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vanmeers's reviews
489 reviews

Penge på lommen by Asta Olivia Nordenhof

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penge på lommen er langtfra dårlig, men det er heller ikke ligefrem en bog hvor jeg tænker “woah” når den læses — faktisk, så sidder jeg ikke tilbage med en følelse af at den bliver i mine tanker meget længere end i dette sekund. 

men jeg skal da også gerne indrømme at djævlebogen er dén jeg virkelig hente vil læse. jeg følte bare at jeg burde starte med denne her først. så her er vi.

det positive er at nordenhof skriver virkelig godt og man har lyst til at læse videre. hun har formået at skabe nogle virkelighedstro karakterer, som man både hader lidt men også virkelig føler for — jeg var stærkt overrasket over hvordan mine følelser for kurt vente da man kom til hans liv! hans baggrund er ingen undskyldning, men damn, det er jo noget af nogle traumer. maggie har også hendes, det er sikkert, og hun var virkelig også spændende at være inde i tankerne på. 

selve kapitlet (kapitlerne?) omkring scandinavian star var nok det jeg bedst kunne lide. der er nogle ret syge (positivt, selvfølgelig) citater omkring kapitalismen der slår ihjel og i det hele taget var denne del af bogen ret spændende at læse. denne del og maggies/kurts liv i kontrast med fattigdom og kapitalisme var *chef’s kiss* 

anyway, min anmeldelse er ret positiv af at jeg ikke føler bogen har efterladt noget inde i mig meeeen sådan er det. den er sgu fin som den er og nu ser jeg bare frem til at læse videre 🫡
Bad Wolf by Leonor Silva

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dark emotional fast-paced


I bought this at Bogforum this year (2024) and briefly talked with the artist behind it and that she wrote it after a pretty bad relationship (if I remember right, it was a busy day!). 

I was drawn to the linocut cover instantly but the inside of it is just as gorgeous — i love the use of colour, the broad strokes and the Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf imagery used. It’s pretty powerful stuff and I’m really happy I managed to buy this zine!!
Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie

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definitely one of her weaker stories. 
Call Me by Your Name by André Aciman

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i didn’t want to actually like this book since i’ve never felt strongly about reading it, but i needed an available audiobook on libby so here we are — me having read it and now having to admit it’s not actually a terrible book. 

it’s obviously meant to be a full on romantic “love for the ages” kind of story and i do see that. i also feel it at its core, but despite that you honestly can’t help shake the feeling of it also being a story of grooming (or at least there’s clearly parts of oliver’s behaviour that’s grooming 101). so it’s weird loving it despite of that lmao i think i would’ve felt it was more of a love story if i too was 17 when i read it. 

i listened to the audiobook which unfortunately was good. despite his whole existence, armie hammer has an insanely good voice for audiobooks. but knowing what kind of person he is might also ruin the audiobook for some 🤷‍♀️
Winter in Sokcho by Elisa Shua Dusapin

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this was so bleak but beautiful — i don’t get people’s low rating of this or saying it’s boring? i think other people just don’t enjoy slow paced literature that makes you actually use your brain for once. 

anyway, what a lovely book that i’m so happy i picked up last time i was in daunt books and which surprisingly was also signed! it’s definitely a book i’ll have to revisit in the future. 
The Night Guest by Hildur Knútsdóttir

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this was eerie af and the audiobook narrator managed to really capture the main character’s uncertainty and fears about her possible sleepwalking — the twist/reveal and ending was something else that’s for sure. i can’t tell whether i love it or not, but i didn’t hate it though?

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The Shriek-A-Rama Spook Show Experience: A Retro Horror Novella by Judith Sonnet

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there’s not a subgenre of horror that judith sonnet can’t write! this one was such a nostalgic trip to the old school cinema experiences — or at least how they’re portrayed on american television for me? think immersive rocky horror with a bloody twist. 

it’s got a good amount of exposition and realistic dialogue to make it believable, enough gore to make it exciting and a killer ending. it’s definitely a must-read for halloween or honestly, any other day if you’re a horror fan and want to be thrown back into the past with deadly mummies, flying saucers and vampire brides that are to die for.