theqissilent's reviews
1059 reviews

Bring on the Blessings by Beverly Jenkins

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This is more a 3.5. Felt rushed is some places, especially the prison scene. Ending was a huge let down - as if the author just sort of gave up. I love the positive, feel good vibe of it all, though. And the history and feeling of community. And no resolution for Bernadine and Malachi??!! Is there a sequel I should read??
The Princess & the Penis by R.J. Silver

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This little book is hilarious! I will never get over the kingdom of Shlongdia. LOL!!! But it also has a point. Talk to you kids, people. I wish my mom had been more open about sex. If you don't, someone else will and you might not like their version. Keeping them naive and ignorant will not keep them from exploring behing your back. Arm them with the right knowledge, even if you want them to practice abstinence. Seriously, they have to know what they're abstaining from, right? Besides, if you haven't figured it out now, making something forbidden only makes a teenager want it more.

I do not recommend this book for anyone under 13, and even then it should be used as an ice breaker or a starting point to open the conversation about sex. By 13, they should know some of the generals anyway.
A Second Helping by Beverly Jenkins

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Glad that this is a series. I think I've fallen in love with this town and its people. A much better read than the first. I can really see the author's growth.
Feeling the Heat by Avery Glymph, Brenda Jackson

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I've been reading this series a long time, and I'm no longer as in love with them as before. I think it might be the writer's style. I'm not a fan of the choppy sentences. Sometimes, her descriptions toe the line of purple prose. And there are problems with flow and organization - which are more editorial than writing style; just putting a certain sentence at the beginning of a paragraph instead of the end would make a huge difference in many cases here. But, this book almost got a 2, simply because of the last 10 pages or so. What a waste of plot to throw in the virus outbreak and do nothing with it really. And for General Daniels to be described as such a controlling and commanding character, when he appears on page, he says less than 10 words. And don't get me started on the out-of-left-field pregnancy. I am neither a fan of how it was just dropped in there like an afterthought, nor that these 2 medical professionals overlooked a back-up form of birth control. But, the surprise pregnancy seems to be part of Mrs. Jackson's formula.
Merry Sexy Christmas by Beverly Jenkins, Kayla Perrin, Maureen Smith

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3.5 and only because it was anchored by the much stronger writing of Maureen Smith.