stateofiction's reviews
642 reviews

An Academy for Liars by Alexis Henderson

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
soooooo I didn't super read the description bc it's Alexis Henderson and I was gonna read it.... which means I missed the tiny line that hinted at a professor/student relationship. that's never something I've enjoyed reading but now that I'm a teacher it is something I actively avoid. I'll catch you with the next one, Alexis!
Kiss of Seduction by Rawnie Sabor

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
honestly I am just bored. the characters meet on page 1 of 569 and the plot starts immediately, but for a book of this page count there is just a whole lot of nothing since then. this book is about healing and trauma, which I feel like has been done well so far, but I just can't do this for this long

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All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham

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and everyone got what they deserved!
All Systems Red by Martha Wells

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absolutely no reason for me to have to listen to this book 3 times before I finally listened to all parts of it. it's my own fault, I often listen to audiobooks when I want to lay down and inevitably fall asleep. I promise the book is not boring, but I am just sleepy. anyway I really wanted to get started on this series before the show comes out and I guess I finally did lol
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
I. am. so. bored.

so I don't like stories that center around religion, but I really enjoyed Ninth House so I wanted to test it out, but it is also why I borrowed it from the library.

guys I do NOT fw the -omniscient yet also still just from the main character- writing style. all it does is confuse me. i barely know the difference between all these characters anyway so this is fs not helping. someone literally just died and I didn't even remember who they were.
Daydream by Hannah Grace

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I honestly only read this because Hannah Grace gets a lot of shit just for existing and I was curious about what all the hype was about. I enjoyed this enough, but it wasn't anything special imo. it was way too long and I got frustrated with these characters fully dating and yet not admitting it.
One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware

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mystery/thriller? absolutely not. action/survival/thriller? absolutely yes. but seriously WHAT was Lyla doing with Nico to begin with also WHY was this book by veteran author Ruth Ware so poorly written lmfao
The Fake Boyfriend Fiasco by Talia Hibbert

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men SHOULD worship the ground that women walk on!
I Accidentally Summoned a Demon Boyfriend by Jessica Cage

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so this was good cute fun. probably exactly what you're looking for the picking up a book with this title. I WOULD have given it 4 stars, but there were two things that did not work for me.

1. girlie is almost 40? the side eye I would give this book every time this was mentioned because I would give her 23 at the oldest with the way she acted about everything.

2. the first two sex scenes happened while she was drunk and he was sober? yeah no yikes idc that she initiated them that is weird! 
Deep End by Ali Hazelwood

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went through something pretty devastating while I read this, so honestly I didn't even know if I would be able to finish. I did, but my thoughts are all over the place. I've decided this review is just going to be responding to popular criticisms.

1. "Pen sucks!" Pen needs therapy and some soul searching, but overall is not a bad person

2. "There's too much Pen" ???? Please obtain a friend you lonely freak

3. "I can't get past the fact that she's dating her teammate's ex" cannot stress enough how invalid this opinion is if you actually read the book

4. "there's too much sex" did you read the synopsis?

5. "It's too kinky" did you read the author's note?

6. "Not kinky enough" alright this one I will give you but let me explain. this book claims to be about two people exploring bdsm. they literally fill out a survey when they first engage about all the things they would be interested in. and yet there is one type of sex scene and one facet of bdsm explored in this entire book. yes, power exchange is a part of it, but that is quite literally all they do. would not consider this an exploration of bdsm like it says it is.