shellballenger's reviews
497 reviews

Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls by Lauren Graham

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Type of Read: Commuter (listened to on the way to and from work)

What made me pick it up: I'm a fan of Gilmore Girls and it was a suggested read after recent library check-outs.

Overall rating: I liked this book. I went in with zero expectations and came out enjoying Graham's storytelling and adding more of her books to my 'to read' list. Was it life-changing? No. Did I laugh, smile, have some moments where I felt entirely connected to Graham, and like I was recalling one of our favorite memories together? Yes.
A Promised Land by Barack Obama

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Type of Read: Commuter (listened to on the way to and from work)

What made me pick it up: After having read, Michelle Obama’s ‘Becoming’ at the end of 2020, I was excited to add ‘A Promised Land’ to my reading list for 2021. It seemed all the more fitting to be reading it throughout the month of January.

Overall rating: While it is not the book for everyone, I’m happy that I can cross ‘A Promised Land’ off my TBR list. There were definitely some parts that were a little more boring and over my head than others but I think that’s to be expected with a book of this nature. It was interesting to hear some of the same stories/timelines told from a different perspective to what I had previously read in ‘Becoming.’ I also enjoyed hearing from and seeing President Obama in a different setting than that of acting Commander-In-Chief. Overall, there were some laughs, some unexpected content, and all-in-all a good read.
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo

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Type of read: Commuter (listened to on the way to and from work)

What made me pick it up: This book was high on the list of book clubs, businesses, and young professional groups in my area.

Overall rating: I'm not going to rate the book on the star scale because honestly, it doesn't fit any of the stars in my opinion. I don't even know if I could really say that it's a good read. It's a book that takes on heavy topics and attempts to address racism. Does it make you think? Yes. Does it make you angry? Probably. Does it promote some self-reflection? Oh yeah. But does it deserve all the hype it's gotten? Eh.

Reader's note (personal preference): I read this book via audiobook and did find the original cadence of the book to be a bit difficult. I actually had to listen to this at 1.5 speed because the 'regular speed' was incredibly too slow for my liking and made the entire tone of the book seem off.
A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult

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Type of Read: Commuter (listened to on the way to and from work).

What made me pick it up: Picoult has always been one of my favorite authors.

Overall rating: I absolutely loved this book! I laughed, I cried, I cringed. This book made my heart hurt and made me feel like I was side by side with the characters. I will say, it took me a little bit to get into the format of the book and the way it flowed but after I got in a groove it was alright. There was some repetition but it made sense with the story so I wasn't bothered by that.
Moo by Sharon Creech

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Type of Read: Commuter (listened to on the way to and from work).

What made me pick it up: This was on one of the new or featured lists in my library audiobook app and I love cows so I was intrigued.

Overall rating: I'm not sure it would be something I would normally pick up content-wise but between the cow on the cover and the title, it caught my eye and I was glad I borrowed it from my local library. I don't think it's a book I would buy to keep on my shelves forever but overall this book was just fun. It's a short, somewhat predictable read, that leaves you in a feel-good mooooooooood.
The Answer Is…: Reflections on My Life by Alex Trebek

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Type of Read: Commuter (listened to on the way to and from work).

What made me pick it up: Purely the fact that it’s Alex Trebek.

Overall rating: The answer is...not what I was expecting. Although, I’m not sure exactly why I really was expecting. I did like that it was short little snippets of stories. I also liked his approach and general nonchalantness throughout the book. I learned some things. I laughed at some things. And overall, I didn’t hate it. It was a short, easy listen and while I don’t think I’ll be screaming recommendations from the rooftops, it was a cool glimpse into the life of an amazing man.
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

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Type of read: Commuter (listened to on the way to and from work)

What made me pick it up: This was a suggested read in my library audiobook app, plus Agatha Christie is one of my shelf staples.

Overall rating: It's been a while since I read a book by Agatha Christie but once I got into it, I remembered why I love her books so much. Thoughtful, thorough, and written in a way where you feel like you are in the pages. It wasn't predictable in the plot, which is always nice. Overall, a good read.

Reader's note (personal preference): I read this book via audiobook and while I enjoyed the extensive use of voice, tone, and volume used by the performer, some of the parts were extremely hard to hear/understand. I did listen to this book on regular (1.00) speed.
Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward

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Type of read: Commuter (listened to on the way to and from work).

What made me pick it up: Suggested read in my library audiobook app.

Overall rating: I knew nothing about this book when I picked it up. I borrowed it from my library based on the recommendation after some of my previous reads and I really liked the cover art. I liked the poetic nature of the book. I also enjoyed hearing the story from the various perspectives. Overall, this was a good read and honestly, one I would probably read again. I feel like you'd find something new each time you open the pages.

Reader's note (personal preference): I read this book via audiobook and found the narration for Leonie to be extremely low and soft. It was a soothing, calm voice - which fit the character - but going from Jojo's narration to Leonie's, I found myself always playing with the volume knob. It might just be my ears...but it was enough to be the smallest bit annoying. If I read it again, I'd read the printed book to see if I got more out of it.
Shout by Laurie Halse Anderson

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Type of read: After work listen.

What made me pick it up: Laurie Halse Anderson is one of my favorite authors. Speak, another one of her books, is in my top five favorites of all time. Full disclosure, I may be a little biased. When I was in high school, I performed excerpts from Speak at Speech competitions, which started my long time love affair with Halse Anderson and her writing.

Overall rating: I absolutely loved this book. The way it's written. The way it hits you. It's real and raw and everything I want from a book. I finished this in one day and would reread it again in a heartbeat. I don't purchase many books anymore (thank you, local library!) but this will be one that I purchase to add to my collection.
Untamed by Glennon Doyle

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Type of read: Commuter (listened to and from work)

What made me pick it up: The cover art caught my eye and it was a highly recommended book in my library app.

Overall rating: I have a habit of not reading what a book is about and strictly picking based on cover art, section I find it in the library/bookstore, or simply because it's an author's name that I recognize. This book, I loaned from the library strictly based on the cover art (I'm a sucker for some glitter). All that said, I liked this book. I did read quite a few Rachel Hollis books last year and this was slightly reminiscent of a Hollis book...but I found it to be a little more real and a little less "Yay sister!" I don't know if it was life-changing but it did make me think and I appreciated that.