A review by amandaventure
Revenant by Larissa Ione


I’m just going to start off by saying that Revenant got me right in the feels. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot of Revenant. Everyone is constantly treating him like evil incarnate and he’s not really going out of his way to be evil for no reason. He’s more in the “lawful neutral” area with a dash of “lawful evil” thrown in because you know… he was raised in hell. I really felt like he was grossly misunderstood by pretty much all of the other characters. So I couldn’t have been happier to see him get his own happy ending.

Blaspheme was a good choice for a romantic interest for Revenant. However, I didn’t feel like Blaspheme was a particularly strong heroine on her own. I at least found her likeable but I was really happy that this story was mainly focused on Revenant and his evolution. If this story was just all about Blaspheme’s identity crisis and her needing to be rescued it would have been terrible. So I’m glad that her whole thing was a bit of a secondary issue.

As for smut… what we got was pretty good although infrequent. Maybe I’m a total pervert but that’s one thing I liked about the Sem brother’s stories was that there was tons of sexy encounters. There were only approximately 2 scenes in here so I think more sexy times could have been worked in. At least the ones we got were decent…

I’m a little bummed that all our major players are all mated and had their happy endings. Like I’m glad they all had HEA’s but now there aren’t any more characters to write about. Maybe in the future there could be stories about some of the secondary characters… like Tavin or any of the other Sem brothers? Who knows? I just kind of wish that there were more titles left in the series! I want to continue on in this universe and there’s nothing left at the moment. (Well there’s still Base Instincts… but that’s all!) So I guess it’s saying something that I want more of a series after it’s complete… Hat’s off to Larissa Ione for creating such a rich universe to get lost in.