Oh, Passenger Princess, how I loved thee! Let me count the ways! Grumpy/Sunshine - ✅ Forced proximity road trip - ✅ Bodyguard - ✅ Big Guy/Tiny Woman Size Difference - ✅ Possessive alpha - ✅ Smutty smut, but make it meta because the MCs are reading it on a road trip - ✅ and ✅
Seriously, I loved Passenger Princess. I thought the writing flowed really well. I liked the little hit of suspense and mystery; it was enough to keep the plot moving, but not enough to give me anxiety, so a win. I adored Jaime ❤️ He was so perfectly attentive, and growly, and possessive, and just pretty perfect. Ava is one of the best FMCs I’ve read. She’s so fun and unapologetically herself. The side characters are a hoot, and I’m hoping for their books soon!
Some things that I didn’t love: One small inconsistency that bugged me - at the beginning of the book, we are told that this was Anne’s last year of eligibility for the pageant, but we are later told that she wanted to be the youngest guest pageant winner, then win again in a few years. It’s not huge, but it stood out to me. There were also a couple of times when it was clearly distinguished who was talking. Quotes were jumbled up in paragraphs with inner monologue and it wasn’t easily differentiated.
Overall, I really thought this was an excellent book. I definitely recommend it!
I received an ARC of Passenger Princess and I am leaving my review voluntarily.
I’m on the fence about Holding Grace. First and foremost, this is a spinoff series, which I had absolutely no clue about; I spent a good amount of time confused about relationships and the pub Michael worked in. I thought Michael owned the pub until I started to work it out. I feel like that should have been mentioned somewhere, regardless of whether the book is a standalone or not. Had I known that, I would’ve realized that there were details I might miss and not think the author had left giant plot holes. I did really enjoy the story, though I didn’t really feel the chemistry between Grace and Michael. There didn’t seem to be much buildup between them. We knew Michael was totally into Grace from the start, but she really waffled back and forth. When they did finally get together, it felt a little anticlimactic to me. Finally, I’m firmly in the please-physically-describe-the-MCs camp. Vague descriptions like dark hair, tall, broad, etc. don’t do it for me. I know that’s personal preference, but I feel like it takes me out of the flow of reading when I’m wondering what someone looks like. I did love the suspense and the Baron family, and I’m looking forward to the next book.
I received an ARC of Holding Grace from BookSirens. I am leaving this review voluntarily.
ETA: Sorry, I thought of this after - there was a HUGE plot hole for me. If Michael was so worried about Grace’s disappearance, why didn’t he go to the police? He called and texted and was worried she was kidnapped, but dropped it after she didn’t answer him? Weird. Same goes for when Grace found out about the plot against her. Obviously we wouldn’t have had this story, but, I mean, the police would’ve been a good option there as well 🤷♀️
A cozy Hallmark Christmas movie, but add steam! The Christmas Tree Farm was a great escape from the bazillion degree summer days. It covers all the bases: cozy small town, dogs, Christmas cheer, living room blanket forts, and steamy open-door loving. I like that our MCs were fully aware of their flaws and were trying to grow. I love the friend group. I want to live in Dream Harbor! My biggest complaint about the book would be all… the… ellipsis… Seriously, at one point I was playing a game to see how many pages in a row had ellipsis, but that was distracting me from the story and I stopped. Otherwise, I enjoyed this low-angst, steamy, cozy, fluffy Christmas book.
I received an ARC of The Christmas Tree Farm from NetGalley. I am leaving my review voluntarily.
How to Dump A Vampire was a delight to read! For a book with such cozy vibes (looking at you, cottage in a magical forest, fresh-baked spelled bread, and buckets of tea), there was some great spice and suspense to balance everything nicely. I love that our FMC, Thorn, was the grumpy to our MMC, Draven. It’s rare that grumpy/sunshine is FMC/MMC and not the other way around. I love Luna and her sass. My only complaint would be seemingly anachronistic language; they speak and dress as though the book is set in maybe the 1700s or 1800s, yet sometimes say modern things like “gonna” or “relationship goals.” I think the language should be consistent throughout. There were also a few instances where the beginning or end of a sentence was cut off, though I’m hoping it’s because I was reading an ARC and it will be edited. I’m excited for more of this world!
I received an ARC of How to Dump A Vampire from BookSirens. I am leaving this review voluntarily.
I was expecting to love this book, and I almost did, except for the fact that John had a fiancé for 75% of the book. I know nothing physical happened before that and it wasn’t a happy engagement, but I still didn’t like that.
