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thebritishbibliophile's reviews
1164 reviews
Dangerous Temptations by Kelly Elliott, Kristin Mayer
‘Dangerous Temptations’ is the latest co-write between the dream team that is Kelly Elliott & Kristin Mayer, who were responsible for the outstanding previous co-write ‘Play Me’. We’ve been itching to read another novel by these two lovely ladies, and at last our prayers have been answered with this enchanting and enthralling read.
Thank you to HEA PR team & Kelly Elliott for the ARC, which has enabled me to write this pre-release, spoiler-free review for you all.
‘Dangerous Temptations’ quite literally tempts you right from the beginning with the blurb, promising a potential rendezvous between Mike Murphy, the new town cop, and the woman who will set many things besides his heart, in motion. Among other things. Stepping away from the small-town, cowboy romance for somewhere a bit more…bewitching. A refreshing change of pace and scenery all round.
Don’t worry though, those southern cowboy romances are still my favourite, and will always make me swoon a dozen times or more!
Throughout this book there are several underlying and surface themes. If one doesn’t appeal to you, you bet there’s one in there that will instead. Weather that be the love of the mysterious, deducing clues like Sherlock Holmes, rooting for romance or having a good laugh at situations you can imagine yourselves in. A good rib-tickling time!
As briefly outlined before, this is not your typical Kelly Elliott/Kristin Mayer small-town romance read. The blurb doesn’t give much away as to where or when this book takes place, which is the first mystery we are here to solve before turning the first page. Ten points to anyone who is able to guess correctly before turning to chapter one! I didn’t and yet I was thoroughly surprised and eager to read more about this story and it’s setting, as it is not somewhere I often come across very often. Ten points to KE&KM for making things interesting!
The main thing that will capture you when reading this book, is the inclusiveness you’ll feel as you journey along with Mike and the gang. Vivid descriptive detail will make you feel as if you are merely one step beside the characters, seeing, feeling, sensing, experiencing what they do and that is one massive draw to any of Kelly’s (or Kristin’s) other books. You’re not just reading a story, you’re living it! ‘Dangerous Temptations’ will have you guessing alongside the characters as they move through their journey as friends, something more, and all that comes their way. You’ll be glad you came along for the ride. Twenty points!
Other than the draw of the inclusive storyline, you’ll find that the expertly and artistic twist on real life series of events, fiction and history have been mixed, blended together and made into something beautifully creative and unique. Yes, this isn’t the first time that this has been done, but done by two talented writers we can all aspire and look up to, you’ll enjoy this twist on the conventional and ‘traditional’, leaving you craving for more, more, more. Thirty points!
Overall, going into this completely blind other than reading the blurb, it was most definitely one for the books, if you’ll pardon the pun. With it definitely being one of the best books coming from either and both authors respectively, as was their previous co-write. I don’t think as far as I’m concerned, you could ever really go wrong when reading a book written by the dynamic K-duo. If you see their names on any one book, buy it immediately and immerse yourselves in the story and enjoy what surprises you’ll encounter along the way. Seventy points!!!
After all, you’ll be dangerously tempted NOT to get this book. I know I’ll be adding this to my paperback to-buy list.
Consider me tempted, tempted and tempted times a million. Kelly and Kristin, you’ve done it again ladies. Along with the 100 brilliant points I’m awarding you both for this book, you’ve got five more mystical stars!
Take a bow ladies. Take. A. Bow!
Thank you to HEA PR team & Kelly Elliott for the ARC, which has enabled me to write this pre-release, spoiler-free review for you all.
‘Dangerous Temptations’ quite literally tempts you right from the beginning with the blurb, promising a potential rendezvous between Mike Murphy, the new town cop, and the woman who will set many things besides his heart, in motion. Among other things. Stepping away from the small-town, cowboy romance for somewhere a bit more…bewitching. A refreshing change of pace and scenery all round.
Don’t worry though, those southern cowboy romances are still my favourite, and will always make me swoon a dozen times or more!
Throughout this book there are several underlying and surface themes. If one doesn’t appeal to you, you bet there’s one in there that will instead. Weather that be the love of the mysterious, deducing clues like Sherlock Holmes, rooting for romance or having a good laugh at situations you can imagine yourselves in. A good rib-tickling time!
As briefly outlined before, this is not your typical Kelly Elliott/Kristin Mayer small-town romance read. The blurb doesn’t give much away as to where or when this book takes place, which is the first mystery we are here to solve before turning the first page. Ten points to anyone who is able to guess correctly before turning to chapter one! I didn’t and yet I was thoroughly surprised and eager to read more about this story and it’s setting, as it is not somewhere I often come across very often. Ten points to KE&KM for making things interesting!
