt like seriously! BUT I do love this Book, I Love this whole series. But that ending oh Holy hell idk what to say! :(

OkAY simmer down Deniece!

this book deserves every star it got. It was just that Good, the romance, the action, and Daemon oh god was he even more Awesome this book (teehee). I want but all of what happened has been eclipsed by the ending. You're wrong! Gah! And I don't think I have it in me to wait for the next installment. I need it like yesterday it would be greatly appreciated. Please pretty Please!!!!!

Okay so I have to stop spazzing out and get to the end, 5 stars of course I recommend this book/series to people, I've been telling book readers I know since Obsidian. It's awesome pure awesome you all should read it, I'm not kidding! DO IT!!!

Criminal Promises: Second Chance Detectives by Nikki Duncan

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Won this in a giveaway.
This was a few grammatical errors but nothing too bad. Also at the end when the accomplice was revealed I was a little confused it named one person as the accomplice then 2 pages later someone totally different. I reread it a few times to see if I missed something but nope nothing was missed. So I just rolled with it didn't bother me a bit (and knowing me I did skip something shhh) Anyway...

Hot Guy, beautiful girl, both with a scarred past, Who fall for each other but fight it ever step of the way. While trying to catch a serial killer who is always 1 step ahead of them. Wooo Talk about frustrating. Anyway GOOD enjoyable read! Happy I won it :)
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

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I really don't know what to say about this book without giving everything away. Really I feel if I say anything other than this book was down right hilarious and at times gory and a bit awkward I'll just spill all the beans. So I'll say read it! It is most definitely worth the few hours total it takes to read it. And I mean who doesn't like Zombies nowadays? Really I'm serious who doesn't like freaking Zombies?!???

Enough ranting for a sec...

Overall rating- This gets a 4.5 simply because the sequel isn't coming out anytime soon and I have to wait so damn long to find out what happens next. That's not to say that it's a cliffhanger at the end in anyway because it wrapped up pretty good but it left plenty room for a great future in there.


R- the unexpected storyteller was down right hilarious you are routing for him from jump as you get to know what the zombies are like through his POV... (And here comes my crazy ranting) OKAY! Scratch all I've previously typed. I have my review. So With all of the Zombie lovers today who wouldn't want to know wth goes on in the undead minds?. Well with Warm Bodies you get it! They are jot portrayed as lifeless monsters here they're living damn near close to what humans consider is living. So We follow R on his daily Zombie life, we meet his friends go along with him on feasting trips where we discovers what really happens when the Zombies eat our "BRAINS.... BRAINS... BRAINS!!!" (Insert zombie arms) And from the moment he cracks a particular mans skull open & feast upon the delicacy that is his brain Little R's world changes. Possibly for the better...

There's romance and action and zombies watching Porn(lol)... I had to put the book down like every page or so because i was lol while at work & people we're probably thinking i was CRAZY. Anyway The zombies can communicate granted its not the intellectual inner dialog we get from R but they're communicating take that zombie movies everywhere! Now do I really need to go on they're talking, having lives in a community and watching porn for Petes sake!

Seriously if I keep going ill type out everything from the book,So to sum it up this book is 239 pages of Zombie fun. Read it, go ahead before they come for you and eat your BRAINS! Lol no just kidding but you should read it

Enjoy! :)
Beautiful Creatures by Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia

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I was really amped for the book after seeing the movie trailers. I was still really excited about the book up until page 480 something, then it kind of went down hill, Lena got STUPID I mean how do you get to about 90% of the book then decide oh I want to go be pretend friends with the people who have been ruining my life? Some of the book didn't seem to flow for me a lot of the stuff felt like it was just through in there, The big Family secret was ruined because I've watched the preview a hundred times and I'm constantly on IMDB looking up the cast and about them. SO I wasn't surprised in the least (my fault I know)

Anyway as with most books I read this book started off with 5 stars then dwindled down to 4 because I felt some of the things could have been summed up a little shorter (or maybe its my fault I waited to the last minute to read & I felt rushed) but Lena's last minute stupidity almost had me throwing the book at the wall so I knocked off another star, and honestly I wanted to knock off another because of the sorry excuse for the "big standoff" it kind of fell flat for me. However it was still an enjoyable read like I said I was totally into it until about 90% of the way (drawn out and all). Hell Maybe there is a chance that I will really enjoy the movie and my opinion on the book will change and I will Love it, Who knows...