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thetonipages's reviews
28 reviews

Reel by Kennedy Ryan

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I love Kennedy Ryan but this was not my favorite of her work. This book needed to be at least 100 pages shorter, It got to be a bit repetitive and I found myself rushing just to finish so I could move on to a new book. Putting that aside, it’s classic Kennedy Ryan. Fun, funny, steamy but also a little serious.
My Oxford Year by Julia Whelan

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The more I think about this one, the less I like it. Elle is a Rhodes Scholar studying at Oxford while also “working” a political job with a senator running for the presidency. You’d think that would be pretty important and time consuming but it’s barely mentioned in the book except for a handful of quick phone calls. We’re meant to believe it’s a really hard decision between returning to the US to this so-called job and British guy. It all takes a strange turn I wasn’t expecting from what looks like a cute romance story. Not believable, not compelling, not for me.
James by Percival Everett

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What could I possibly say that hasn’t already been said about this book. A retelling of Huckleberry Finn from the perspective of Jim.
Outstanding, Riveting. A must read,
Premka: White Bird in a Golden Cage: My Life with Yogi Bhajan by Pamela Dyson

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A behind the scenes story of kundalini yoga and Yogi Bhajan from one of his high ranking attendants during the 70s-80s. Pamela Dyson spent 16 years following her Guru in the hopes of enlightenment, sacrificing her happiness and freedom in the process. He was a truly monstrous, manipulative, narcissist. A sad story all around.
Those of us who drink Yogi Tea or eat Kettle Chips are actually supporting this organization as those companies started under his canopy of ventures.
The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller

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Elle and Jonas are childhood friends who cheat on their spouses with each other one summer night. Told over the course of 24 hrs and interwoven with flashbacks, this is quite the family drama. Yet in a book about cheaters, they’re not even close to the worst characters. This story isn’t as black and white as it seems and the cast of characters gave me complicated feelings. The writing is superb and what a story! The ending left me confused though and I had to research what it all meant.
The Coin by Yasmin Zaher

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I love an unhinged female MC and this did not disappoint. A Palestinian woman living in NYC who loves high fashion, teaches at an all boys private school and slowly descends into (more?) madness (?). All vibes, not a lot of plot, She’s sociopathic and compulsive. This was strange, sassy, smart, witty.
The House of Beckham: Money, Sex and Power by Tom Bower

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If the details in this book are facts, these two are pretty awful people. He cheats with everyone and anyone, is not exactly smart, and hides all his income in order to avoid paying any taxes in any country. She is a vulgar, social climbing, liar who needs him in order to stay rich and relevant. Together they treat their staff terribly, don’t tip waitstaff, you get the idea.
This was juicy but got pretty repetitve. I also just didn’t have any interest in the soccer details but that’s on me.
Private Equity: A Memoir by Carrie Sun

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Executive Assistant works for a toxic CEO and writes a memoir. There could not have been more red flags from before the first interview even happened. Juicy but so repetitive.
Daddy by Emma Cline

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I’ve become a big fan of Emma Cline lately. Her writing is visceral and a little dark. Her characters are not always that likable but they are thought-provoking.
The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend by Rob Copeland

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This is quite the expose´! This story is an absolute horror show. Lives ruined, a narcissistic and unhinged CEO who seems to delight in others’ misery... wow.