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bookjunkie_0220's review
This book is great for breaking down why some food is just plain bad for you and why you should give it up for a while until your body heals itself. A lot of people have told me it is just like Whole 30 where you stop eating bad for you foods for 30 days and see if you actually have an intolerance to them by introducing them back into your diet slowly and one at a time. In practice, this is really hard work. Making sure that you don't eat a certain food in the group is like almost impossible. Saying that, I do have to say the short week or two I did implement the diet I felt really good inside and out. Worth the read if you are thinking of other ways to lose weight and feel like yourself again.
ajgschwanz's review
I didn't read this book for the "lose 7 pounds" aspect, but for the "you're feeling cruddy potentially because of these 7 foods." She provides recipes and means of being off seven major foods for a certain time period, and then lays out the means to reintroduce them and determin which are truly irritating. Now if only I'd get off my cruddy bum and actually do something.
bluenicorn's review
I don't like her attitude towards vegans/vegetarians- it's not like we don't eat animal products because we're just picky eaters. I also wished there were more recipes and more variety- I need help making the basic foods taste interesting. Also, that shake she suggests is the grossest- I have had a very difficult time choking it down.
But it is working so far. So 3 stars it is.
But it is working so far. So 3 stars it is.
koob's review
I heard JJ Virgin talk about her son's brain injury and the nutritional/holistic efforts she'd taken for her own grief and her son's recovery, but this has nothing on that. Eating more apples is nice though.
vhp's review
A lot of what is included in this book is good information, but the "diet" she created wouldn't work for me; it includes too many foods I 1) either don't like or 2) can't eat. But the detox from known bad foods in the beginning of the book seems like a good idea for anyone to try. So many, too many people seem to have issues now with foods and I don't think it's the food itself, but what has been done to the food. Whether it was over processed, mutilated, etc, or grown by frankenstein/gmo, it is a good idea to detox the body and find out what foods are causing problems individually. J.J. has a reintroduction phase for high culprit foods too.
auntiejenn's review against another edition
My rating is less because of how much I liked the book, and more because I decided to try the diet, and discovered that both my mom and I have an allergy/intolerance to soy, and that has dramatically changed our lives. I've seen the elimination type diet before, and just never tried it until now.