thebritishbibliophile's reviews
1164 reviews

Divided Interests by Kelly Elliott

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I would like to start by saying a massive thank you to Kelly for my ARC of this book, as without it this review would not be possible! I had an absolute blast reading this book, and am so thankful to Kelly for this copy.


‘Divided Interests’ is the third (standalone) instalment in the Southern Bride series, following the first book, ‘Love at First Sight’, and the second, ‘Delicate Promises’. While Divided Interests is a standalone, I highly recommend that you also take the time to read the other books in the series. Especially if you’re new to this genre of southern romance, ‘Love at First Sight’ is THE perfect introduction which will lead you nicely into the other books, such as Divided Interests.

This book—like the others in the series—follows a core theme which is both evident from the title of the book and the blurb, a trait Kelly possesses in abundance, as some books often do not relate to their titles in any way. Kelly’s books do and that is one of the main reasons I always gravitate to her work. You get what you see on the cover, within the written story inside.

A lot can be learned about the book from the blurb alone, which doesn’t give too much away (which would spoil it for potential readers), while at the same time giving you enough to want to read more and discover the story in its entirety. Something I find Kelly does once more, that draws new people in and keeps hardcore fans—such as myself—coming back for more. Some blurbs fail to entice me with a lacklustre first-glance at the story within, though I am proud to say that I am thoroughly tempted and hooked with every single Kelly Elliott blurb. Divided Interests included.

Alright, down to the nitty-gritty. As close as one can get without spoiling anything.

There were several things that attracted me to this book while I was reading it, as often you can tune out while reading a chapter if it’s not gripping enough to turn the next page. The first as outlined in the blurb, was the ‘two owners, one house’ part. You can tell from reading that line alone you’re going to be in for a good time as you read and I can proudly say, that is the case with Lucas and Paige.

The second, the inability to put a bookmark at the end of the chapter. Kelly—as I’ve said in several of my reviews and is one of her best traits—has this amazingly unique ability to hook you in even at the very last word of the chapter, tempting you in to read “just one more chapter” and before you know it, you’ve read several chapters and half the night has passed right on by! If there’s one thing in this world I love, it’s an all-night Kelly Elliott binge-read session! If you’re looking for a companion for the night, Divided Interests is definitely your go-to book of choice.

Third and by no means finally, as there are TONS of other points I could cover. Emotion. Emotive connectivity. This is another point I have listed in several other reviews I’ve done for one of Kelly’s books. If you’re like me and have been a fan of Kelly for a number of years now, you would have picked up on the deeply emotional, empathetic connectivity with one or more characters, themes, story/plot points at some stage within one of her books. That is something I like to experience when reading a book, connecting. Usually its with a character and their backstory/experiences, though throughout this book in particular, I did reach for a tissue a time or two (don’t worry, it’s all good y’all!), laugh out loud and even just between you and me, blushed with tempting desire to be in Paige’s shoes.

Divided Promises much like it’s predecessor, Delicate Promises, is another gripping, page turning, charming southern romance you’ll find hard to put down no matter what format you’re reading it in. eBook or paperback, there’s no need for a bookmark with this read as you’ll be starting and finishing it in one tantalising Kelly-Elliott binge-session, a tradition for me at this point which I do not intend to ditch. Though if you do intend to take your time, which isn’t a bad thing, ladies grab yourselves a fan because those flames will be-a-burnin’, and ardour’s cooled. You can thank a certain cowboy for that.

On top of everything that I have listed so far in this review, there are several other elements to this book which are both gripping, captivating, alluring, tempting, teasing and charming, the latter a staple for this already promising series full of standalones. But you’ll have to read the book to get the full Kelly-Elliott effect, and impact of this story. As we will all find parts which resonate with us at different stages, as I found out myself. This is definitely a book well worth waiting for, if you have been waiting since the release of the first or second book in the series, and most definitely deserves a reserved spot in your kindle library or on your shelf. I myself am definitely going to be purchasing a paperback copy in the near future.

I highly and personally recommend this book to anyone and absolutely everyone who wants to have a good time with two people, or situations and circumstances you won’t forget any time soon. A friends/former friends-to-lovers story is always a winner and will never, ever grow old or mundane to read. And I’m proud to call Kelly my favourite author for reasons and reads just like this one.

You won’t have any divided interests in deciding on if you should read this book or not, because the answer is a firm and fast ‘heck yeah’. Five more brilliant stars for an even brighter star herself, Kelly Elliott.

