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venusinlove's reviews
330 reviews
4 приказки без връщане by Яна Букова
ще споделя по няколко неща за всички истории, които включва това тъй малко книжле. искам и да взема предвид, че по някаква интересна случайност ми се случи да прочета 2 книги от Яна Букова - тази и [book:К като всичко|7289860]. за съжаление и двете бяха изненадващо без смисъл и логика.
♡ приказка за кучето, което казвало винаги истината - по някаква причина се четеше повече като басня, отколкото като разказ. добра, но твърде предвидима и леко банална.
♡ приказка за царицата във високата кула - честно, това е същата история като предната, но с различни герои. :) за съжаление, за разлика от предната, тази остана без много смисъл за мен. може би ако се беше обяснила причината за това /spoiler защо царицата всъщност иска да скрие своето лице би било много по-разумно и краят да е незавършващ, но за момента беше лишена от смисъл тази история.
♡ приказка за онзи, който бягал по-бързо от сянката си - обожавам(!!) заглавието! real clever! честно казано, отлична история. хареса ми мистиката, която придава авторката. малко се усеща като нещо на мураками, чудна е!
♡ пръстен с камък от лед - не мога да кажа нищо, беше най-обикновена история. :)
тези истории ще ми минат през главата като нищо и дори няма да съм ги запомнила с каквото и да е. давам 3* единствено и само заради дизайна на книгата! наистина е много интересен. поздравления за илюстратора и издателството!
♡ приказка за кучето, което казвало винаги истината - по някаква причина се четеше повече като басня, отколкото като разказ. добра, но твърде предвидима и леко банална.
♡ приказка за царицата във високата кула - честно, това е същата история като предната, но с различни герои. :) за съжаление, за разлика от предната, тази остана без много смисъл за мен. може би ако се беше обяснила причината за това /spoiler защо царицата всъщност иска да скрие своето лице би било много по-разумно и краят да е незавършващ, но за момента беше лишена от смисъл тази история.
♡ приказка за онзи, който бягал по-бързо от сянката си - обожавам(!!) заглавието! real clever! честно казано, отлична история. хареса ми мистиката, която придава авторката. малко се усеща като нещо на мураками, чудна е!
♡ пръстен с камък от лед - не мога да кажа нищо, беше най-обикновена история. :)
тези истории ще ми минат през главата като нищо и дори няма да съм ги запомнила с каквото и да е. давам 3* единствено и само заради дизайна на книгата! наистина е много интересен. поздравления за илюстратора и издателството!
Подземната железница by Колсън Уайтхед, Colson Whitehead
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I've been wanting to read this book for so long! ever since i saw the cover of the Bulgarian version! i'd say it's really good! it's actually devastating how painful these people's past is. especially the part with the freedom trail... i feel like many books about racism need such analogies simply to shock the reader, especially if they are not educated on black people's past and slavery in America. I'm one of the uneducated people, though. it was a huge shock and i needed it. as I'm reading such heavy books such as this one and many more (The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois and Half of a Yellow Sun, those are the ones that come to my mind right now but I'm sure I've read more.) I'm still trying to learn and grasp their stories, no matter how hard it is mentally. i mean these people really went through so much violence and death and literary or not, fiction or not - we need to have these books to show the disturbing history of it all.
I'm v glad i got to read this masterpiece, it was really dark, probably not for everybody but it'll stay with me for a long time, I'm sure of it.
i'd say that somewhere around the end of the book though i couldn't concentrate more. it was hard for me and maybe the books with many many characters aren't easy to read for me. i know in this one there is no way for it to have any fewer characters so i can't really judge. i'd even say that it's necessary to have as many victims go forward and be talked about so it shows a bigger picture to the reader. i just couldn't focus on the whole thing in the end and i think i missed some details. thus I'm giving it 4*.
it's a fantastic book, really. brutal and raw. needs to be read by everyone imo.
I'm v glad i got to read this masterpiece, it was really dark, probably not for everybody but it'll stay with me for a long time, I'm sure of it.
i'd say that somewhere around the end of the book though i couldn't concentrate more. it was hard for me and maybe the books with many many characters aren't easy to read for me. i know in this one there is no way for it to have any fewer characters so i can't really judge. i'd even say that it's necessary to have as many victims go forward and be talked about so it shows a bigger picture to the reader. i just couldn't focus on the whole thing in the end and i think i missed some details. thus I'm giving it 4*.
it's a fantastic book, really. brutal and raw. needs to be read by everyone imo.
