yennifer's reviews
816 reviews

Knight's End by Ann Denton

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Goddamn, first Cerena and then Donaloo??? Also I don't fully blame Jorad, but I do blame Willard, that fucking dumbass. I'm a sucker for a strong woman, so huge fan of Shenna, Posey, and Lizza. And Lizza probably won't explode as castle mage!!!! I may not read Avia's books but I like her too.

Also I guess we're just gonna stick with "Blue" for his name, which is kind of sweet because it's the name Bloss gave him.

Quinn is my fave, followed by Ryan I think.

Bloss making the men kings instead of knights was very sweet and while I would have preferred to keep this like overtly matriarchal, I do understand the reasoning behind it.
MidKnight by Ann Denton

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I'm not sure why Declan kept talking about their first time cause they've already had sex unless he's talking about one-on-one with Bloss.

Donaloo seems like an absolute hoot. I'm a little on the fence with Blue tbh, what with the bird situation and all, but it could also work I guess.
Knightfall by Ann Denton

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I like that the guys forgave her pretty easily, sometimes it's too much to have it drawn out the whole book. I'm also not sure I like the name Bloss (or Bloss Boss as a nickname) but I do like her character
No one Rides for Free by Judith Sonnet

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Did not finish book.
Maybe I'm not all that into extreme horror

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Theirs to Protect by Stasia Black

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 92%.
I wanted to DNF it after Audrey was SA'd by Jeffries, kept going a bit, and just decided against finishing it.
Dying to Love by Reese Rivers

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I do love it when the FMC and (one of) the MMC(s) has that breakthrough moment together, but also if the others had known about it, why couldn't they have helped??? Why couldn't they have been more supportive of Dev rather than "oh that's just him~"

And OF COURSE she gets fucking pregnant when there are ZOMBIES AFOOT
Sloth by Lana Pecherczyk

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
I kind of lost interest once it became Sloan's fault the relationship had ended because I'm pretty sure the whole reason I wanted to read this book was for MMC groveling.
Her Vigilante by Lillian Lark

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
I really thought I could trudge through bc the length was so short, but something about these characters just didn't do it for me. I ended up just skipping to the end to see how things played out.
Give Me More by Sara Cate

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 2%.
I was all excited to read this book but the fact that they started dating when she was 17 and I'm assuming he was a decent chunk older is too gross for me
Sacrificed to the Beast by Jessa Kane

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So is Ike like a monster or just a really large dude?