‘Divided Interests’ releases Feb 4th! Grab your pre-order today!
Feels Like Home by Kelly Elliott

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Feel right at home with the latest instalment in the Southern Brides Series by Kelly Elliott. A title befitting the story within so much so, you will feel right at home alongside its main characters as the tea is more than drunk, it it spilled!

So far with each standalone series, we have been treated to a different flavour from the cowboy spice rack, each promising a differently unique story in their own right. With Love at First Sight, it was a rekindling of a lifelong love. Delicate Promises added a military flavour when two lovers reunited. Divided Interests brought us the butting of two heads under one roof, and most recently, Lucky in Love was a laugh-a-minute love story with a refreshing lead male many of us could relate to. Feels Like Home adds the wholesome element to the series, completing it like lemon in Earl Grey Tea.

In this book, the fifth in the Southern Bride Series, we get to meet Anson Meyer and Bristol Overmann, two new characters in this next standalone in the series. Immediately their separate introductions are interesting, as it is clear we have an impending reunion on the way, and the road to it would be fun to journey along with.

Heavily invested in the series from the previous instalments, what initially drew me to this read—aside from the stunning cover—was the prospect of something a little different with one of the main characters, Anson. From the sneak peaks and teasers from Kelly on Facebook/Instagram, Anson and his guitar drew me in outside of the go-to cowboy aesthetic of a main male character. Anson had something else going for him, no matter if that would end up to be a good or bad thing, and discovering his hidden depths proved promising.

What exactly makes Feels Like Home a must read, aside from enjoying the pages from start to finish, would be the emotional pull. Kelly always manages to put a heap and then some of emotions into every book she writes, though Feels Like Home has to be up there with the rollercoaster of emotions felt as if you were the character yourself. We are well aware of grabbing the tissues for a tear-jerker of a scene/chapter but this time, you’ll be screaming at the pages as if trying to catch the character’s attention. It is both thrilling and gripping, a delightful change of pace and dynamic for those scenes usually seen on the most brilliantly written of dramas. A scene from Passionflix would best describe the most heated of scenes in this book, and I enjoyed every moment of them.

Reading through the story, you will be pleased with the balance realism in terms of the events surrounding and involving the characters, the well-written plot/storyline, and the conclusion which for want of a word, brings a comforting ending to the story which started from two youths who had the whole world at their fingertips. This is not a story which rushes into love, or at pushing the two main characters together, but like the perfect brew, blends them together seamlessly. One of Kelly’s many strongpoints as an author, is this technique she continues to master with every new write she creates.

If you’re a long time Kelly fan like myself, you’ll know how amazing she is!

Usually when reading, I find myself drawn to a specific character, able to relate to them by either their situation or them as a whole. This time, it was on a whole new level. This time, the emotion was raw. You didn’t just read the emotions that described how a character was feeling, you felt it. I am in awe of how Kelly does this with an expert hand. Not every author can do this and still keep readers hooked on each word but I am proud to say, Kelly can do this with her eyes closed and still turn out a masterpiece.

Of course, there were other aspects of this book that I greatly admired other than the amazing use of raw emotion, such as the intense drive and determination of many of the characters. Anson paths the way in this book for a man going after what he truly wants, in the way he wants, no matter what the cost. Most of the time in novels, this is seen through the female main character, but this time it is Anson. A refreshing and welcome change. He might go about it in a unique way, but that is what makes the story ten time as interesting on how he finds his way back home. With Bristol, she almost runs parallel to Anson in terms of her own passion and dreams, going about it in her own way in making them happen. We are almost being given a side-by-side here of both series of events playing out, before the two words collide—quite literally—back together again.

Feels Like Home far exceeded my expectations in every single amazing way, taking me down roads in which I didn’t expect but was happy to follow, strapping me into the rollercoaster without a seatbelt. There is a little something for everyone in this book, weather that be the country, music, emotional or romance element, this is a wholesome love story—much like the a pair of star-crossed lovers—who have to fight for their place in this world both as individuals, and as a couple.

There was no doubt in my mind that I would enjoy this book, as I do all of Kelly’s books, but I did not anticipate just how much this read would impress me. Take a chance, step out of your comfort zone and straight into Comfort, Texas, with Anson and Bristol, and feel right at home.

Five stars for Feels Like Home.