Любов by Elif Shafak
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
finally, after 8 years of being recommended this book, I've read it!!
and i feel like a fool.
the idea of the book was so good! the equality between religions and different people and how the world treats those said differences was well delivered but! at the same time i have some icks with this book.
firstly, the whole story between ella and aziz felt a bit too childish to me, i can't even explain it. I'm trying not to judge it too hard since this book is from 2009 and i guess that's how a love story was used to be put into a book? but i didn't feel anything out of their relationship. the whole thing about how love is the only thing that we should follow and "god is in everything" felt a bit too pushed. i mean, i get it but also it was like an ongoing mantra in the entire book. and i kind of got tired of it, I'm sorry.
secondly, there were so many characters that if you were like me - listening to the audiobook more rather than reading it, it's hard to distinguish most of the people. i feel like this is a mistake on my part for listening to the audiobook... but at the same time, shouldn't it be clear on itself without wondering which person's turn it is to "talk"?
and i think my biggest problem with this book is entirely on me - i was not educated enough on their religion and traditions. i quite literally knew nothing about dervishes and Sufism which transpired to me being very confused. i thought that i could finish this book and learn about it and i partly did, it was really interesting to me but i would continue my learning experience and get into that part of the religion.
oh, i forgot to add - maybe be careful about adding ED into a book next time. :) also, the talk about gaining weight, because it's a touchy subject and it was used as something negative. i think these topics could have been skipped since they have nothing to do with the story.
all in all, the book was quite accessible even for a person who knows nothing about a certain lifestyle and traditions. i really liked rumi's last chapter, i felt it close to my heart. i hope my friend is proud of my for reading this book! he should be, it only took me 8 years after all. :)
and i feel like a fool.
the idea of the book was so good! the equality between religions and different people and how the world treats those said differences was well delivered but! at the same time i have some icks with this book.
firstly, the whole story between ella and aziz felt a bit too childish to me, i can't even explain it. I'm trying not to judge it too hard since this book is from 2009 and i guess that's how a love story was used to be put into a book? but i didn't feel anything out of their relationship. the whole thing about how love is the only thing that we should follow and "god is in everything" felt a bit too pushed. i mean, i get it but also it was like an ongoing mantra in the entire book. and i kind of got tired of it, I'm sorry.
secondly, there were so many characters that if you were like me - listening to the audiobook more rather than reading it, it's hard to distinguish most of the people. i feel like this is a mistake on my part for listening to the audiobook... but at the same time, shouldn't it be clear on itself without wondering which person's turn it is to "talk"?
and i think my biggest problem with this book is entirely on me - i was not educated enough on their religion and traditions. i quite literally knew nothing about dervishes and Sufism which transpired to me being very confused. i thought that i could finish this book and learn about it and i partly did, it was really interesting to me but i would continue my learning experience and get into that part of the religion.
oh, i forgot to add - maybe be careful about adding ED into a book next time. :) also, the talk about gaining weight, because it's a touchy subject and it was used as something negative. i think these topics could have been skipped since they have nothing to do with the story.
all in all, the book was quite accessible even for a person who knows nothing about a certain lifestyle and traditions. i really liked rumi's last chapter, i felt it close to my heart. i hope my friend is proud of my for reading this book! he should be, it only took me 8 years after all. :)
К като всичко by Iana Boukova, Яна Букова
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? No
- Loveable characters? No
- Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
- Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Имах голямо желание да харесам тази книга, докато не я прочетох. Може би аз съм твърде взискателни след няколко прочетени книги с кратки разкази, които бяха просто феноменални и поради тази причинах не успях да обикна К като всичко. Но честно казано се съмнявам.
Книгата беше пълна с откъси от моменти от всеразлични разкази и много ме съмнява, че дори и самата авторка е знаела какво се случва. Обикновено съм винаги "ЗА" с две ръце в подкрепата на българската литература,особено по-модерната, каквато смятак за такави и тази книга, но в случая не мисля, че е редно спрямо самата мен и всичко чудни книги, на които съм дала повече * (а и на тези, на които съм дала по-малко -също).
Бих искала все пак да изразя мнение за тези, които ми направиха по-голямо впечатление:
♡ Каменният квартал - Изненадващо, може би само аз го усетих по този начин, но все едно беше разказана историята през погледа на дете с умствени проблеми, което бе гледна точка, с която не бях запозната. Все пак беше доста интересно, въпреки и недосмислията и празнотите в цялостната картинка. Не знам дали съм права с частта за детето, не съм чела коментарите и изявите, ако има такива, от страна на авторката.
