theqissilent's reviews
1059 reviews

An Offer You Can't Refuse by Jill Mansell

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This started out a bit slow and it would've been nice to see them together for more than just a 2 page wrap up. But showing Lola's growth and maturity seemed more the point. Plus, a book that can make me laugh out loud is always a winner. I adore her quirky characters so much!
Miranda's Big Mistake by Jill Mansell

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A little predictable, but still cute and witty. I found myself liking the supporting cast much more than the main character for most of the book. Was gutted about Miles. Teared up a bit. And still had some laugh-out-loud moments. Great, light, fun summer read.
Fever Moon by Karen Marie Moning

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Would've finished sooner, but I took time to stare at all the pretty details. DEG's lack of reflection, the Celtic cuffs, the red tatts/runes on Barrons. Barrons. Barrons some more. The little tribute to Al Rio at the end. Only had one major issue with the story, which involved the pieces the Fear Dorcha took from the Mom in the beginning, one of which she had back when Mac was putting the pieces together. The rest I can sort of overlook. Oh, and no V'lane. Boo! Beautiful artwork. Didn't recognize Dani at first. Thought she looked way too old. Bad, unintentional pun up there. Sorry. Loved seeing the Fever characters in the (2 dimensional) flesh. I hope KMM considers other one.
Kiss the Dead by Laurell K. Hamilton

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This is more a 3.5. I always feel like nothing really happens in these books and we're inside Anita's head too much. But I think that was purposely done this time. Anita is soul searching. Could this series be nearing its end??? What I question is if LKH's editors have become...lax with her b/c she's LKH and she'a bestseller, established author, yadayadayada... I don't see any other reason for having word for word repetitive descriptions of the same characters within paragraphs of each other. It just seemed like filler or a rush editing job, b/c they trust her or they know it'll sell either way. I did like the subject of Anita's necromancy being back on page. I did wonder why she hadn't attempted to heal I know why. But I'm beginning to lose track of who's who. So many characters. Not enough Jean- Claude.
The Count of Monte Cristo [Abridged] by Alexandre Dumas

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I'd probably have given this a 5, if it weren't missing 500 pages. The few end notes were of some help, but I would've preferred reading them in Dumas's voice. Still loved it! Just say no to abridged versions. At least it was free...