jane_kelsey's reviews
1348 reviews

Thirst by Claire Farrell

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After i read the first chapters i was so excited that i found a new vampire book that was just oh-so-awesome without being Twilightish. But then something happened and the story lost focus and the characters didn't develop as much as i expected them to. Ava had two ore three flashbacks from her childhood and that's it. We don't really get to see what sets her off.

And the love triangle... was it me, or there was no triangle? She has the poor guy who's name i already forgot as a puppy and she didn't want him, but craved his blood, and then it was Peter and she was attracted to him, but all she did was lick his shoulder (sic!) to heal him.

i waited for something that was never delivered and I'm not gonna try to find it in the next books. uh... and i really hoped...
Darkness Falls by Jessica Sorensen

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I really liked this book and I'm gonna buy the other ones too, hopefully without getting disappointing. One of the best vampires books that I read lately and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that finally.. oh, so finally, vampires are quite grotesque, not at all sparkly and lovable! yess!!! I was even a little, just a little horrified.

And the main character... I liked her a lot despite the fact that she can't get passed that lying. I really liked that the Jessica Sorensen kept me on the edge the whole book. I didn't particularly liked Aidan, he was this full time liar, everything he said was a damned lie and made the story sometimes too maddening because he was so damn scared of loosing her... Guess what happens when you lie, pretty boy... you lose!

The thing that I found negative about it and it bothered me, was that she didn't do better at translating the language of The Highers which is Romanian and was most probably translated using Google; as a Romanian reader I really didn't like that. A minor defect, yes, but still, it bugged me, she could've put a little more effort and make it better.

All in all.. I really liked it. not exactly 4 stars, more like 3.6, but because I didn't feel Twilightish while reading it, I'll be generous and give 4 :P
Prince of Wolves by Quinn Loftis

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I read the blurb and with this nice, little cover I said to myself that I found something that I would enjoy reading, but I was mistaken. This book was a horrible read. On short, the story is about the prince of wolves who finds his true mate in Coldspring, Texas, but as he tries to court her, another male, Lucas has a claim on her and they must fight to the death. So far, so good, right?

oh well... here I start:

1. This book, as though is stated that was the revised and edited edition, would really, but really need a good editor.

2. Some of the characters are Romanian, which means that they speak freaking Romanian and not gibberish! I'm Romanian myself and while reading this book I was in mortal pain. Seriously? An author that respects him/herself would try a better way of translating words and phrases into another language than Google Translate.

3. I'm not a big fan of changing points of views in the story and that's because not many can master it, it requires skill. I'm not saying that you have to be Dostoievski in order to write a book that changes povs, but at least don't make my brain hurt. This is how it went: the story was narrated though the eyes of two characters and it was the same freaking scene with no bloody difference, so, what I did, I often skipped Fane narrating the story when it was no new addition; and usually it wasn't. They both described the same things with no difference, why would I read the same thing twice? Plus that, no room for mystery.

4. If the characters speech and manners are so damn informal, why my dear writer, why did you have to throw in there words like... "acquiesced"? It looks like a nut in a wall. And the dialogue, oh, the dialogue!

5. I didn't see a role in this book for those two girls, her friends. They didn't do anything, except kiss Jaquelin in her posterior and throw sarcastic comments all the time. All the freaking time! Even when it was something about life and death, those comments were there. I get that the author has a need, a powerful need to be sarcastic and witty and all that, but it's too much.
Even her mother was something like a puppet, she just existed and let her daughter do whatever. And nobody was shocked to find out that Fane was a bloody wolf, not even the neighbors. Really??

A very poorly written story... let me take that back... there was no story. Jaque meets Fane, she wants to bond with him after 5 days because he's her soulmate and he fights this guy to the death to have her in 230 pages and all the action happens in the last 20-30 pages, everything else is sarcastic comments and bad dialogue.

If I would recommend this book only to say: don't write a book like this!

ps:I really liked the cover.
Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter

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I loved this book sooo much! It's the best ya novel with zombies that's totally not lame, characters well contoured and action... a lot of action! It kept me on the edge, the vocabulary and the writing was good, no mistakes and no typos. The story brought something that i find refreshing and tasty into all of this. I like the fact that even if the story centered around Alice, it wasn't everything about her.
Maybe not a five start book, but under this circumstances and being the best ya novel in a very long time... hell yeah! 5 stars. Loved it and I can't wait for the Alice through the zombie glass in 2013.
An Ice Cold Grave by Charlaine Harris

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No no no. It wasn't that bad and the idea was interesting, but the plot was too thin, I figured really fast who the killers were, the characters were actually annoying, especially Harper and the fact that she has sex with her brother that's not her brother is so gross!!!

Too much useless descriptions of the people and the area... it made everything feel like it was written just to fill in pages so I jumped through paragraphs a lot.

London Belles by Annie Groves

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I liked this one. It was difficult for me at first to bond with the characters, but soon I was gripped and couldn't wait to see what happened. Now I'm so curious that I'll search the next book. Even though at some point i had to skip some waaaay to many descriptions of places and people that started to bore me down, it was a good read and the characters were believable and unique.

If you want to relax with a light read, London Belles is a good choice.
Forevermore by Lauren Royal

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Another easy book for when in need of reading some romance. It was okay, but at times the actions felt forced, like she was trying very hard to make he book longer when there were few reasons for that.
It wasn't a bad book, but we all knew how it was going to end, though I didn't anticipate that the room would be golden.