In many ways I feel like the first half of this book is better than the second. It feels like they are trying to do too much in it. Having said that, honestly it has been a life-changing paradigm shift for me. In the future I hope to go back through the book while answering the questions over each chapter that are in the back. I think doing that would help me process it better and understand the things that just seem too deep this time through.
Really enjoyed the first part. Good writing, great setting, and a wonderful main character but too much adultery and lots of unnecessary bits that didn't add to the story at all. This could have been so so good.
I almost DNF'd this book because I wasn't in a murdery frame of mind nor do I pre er books with much sex and it seemed like those things were maybe going to be the focus. I am glad I stuck with it. The nature focus shines through in the second half. The writing is absolutely extraordinary with so many strands woven together.
I enjoyed this creation account more now that I am in my fifties, but I would still say that this is perhaps my least favorite of The Chronicles of Narnia. Of course it is still an excellent book and should be read (in publication order, of course!)
As a child this was my favorite of The Chronicles of Narnia, but as a young adult it became one of my least favorites for a while. Now, in my fifties, it has moved back towards the top of the stack. The undragoning of Eustace is everything. It is possibly the most meaningful scene ever in any book. It helps me see certain truths in a way no other book ever has.
This has always been one of my favorites of The Chronicles of Narnia. I think it forever will be with its strong themes of guidance and sovereignty, along with the omniscience of God. I really enjoy reading it now in my fifties. I read it multiple times as a child, and again a couple of times as a younger adult, but it has been at least a decade or more. It is still just as good as I remember, and I saw a different things and got different things out of it than before.