A review by candacerobinsonauthor
Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes


Seriously, I have to wait a whole year???? I just CAN'TTTTTTTTTTTTT! Magnus steals the show here as he always does, and I love every single thing that comes out of his mouth! Of course there had to me drama between Magnus and Cleo, I really hate Nic for some reason, Amara is the most annoying character in this whole series, I actually am starting to really like Lucia, and can Jonas and Lucia just get together already??? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Kyan is still crazy, even without a form! There are a lot of interesting things that happen in this book especially towards the end. This series is just so addicting! Full review on my blog https://literarydust.wordpress.com/2016/12/23/review-crystal-storm/