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Revenant by Larissa Ione

amyiw's review against another edition

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4 1/2 review later. What a great ending.

I liked this better than Reaver as it really hit all the corners and didn't have as much hidden with twists and turns. Reaver seemed a little convoluted to comparison. This had a convenient ending but it was a great way to end the series.

Again Larissa Ione takes impossible relationships and puts them together

audiobookmel's review against another edition

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My review and an extended sample of the audiobook are posted at

I went into the Revenant audiobook knowing that it was the last book in the Demonica series. I started off reading the series way back before The Lords of Deliverance series even started. I don’t know when I started listening to the series, but I got the audios going back to book one and did a relisten to the ones I had already read. Then I went straight to listening to the series with Rogue Rider. This is one of my favorite books in the series.

Revenant starts off right where Reaver ends, as in, just a few days after. Revenant is trying to come to terms with his newly returned memory. He also has deal with the fact that he has a twin brother in Reaver, who has had a much better life than he has. Reaver was taken from his mother, but raised in Heaven, while Revenant had to stay in Sheol with his mother. Revenant now knows that he is not a fallen angel, but a regular angel with Satan’s blood running in his veins.

Blaspheme is a verm, the offspring of an angel and a fallen angel. This is a death sentence for her and her parents, from either Heaven or Sheol. She has been hiding as a false angel since her birth. However, her concealment spell is wearing off. Angels are getting very close to killing her mother. The last thing that Blaspheme wants is to draw attention to the most powerful fallen angel in existence, save Satan himself.

Both Revenant and Blaspheme have a tortured past and are living with pretty large secrets. Both have large trust issues because of their secrets. It takes a while for the relationship to build, due to these issues, but the way it builds only makes it all the better when they come together. And boy, the sex is hot, especially when Blaspheme makes Revenant follow the rules.

Being that this is the last book in this series, Ione did a great job pulling the series together. Not only do we get time the Lords of the Underworld characters, but we also have plenty of time with some of the characters from the original Demonica series. The overall story arc wraps up very well with no lingering unanswered questions.

There is a URL listed at the end of the book. It takes you to a page with more information about the series, be sure to check this out when you finish Revenant. There are spoilers on this page, so don’t go there until after you are done with Revenant. I missed this listening to the audio, I quit when it sounded like the story ended. Luckily, it was pointed out to me later by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About, who read the book.

I was really glad to see that Hachette brought Hillary Huber back for Revenant.She has done several of the Demonica books throughout the years. She has a great voice for the series. Never once did I question which character was speaking. Men and women voices were done really well. I really enjoyed Revenant’s voice, in particular. He just sounds so sexy.

The one thing I will say about this series is that this series has struggled with the change of narration for each book. Some of the books are great, but I had one that really turned me off. Huber was one of my favorite narrators for this series. I wish they could’ve just stuck with Hillary Huber throughout the series.

I like to thank Hachette Audio for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

bodebeabay's review against another edition

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4.75 Stars

I just finished reading Book 11, Revenant, and once again Larissa Ione has delivered a story that keeps you involved to the very end.
It flows & keeps in line with the other 10 books of this series. There are no 'Blah Blah' moments. Every word is a real part of Revenant & Blaspheme's story. Any moments of reference to things that happened in past books is actually a part of the story & not one of those moments where you have to skip pages of repetitiveness. In fact, I don't think ANY of her books do boring!
High Octane Baby! Now that is my kind of story.
Lets face it...... You cannot go wrong with a Larissa Ione book!

ralique's review against another edition

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great novel, as expected of Ione :)

tanyad74's review against another edition

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Revenant is a new character to the series, and I kind of wondered how I was going to take to him. He was not portrayed as the most likeable character in the last couple of books. Now though, his story had my heart breaking. He was truly lost, his returned memory leaving him feeling like he didn't belong anywhere. He doesn't know who to trust or believe. Then he meets Blaspheme. He has this connection to her that just makes him feel right. Not only is he attracted to her, but he just feels like "home" with her. Like he truly belongs. I don't care how much Rev tried to make himself seem a bad guy at times. His need for a connection was so strong, I don't think he could have resisted the one he had with Blaspheme.

I really loved Blaspheme. She has such spunk and fire. So strong and independent. I just wish she had of been able to be honest with Rev from the beginning. I really think that he would have protected her right from the start even if he had of known her secret. Blaspheme's mother was quite the character to deal with. I kept thinking she was going to totally ruin everything! I was so glad that the staff at UG were so good to her and really took care of her and her mother. I also loved seeing them all!

