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shewriteswithknives's reviews
319 reviews

Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist

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Honestly this is the longest it has taken me to read a book in one sitting. It took nearly over a month. This is one of the darkest stories I have ever read and while I applaud John on taking such themes on, I couldn't fall into the story. I never felt connected to any of the characters and often times found myself bored. The ending left something to be desired. I'm happy Oskar was finally able to be free from all of the terrors one has being bullied and having poor parents (especially an alcoholic father), but I still wanted more for him.

It was a good story, but not one that captivated me.
Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs

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I’ll have to update this review. I will say, the line that stool out most to me was “who feasts at my table?”. I have chills still just thinking about it, imaging a dark hollow voice has said it. Briggs is truly talented and I feel blessed to have stumbled upon her work.

This story story had A LOT in it. There were several stories in play that twisted into one. I was uncertain at first how it would tie together but I was happily surprised how it all unfolded.


I hope Mercy and Stefan get their bond back. The scene at the end was simple but his affection for her made my heart swell. I like their dynamic and hope to see more of them together.
Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs

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One of my favorites of the series so far even though it made me cry. Patricia Briggs is very subtle with certain scenes. She doesn’t give you too many details and yet the way she writes is as powerful if she did.

Mercy continues to evolve into the ultimate hero, even though this story tried to tear her apart.