The main thing that will capture you when reading this book, is the inclusiveness you’ll feel as you journey along with Mike and the gang. Vivid descriptive detail will make you feel as if you are merely one step beside the characters, seeing, feeling, sensing, experiencing what they do and that is one massive draw to any of Kelly’s (or Kristin’s) other books. You’re not just reading a story, you’re living it! ‘Dangerous Temptations’ will have you guessing alongside the characters as they move through their journey as friends, something more, and all that comes their way. You’ll be glad you came along for the ride. Twenty points!
Other than the draw of the inclusive storyline, you’ll find that the expertly and artistic twist on real life series of events, fiction and history have been mixed, blended together and made into something beautifully creative and unique. Yes, this isn’t the first time that this has been done, but done by two talented writers we can all aspire and look up to, you’ll enjoy this twist on the conventional and ‘traditional’, leaving you craving for more, more, more. Thirty points!
Overall, going into this completely blind other than reading the blurb, it was most definitely one for the books, if you’ll pardon the pun. With it definitely being one of the best books coming from either and both authors respectively, as was their previous co-write. I don’t think as far as I’m concerned, you could ever really go wrong when reading a book written by the dynamic K-duo. If you see their names on any one book, buy it immediately and immerse yourselves in the story and enjoy what surprises you’ll encounter along the way. Seventy points!!!
After all, you’ll be dangerously tempted NOT to get this book. I know I’ll be adding this to my paperback to-buy list.
Consider me tempted, tempted and tempted times a million. Kelly and Kristin, you’ve done it again ladies. Along with the 100 brilliant points I’m awarding you both for this book, you’ve got five more mystical stars!
Take a bow ladies. Take. A. Bow!
Delicate Promises by Kelly Elliott
‘Delicate Promises’ is the second introduction into the ‘Southern Brides’ series by Kelly Elliott, exploring the story of Kynslee Maxwell and Miles Warner. Our first introduction to the pair is at the tender age of eighteen. Young, carefree…experimental. That’s where their story, and ours, begins. With a promise. A delicate promise.
Thank you to Kelly, for providing me with the ARC eBook copy, in which this review is possible. Your kindness is never underappreciated. May it continue to multiply and make lives happier, like you’ve made mine. Now without further ado, on with the review!
As with all of Kelly’s books, focusing on this series in particular, you’ll often find they have a core theme. Alongside sub-themes. The main, core theme with ‘Delicate Promises’ is highly appropriately and rather obvious, promises. To some, a promise is something easily said, broken and meaningless. Others however, they’re the very essence of essentiality. Hardly ever broken and upheld to the highest. Two opposing points of view which our star characters Kynslee and Miles, both champion with equal measure.
Progressing through the books you will find several things woven within, connecting you to the book and wanting more, more, more. Favourite characters, both main and supporting, storylines to keep you guessing, gripping scenes that’ll have you literally squirming with need in your seat. That said, one of the biggest draws of this book, is the relatability. For example, within each book I find there’s one character that I really can relate to. As I did with Maebh O’Sullivan from Kelly’s previous write, ‘This Love’. One way or another, you’ll find yourself attaching and relating to either Kynslee or Miles in some way. I promise you.
Additionally, get ready to prise those fingers from your device or paperback. This book is a gripper and you’ll find yourselves having a hard time going to bed at night, because just as the chapter ends, there is always a little titbit at the end which will niggle at you to keep reading until you cave in. Before you know it, you’ll have finished the book in one binge-reading session! Like that’s ever a bad thing with Kelly’s books! At this point, it’s a tradition for me that I’m happily sticking by.
Now, a new thing I am going to do is to include a few ‘trigger warnings’ in my reviews. These are NOT intending to put off people from reading this or any book, but to make you aware of certain themes without spoiling anything. Delicate Promises does a fabulous job of having little-to-no triggers within, evident also in Kelly’s other books. Please be aware, if you are sensitive to a few health-related topics, Delicate Promises does have a few mentions of a certain health condition. Again, this is NOT a negative point assessment of this book. In fact, it’s a point I applaud. Points regarding everyday life-related health topics often go unwritten, due to the fact people come to books in one way, to escape reality. It’s a topic we should all feel more comfortable and willing to talk about and include in books, and I’m glad Kelly included it.
On a personal level as briefly touched upon above, I found myself personally relating to Delicate Promises as the pages went on. Keeping a promise is a big thing to me, as I would never make one without the intention of keeping it. For example, I’m single right now and like Kynslee and Miles, the promise they made to one another which you’ll discover from the get go, is one I have set to myself. The familiarity of an author writing about something myself and many others think, feel, express etc, is both humbling and refreshing. Sometimes we feel alone among other things, so when topics or scene scenarios come up which we can see ourselves thinking, feeling or doing the same as what a character we’re reading does, that’s the mark of a good author. One who’ll become a firm or in my case, the favourite.