The war between heaven and hell gets really intense. Revenant plays such a big part. Each side is pulling strings while the countdown is on. The battle gets so exciting and I was glued to my headset, holding my breath. Shock, fear, heartbreak. It was a flood of emotions! These are some strong foes that we are dealing with. Definitely an exciting read!

I'm so glad Hillary Huber was back for this book. Reaver's was such a disappointment I was scared that Hillary would try to carry Revenant's accent over to this book. I didn't feel like she did, and I think her narration really added to the pleasure I got from this book.

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict

lilyelement's review against another edition

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Revenant is an emotional addition to the Lords of Deliverance series. I've been waiting on his story, and was so glad when release date rolled around. Revenant was brought up in Hell and had to endure and survive both emotional and physical torment. His brother, Reaver was chosen to live in Heaven when they were born. Add in his mother's death and his part in it and it has definitely caused some resentment and bitterness in Revenant. He's a really strong character, and all alpha male. A bit flawed, and a stickler for the rules I was intrigued how it would turn out when he sets his sights on Blaspheme.

Blaspheme is a false angel, or so she leads everyone to believe. When her secret is slowly being revealed, she has to find a way not to be hunted and killed. You see, she's half angel and half fallen angel. That's a big no no in their world, so with her cover fading, angels are starting to come around and hunt both her and her mother. I really enjoyed Blaspheme's character. She's trying so hard to stay away from Revenant, but you can just see the tension between to two from the start.

Larissa Ione is by far one of my favorite authors. I started the Lords of Deliverance late in the game and quickly picked up several of the books to marathon read. Since I'm all caught up, I loved that I saw glimpses into some of the previous main characters in other books in this series. The world is addicting, I highly recommend this series as a whole if you're looking for an Urban Fantasy with some Paranormal Romance tossed in.

nyxshadow's review against another edition

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Pas mal

nelsonseye's review against another edition

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A bit of a slow start as I didn't remember certain details from Reaver, but overall a highly enjoyable read.

wendylynnm's review against another edition

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Took me a little bit to get into this book but once I did, I enjoyed it. The push/pull of good and evil is a constant fight inside of Revenant. Finding out that he is not an actual Fallen Angel was a shocker but learning that he has a twin brother had to be the most shocking thing ever for him. Knowing he has a family is something he thought would never happen to him but finding a woman who loves and wants him makes him happier than he has ever been.
Blaspheme has had to hide and run her entire life. Hiding her true identity is getting harder for her. Being a child of a fallen angel and a true angel she is a vynin, which makes her dangerous to all other angels. With danger coming around all corners for her, Revenant breathing down her throat wanting more than she can give him, and protecting her mother, she is running on empty.

amandaventure's review against another edition

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I’m just going to start off by saying that Revenant got me right in the feels. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot of Revenant. Everyone is constantly treating him like evil incarnate and he’s not really going out of his way to be evil for no reason. He’s more in the “lawful neutral” area with a dash of “lawful evil” thrown in because you know… he was raised in hell. I really felt like he was grossly misunderstood by pretty much all of the other characters. So I couldn’t have been happier to see him get his own happy ending.

Blaspheme was a good choice for a romantic interest for Revenant. However, I didn’t feel like Blaspheme was a particularly strong heroine on her own. I at least found her likeable but I was really happy that this story was mainly focused on Revenant and his evolution. If this story was just all about Blaspheme’s identity crisis and her needing to be rescued it would have been terrible. So I’m glad that her whole thing was a bit of a secondary issue.

As for smut… what we got was pretty good although infrequent. Maybe I’m a total pervert but that’s one thing I liked about the Sem brother’s stories was that there was tons of sexy encounters. There were only approximately 2 scenes in here so I think more sexy times could have been worked in. At least the ones we got were decent…

I’m a little bummed that all our major players are all mated and had their happy endings. Like I’m glad they all had HEA’s but now there aren’t any more characters to write about. Maybe in the future there could be stories about some of the secondary characters… like Tavin or any of the other Sem brothers? Who knows? I just kind of wish that there were more titles left in the series! I want to continue on in this universe and there’s nothing left at the moment. (Well there’s still Base Instincts… but that’s all!) So I guess it’s saying something that I want more of a series after it’s complete… Hat’s off to Larissa Ione for creating such a rich universe to get lost in.