A review by jane_kelsey
Prince of Wolves by Quinn Loftis


I read the blurb and with this nice, little cover I said to myself that I found something that I would enjoy reading, but I was mistaken. This book was a horrible read. On short, the story is about the prince of wolves who finds his true mate in Coldspring, Texas, but as he tries to court her, another male, Lucas has a claim on her and they must fight to the death. So far, so good, right?

oh well... here I start:

1. This book, as though is stated that was the revised and edited edition, would really, but really need a good editor.

2. Some of the characters are Romanian, which means that they speak freaking Romanian and not gibberish! I'm Romanian myself and while reading this book I was in mortal pain. Seriously? An author that respects him/herself would try a better way of translating words and phrases into another language than Google Translate.

3. I'm not a big fan of changing points of views in the story and that's because not many can master it, it requires skill. I'm not saying that you have to be Dostoievski in order to write a book that changes povs, but at least don't make my brain hurt. This is how it went: the story was narrated though the eyes of two characters and it was the same freaking scene with no bloody difference, so, what I did, I often skipped Fane narrating the story when it was no new addition; and usually it wasn't. They both described the same things with no difference, why would I read the same thing twice? Plus that, no room for mystery.

4. If the characters speech and manners are so damn informal, why my dear writer, why did you have to throw in there words like... "acquiesced"? It looks like a nut in a wall. And the dialogue, oh, the dialogue!

5. I didn't see a role in this book for those two girls, her friends. They didn't do anything, except kiss Jaquelin in her posterior and throw sarcastic comments all the time. All the freaking time! Even when it was something about life and death, those comments were there. I get that the author has a need, a powerful need to be sarcastic and witty and all that, but it's too much.
Even her mother was something like a puppet, she just existed and let her daughter do whatever. And nobody was shocked to find out that Fane was a bloody wolf, not even the neighbors. Really??

A very poorly written story... let me take that back... there was no story. Jaque meets Fane, she wants to bond with him after 5 days because he's her soulmate and he fights this guy to the death to have her in 230 pages and all the action happens in the last 20-30 pages, everything else is sarcastic comments and bad dialogue.

If I would recommend this book only to say: don't write a book like this!

ps:I really liked the cover.