♡ Ябълките - Тази история искам да я спомена само и единствено, защото не разбирам какво място има ED в една толкова кратка и по себе си доста интригуваща ситуация. Имаше твърде много екзистенциални въпроси, които бяха повдигнати и едновременно с тях наблягането върхо хранителното разтройство на момичето ми беше изключително ненужно. Да не говорим колко деликатна тема е това и колко много според мен е нужно да има поне малък warning sign.
♡ К като всичко - Не бих казала, че тази книга заслужава да носи това име, понеже имаше доста по-интересни разкази от нея, но ми хареса речника и цялата история около него. Даже бих казала, че е ЧУДЕСНО описание на това как мозъкът ми мисли. Или по-скоро как мозъкът на един човек с ADHD мисли.
♡ Когато семейството седи около масата - ДА! Тази история вече беше много интересно - почти като Black Mirror епизод. Беше и объркваща, но ако беше самостоятелна, доразвита история, то тогава може бих щях да ѝ се насладя много повече.
Не искам да "плюя" авторката, книгата е сравнително добра, но не бих казала, че е и нещо твърде впечатляващо.
И все пак благодаря на Библиофем, че ми дадоха удоволствието да я прочета. :)
Книгата беше пълна с откъси от моменти от всеразлични разкази и много ме съмнява, че дори и самата авторка е знаела какво се случва. Обикновено съм винаги "ЗА" с две ръце в подкрепата на българската литература,особено по-модерната, каквато смятак за такави и тази книга, но в случая не мисля, че е редно спрямо самата мен и всичко чудни книги, на които съм дала повече * (а и на тези, на които съм дала по-малко -също).
Бих искала все пак да изразя мнение за тези, които ми направиха по-голямо впечатление:
♡ Каменният квартал - Изненадващо, може би само аз го усетих по този начин, но все едно беше разказана историята през погледа на дете с умствени проблеми, което бе гледна точка, с която не бях запозната. Все пак беше доста интересно, въпреки и недосмислията и празнотите в цялостната картинка. Не знам дали съм права с частта за детето, не съм чела коментарите и изявите, ако има такива, от страна на авторката.
♡ Ябълките - Тази история искам да я спомена само и единствено, защото не разбирам какво място има ED в една толкова кратка и по себе си доста интригуваща ситуация. Имаше твърде много екзистенциални въпроси, които бяха повдигнати и едновременно с тях наблягането върхо хранителното разтройство на момичето ми беше изключително ненужно. Да не говорим колко деликатна тема е това и колко много според мен е нужно да има поне малък warning sign.
♡ К като всичко - Не бих казала, че тази книга заслужава да носи това име, понеже имаше доста по-интересни разкази от нея, но ми хареса речника и цялата история около него. Даже бих казала, че е ЧУДЕСНО описание на това как мозъкът ми мисли. Или по-скоро как мозъкът на един човек с ADHD мисли.
♡ Когато семейството седи около масата - ДА! Тази история вече беше много интересно - почти като Black Mirror епизод. Беше и объркваща, но ако беше самостоятелна, доразвита история, то тогава може бих щях да ѝ се насладя много повече.
Не искам да "плюя" авторката, книгата е сравнително добра, но не бих казала, че е и нещо твърде впечатляващо.
И все пак благодаря на Библиофем, че ми дадоха удоволствието да я прочета. :)
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? No
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
i'm giving it 3,5* only because it is a classic. also because it was an ongoing joke with a friend of mine about me not wanting ever to read it. well, look at me now! i read it and we can't joke about it now. :( btw the book was not good, lol. i mean, yeah, he's a bug (bug's life, haha) but also so what? I wouldn't say I liked the way his sister treated him at the end. if my brother were ever to become a giant bug i would take care of him in the best ways that i could. the thing about his sister that i could not get my head wrapped around was how in the beginning she was all caring and stuff but then she switched? what made her do it? literally, that's the main thing that i didn't like about the book. oh and the way his parents treated him! which goes in the same category as his sister.
i really don't want to get into the whole philosophical meaning of the book, i really do get it! but i just simply didn't like it. i wish i had not read it so i could have my inside joke back. now all i have to rely on is the three guys in the boat without the dog or whatever. lol. (i hope my friend sees this review and is happy because after like 2 years i finally read the book about the cockroach. :))
i really don't want to get into the whole philosophical meaning of the book, i really do get it! but i just simply didn't like it. i wish i had not read it so i could have my inside joke back. now all i have to rely on is the three guys in the boat without the dog or whatever. lol. (i hope my friend sees this review and is happy because after like 2 years i finally read the book about the cockroach. :))
Two Truths and a Lie by Sarah Pinsker
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? No
- Loveable characters? No
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
i actually really liked the idea of a show where the host shares how the future of the children is going to develop! that almost felt like a black mirror episode and was creepy all the way until the end. :) perfect for the Halloween season, hehe.
