A review by shellballenger
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo

Type of read: Commuter (listened to on the way to and from work)

What made me pick it up: This book was high on the list of book clubs, businesses, and young professional groups in my area.

Overall rating: I'm not going to rate the book on the star scale because honestly, it doesn't fit any of the stars in my opinion. I don't even know if I could really say that it's a good read. It's a book that takes on heavy topics and attempts to address racism. Does it make you think? Yes. Does it make you angry? Probably. Does it promote some self-reflection? Oh yeah. But does it deserve all the hype it's gotten? Eh.

Reader's note (personal preference): I read this book via audiobook and did find the original cadence of the book to be a bit difficult. I actually had to listen to this at 1.5 speed because the 'regular speed' was incredibly too slow for my liking and made the entire tone of the book seem off.