A review by onebookishbabe
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion


I really don't know what to say about this book without giving everything away. Really I feel if I say anything other than this book was down right hilarious and at times gory and a bit awkward I'll just spill all the beans. So I'll say read it! It is most definitely worth the few hours total it takes to read it. And I mean who doesn't like Zombies nowadays? Really I'm serious who doesn't like freaking Zombies?!???

Enough ranting for a sec...

Overall rating- This gets a 4.5 simply because the sequel isn't coming out anytime soon and I have to wait so damn long to find out what happens next. That's not to say that it's a cliffhanger at the end in anyway because it wrapped up pretty good but it left plenty room for a great future in there.


R- the unexpected storyteller was down right hilarious you are routing for him from jump as you get to know what the zombies are like through his POV... (And here comes my crazy ranting) OKAY! Scratch all I've previously typed. I have my review. So With all of the Zombie lovers today who wouldn't want to know wth goes on in the undead minds?. Well with Warm Bodies you get it! They are jot portrayed as lifeless monsters here they're living damn near close to what humans consider is living. So We follow R on his daily Zombie life, we meet his friends go along with him on feasting trips where we discovers what really happens when the Zombies eat our "BRAINS.... BRAINS... BRAINS!!!" (Insert zombie arms) And from the moment he cracks a particular mans skull open & feast upon the delicacy that is his brain Little R's world changes. Possibly for the better...

There's romance and action and zombies watching Porn(lol)... I had to put the book down like every page or so because i was lol while at work & people we're probably thinking i was CRAZY. Anyway The zombies can communicate granted its not the intellectual inner dialog we get from R but they're communicating take that zombie movies everywhere! Now do I really need to go on they're talking, having lives in a community and watching porn for Petes sake!

Seriously if I keep going ill type out everything from the book,So to sum it up this book is 239 pages of Zombie fun. Read it, go ahead before they come for you and eat your BRAINS! Lol no just kidding but you should read it

Enjoy! :)