Little Free Library by Naomi Kritzer
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? No
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
- Flaws of characters a main focus? No
whaaaat, that was amazing!!! so short and yet so good!! definitely would be re-reading it again because it was really cool! I'm honestly impressed, lol. go read that tiny magnificent book!!!!!!
Слънцестоения над Черната река by Калоян Праматаров
Давам 3* единствено и само, защото изкуството и илюстрациите на Борис Праматаров са изумителни. Не знам как не съм забелязала, че той също е изработил и корицата на Не Казвай На Мама. Просто уникален!
Самите разкази или стихосбирки(не съм сигурно какво беше това, което прочетох) не бяха кой знае какво. Твърде хаотично баха написани и единствено последната история успяда се задържи за по-дълго от минута в главата ми.
Самите разкази или стихосбирки(не съм сигурно какво беше това, което прочетох) не бяха кой знае какво. Твърде хаотично баха написани и единствено последната история успяда се задържи за по-дълго от минута в главата ми.
Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
this book is a solid 4* for me. the main thing that i didn't really enjoy was how hard the language was both in the book itself and in the audiobook. i really think it would have been for the better if the writing of the words was the actual name of the words? that doesn't even make sense but to me it does, okay? simply if you write a book in English then freaking write it so it really is in English! idk why I'm so fired up about it, i understand that they are trying to maintain the whole mood of "being in Glasgow" but it was the thing that made me feel so out of it most of the time. it didn't make me get into the book as i usually would, especially when it's lgbt+! i really wanted to love it but I've started reading Young Mungo 4 times and just now finished it which is really weird for me as i read quite fast and can go through 1 book a day. in the end though, i feel like that heavy Glasgow accent MADE the book as it is - it's the whole charm. maybe the fault is mine for not knowing how to understand most of the words. idk, idk.
ah, now for the things i did enjoy. i loved the ending! as first i was quite upset because it wasn't something extraordinary but! wow, the way Ha-Ha stood up for Mungo! that actually made me tear up. i think that's what i liked about the book actually, nothing else. i mean, it's pretty messed up and dark. so was there a lot to like? not really but at the same time it felt so real? you cannot not feel bad for Young Mungo.
the book itself really is good but it's really heavy. like REALLY heavy. which i find myself enjoying a lot in books. :) i wish Mungo's ending was different but it's alright. idk what else to say about this book honestly. if you ignore the weirdly written English and the heavy accent in the audiobook then it's really good. :)
ah, now for the things i did enjoy. i loved the ending! as first i was quite upset because it wasn't something extraordinary but! wow,
the book itself really is good but it's really heavy. like REALLY heavy. which i find myself enjoying a lot in books. :) i wish Mungo's ending was different but it's alright. idk what else to say about this book honestly. if you ignore the weirdly written English and the heavy accent in the audiobook then it's really good. :)
Dracula by Bram Stoker
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? No
believe it or not, this is my first time reading this book. and i absolutely loved it!!
I don't have much to say really, i feel like this is such a well-known book that everything good and bad about it has been said before.
i don't know if it was simply because of the publishing house or some other editor's choice but the used language was so good! I'm still thinking about it and oh my god, it was such a pleasure to read this book! there were some parts that literally had me with my mouth open and i rarely react like that to a book! sadly, the ending wasn't it and thus i shall take half a star from my rating. there was so much hype and build-up and for what? yeah, that's my only complaint. i don't even want to discuss the whole misogyny thing right now because it is a classic! i mean, you can't really do much about this book anymore. I'm probably wrong about it but i really liked the story! i expect to change my mind if i get v into it but before then, this is all i have to say! a favorite for sure!
I don't have much to say really, i feel like this is such a well-known book that everything good and bad about it has been said before.
i don't know if it was simply because of the publishing house or some other editor's choice but the used language was so good! I'm still thinking about it and oh my god, it was such a pleasure to read this book! there were some parts that literally had me with my mouth open and i rarely react like that to a book! sadly, the ending wasn't it and thus i shall take half a star from my rating. there was so much hype and build-up and for what? yeah, that's my only complaint. i don't even want to discuss the whole misogyny thing right now because it is a classic! i mean, you can't really do much about this book anymore. I'm probably wrong about it but i really liked the story! i expect to change my mind if i get v into it but before then, this is all i have to say! a favorite for sure!