candacerobinsonauthor's reviews
945 reviews

The Architect of Song by A.G. Howard

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I really liked this one. I normally don't like books with ghosts, but this one worked for me. I liked that the main character was deaf, and I also liked the mystery of the story. I liked being able to guess what was going to happen. Now the love triangle was odd not because one was a ghost, but I still give it a five because I just love the era and the atmosphere! Full review on my blog
Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi

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I loved this beautiful book! The cover is so magical I want to fall asleep on it with all its beauty. The words within these pages were spellbinding, and I was captivated by the adventure, the friendship, and the love a child has for a parent. I normally avoid most middle grade books, but I loved the Shatter Me series so much I knew I had to read this, and it makes me want to go back to my childhood. Five fantastical magical stars. Full review on my blog
Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas

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This book was everything! I loved having all the POV's because everything makes total and complete sense in the end. Everyone should definitely read The Assassin's Blade before reading this if you have not because it all connects in this one. This book was action packed, and I have so much love for all these characters! Rowan, Manon, Dorian, Lysandra, Aedion, Aelin, and my two new favorites Lorcan and Elide! Now I don't really know if I even consider this YA. First off all the characters are 19 and older anyway, and the content should definitely be upper YA. For all you love scene haters... I loved the love scenes! I also loved the friendship bonds, and oh this book had me crying in the end. I don't even know what I am going to do with myself for a whole year! Full review on my blog
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

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First off my favorite character from the Grisha trilogy appeared!!! I want them so bad to have their own book!!! I loved all the characters in this book as I did my precious babies in book 1! Non stop action and a lot of emotion going on. The ending was good, but I am still yearning for more and to know what happened next! Inej is my favorite, and Matthias I love you! Full review on my blog
Twisted Palace by Erin Watt

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I love this series! It is fun and addicting! I love Reed and Ella, and I am going to miss all these crazy yet lovable characters! Full review on my blog
Wait for Me by Caroline Leech

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Loved this book! I only read contemporary some of the time, but I was intrigued because of the era it was set in. The characters all had their flaws and their uniqueness, and Paul after everything he has been through is such a sweetheart. These people were just so brave to live during this time while everyone today is just worried about a "selfie" and I loved the history and everything else within these pages. Full review on my blog
The Midnight Star by Marie Lu

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I wasn't that big of a fan of Marie's Legend series except for that magnificent ending. This series however has been an awesome ride! I am not going to lie I was bleeding tears all over the place with this book. The characters I want to hate, but I love them. Yes even Teren! That ending! This ending was one of the best I have ever read. Adelina and being in her head throughout this series has been an intense thing and especially with this book. Loved it! Full review on my blog
Princess of Thorns by Stacey Jay

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Loved this book! Especially for the fact that it was a stand alone!!
Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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At first I was like whattt? An alien series??? Eff that! I finally gave in and read it and oh man I was oh so wrong. Daemon and Kat are so awesome!
Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes

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Seriously, I have to wait a whole year???? I just CAN'TTTTTTTTTTTTT! Magnus steals the show here as he always does, and I love every single thing that comes out of his mouth! Of course there had to me drama between Magnus and Cleo, I really hate Nic for some reason, Amara is the most annoying character in this whole series, I actually am starting to really like Lucia, and can Jonas and Lucia just get together already??? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Kyan is still crazy, even without a form! There are a lot of interesting things that happen in this book especially towards the end. This series is just so addicting! Full review on my blog