‘Delicate Promises’ boasts an array of positive and gripping aspects which will make you scream at your screen/page, when an obvious mistake to us is being made which another character is blatantly oblivious to. It’ll make you laugh to the point where you have to put down what you’re reading on, in order to wipe the tears of laughter from your face which simultaneously, are the self-same tears you’ll be shedding when the feels hit you good and hard in the heart. In a good way, of course. A good cry is always followed as it is here in this book, to make you smile and pick you right on back up again!
I’d personally recommend this book to anyone and absolutely everyone who wants to have a good time with two people you won’t forget any time soon. Even if you’re not a firm favourite of southern romance/romance, you’ll have a hard time not loving this book in a series which to me like every Kelly Elliott series, will become a series you must have on your bookshelf!
This is not a white lie I’m saying to you all, this is a delicate promise! Grab a pre-order of ‘Delicate Promises’ today and treat yourself to the second instalment in the Southern Bride series! It’ll be more than worth the wait! I promise you.
‘Delicate Promises’ releases October 18th!
Thank you to Kelly, for providing me with the ARC eBook copy, in which this review is possible. Your kindness is never underappreciated. May it continue to multiply and make lives happier, like you’ve made mine. Now without further ado, on with the review!
As with all of Kelly’s books, focusing on this series in particular, you’ll often find they have a core theme. Alongside sub-themes. The main, core theme with ‘Delicate Promises’ is highly appropriately and rather obvious, promises. To some, a promise is something easily said, broken and meaningless. Others however, they’re the very essence of essentiality. Hardly ever broken and upheld to the highest. Two opposing points of view which our star characters Kynslee and Miles, both champion with equal measure.
Progressing through the books you will find several things woven within, connecting you to the book and wanting more, more, more. Favourite characters, both main and supporting, storylines to keep you guessing, gripping scenes that’ll have you literally squirming with need in your seat. That said, one of the biggest draws of this book, is the relatability. For example, within each book I find there’s one character that I really can relate to. As I did with Maebh O’Sullivan from Kelly’s previous write, ‘This Love’. One way or another, you’ll find yourself attaching and relating to either Kynslee or Miles in some way. I promise you.
Additionally, get ready to prise those fingers from your device or paperback. This book is a gripper and you’ll find yourselves having a hard time going to bed at night, because just as the chapter ends, there is always a little titbit at the end which will niggle at you to keep reading until you cave in. Before you know it, you’ll have finished the book in one binge-reading session! Like that’s ever a bad thing with Kelly’s books! At this point, it’s a tradition for me that I’m happily sticking by.
Now, a new thing I am going to do is to include a few ‘trigger warnings’ in my reviews. These are NOT intending to put off people from reading this or any book, but to make you aware of certain themes without spoiling anything. Delicate Promises does a fabulous job of having little-to-no triggers within, evident also in Kelly’s other books. Please be aware, if you are sensitive to a few health-related topics, Delicate Promises does have a few mentions of a certain health condition. Again, this is NOT a negative point assessment of this book. In fact, it’s a point I applaud. Points regarding everyday life-related health topics often go unwritten, due to the fact people come to books in one way, to escape reality. It’s a topic we should all feel more comfortable and willing to talk about and include in books, and I’m glad Kelly included it.
On a personal level as briefly touched upon above, I found myself personally relating to Delicate Promises as the pages went on. Keeping a promise is a big thing to me, as I would never make one without the intention of keeping it. For example, I’m single right now and like Kynslee and Miles, the promise they made to one another which you’ll discover from the get go, is one I have set to myself. The familiarity of an author writing about something myself and many others think, feel, express etc, is both humbling and refreshing. Sometimes we feel alone among other things, so when topics or scene scenarios come up which we can see ourselves thinking, feeling or doing the same as what a character we’re reading does, that’s the mark of a good author. One who’ll become a firm or in my case, the favourite.
‘Delicate Promises’ boasts an array of positive and gripping aspects which will make you scream at your screen/page, when an obvious mistake to us is being made which another character is blatantly oblivious to. It’ll make you laugh to the point where you have to put down what you’re reading on, in order to wipe the tears of laughter from your face which simultaneously, are the self-same tears you’ll be shedding when the feels hit you good and hard in the heart. In a good way, of course. A good cry is always followed as it is here in this book, to make you smile and pick you right on back up again!
I’d personally recommend this book to anyone and absolutely everyone who wants to have a good time with two people you won’t forget any time soon. Even if you’re not a firm favourite of southern romance/romance, you’ll have a hard time not loving this book in a series which to me like every Kelly Elliott series, will become a series you must have on your bookshelf!
This is not a white lie I’m saying to you all, this is a delicate promise! Grab a pre-order of ‘Delicate Promises’ today and treat yourself to the second instalment in the Southern Bride series! It’ll be more than worth the wait! I promise you.
‘Delicate Promises’ releases October 18th!