I received a copy of Not a Cookie-Cutter Christmas from BookSirens. I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Well. Silent Jay was quite the ride. I honestly thought this was going to be a DNF for me because the whole thing is just bonkers, but man, did I end up loving it! I really got sucked in to the story and the mystery behind Jay’s situation. I love that she had to mate with a dragon from each of the elements, but good god, I HATE Tyson. I’m REALLY hoping for a nice redemption arc for him in the next book, which I will absolutely be reading. And Jay’s inner voice(s)? So freaking hilarious! I definitely laughed out loud a few times. I can’t wait to see if the boys can figure out how to play nice and I especially can’t wait to see how things develop between them, specifically. Maybe minus Tyson 🤷♀️
If you’re in the mood for a spicy, wild, wtf kind of book, please read this.
I received an ARC of Silent Jay (The Worst Guide to Collecting Dragons Book One) from BookSirens. I am leaving my review voluntarily.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I’m so, so torn on this book. On the one hand, I’m totally invested in the story. I need the mystery to be solved, especially after the epilogue. I’m a little creeped out by the ending, tbh, but I need to know what happens next. On the other hand, I basically hated Carra for most of the book. She grew on me a little at the end, though. Carra is a prostitute and continues her profession after her marriage. Even though the marriage was not a live marriage, I’m just not ok with that. Unless it’s a RH situation, or a couple’s specific kink, I’m not ok with extramarital carnal relationships. I guess I didn’t even realize that until this book, though I always avoid books with MC cheating. I think readers deserve to know going in to this book that it’s not a “safe” read. The author gave a content warning about a side character having a problem with prostitution, but not about the continuation of said prostitution, which I think is outrageous. I also didn’t think Carra’s profession was necessary to the plot. I get that it added spice where there wouldn’t have been any, and afforded Carra the opportunity to glean information from her clients, but both of those things could’ve been accomplished otherwise. It really felt like it added zero value to the book.
Other than my general dislike of Carra and the seemingly unnecessary prostitution, I thought the book needed to be tightened up a bit. One of my biggest pet peeves in a book is poor editing, even at the ARC phase, assuming the author has undergone beta reads. Things like incorrect names, glaring typos, and plot inconsistencies should be corrected before getting to the ARC stage. For example, because of an incorrect name placement, I knew the FMC’s name was Carra, not Anna (plot only, I know it’s in the blurb). It kind of ruins the flow of reading when you pause and go, wait, who’s Carra? Things like that take away from my enjoyment of a book.
I received an ARC of Mortal Memories from NetGalley. This review is my own and I am leaving it voluntarily.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Holy yes 🙌 My God, I love these Princesses of Ruin. Ruthless Scoundrel, book 4 in the series, is the sweetest (?) of the 4 so far, but no less spicy or adventurous. This book definitely didn’t feel as dark as the other 3. It did, however, feel very much like the calm before the storm, and it was very well-done. I loved Reina and Jasper so much. And, tentacles. I don’t think much more needs to be said about the spice level than that. I felt like Jasper was pretty complex; he was doing what he thought must be done, but he didn’t feel good about it. Ms. Holt did a great job with his character. Reina seemed less layered, but she did have some serious growth. I love that we were introduced to different worlds and allies in this book. I seriously cannot wait for the final book. This series has just been so well-done. The world building is amazing, the plot lines are equal parts dark and hopeful, the princesses and their loves are perfectly morally gray… just so good!
I received an ARC of Ruthless Scoundrel from the author, Ember Holt. This review is entirely my own and I am leaving it voluntarily.
I’m so glad I decided to read Book Boyfriendish after a not so great experience with VOGUEish! I did skip book two, but I’m ok with that.
I loved Sophie and Stone’s story. The meddling grandmothers are much more quirky and endearing in this book than the first book. Sophie was a bit hard to swallow, with her unflappable belief that men should be molded into perfect book boyfriends. I’ve never in my reading life thought that a cinnamon roll had a “look,” and I hope to God I never come across said look again. It was the most emasculating, effeminate look possible. I’ve always associated cinnamon rolls with particular qualities, and I will continue to do so! Sophie’s growth as a person was clearly shown each time she gave up a little more of her perfect book boyfriend. I thought that was a clever way of showing the character arc. I loved the whimsy in this book, and I think the fairy godmother thing was a much better fit than my first go-round. The hint of magic was like a warm cup of coffee - just perfectly comfy. I would read more about the brothers, and I’m a little curious about Frankie.
I received a copy of Book Boyfriendish from BookSirens. I am leaving my review voluntarily.
Oh boy… Let me start out by saying that I really enjoyed the premise of this book. I thought it had a lot of potential to be a great rom-com, but that’s about where my enjoyment ended. First, the fairy godmother thing totally lost me. There needed to be more explanation than simply a “rich old lady makes people have great comeback stories.” WHY do they do this, how do they do this, why do the subjects go along with it…? Nothing is explained, and we’re supposed to just believe that this girl accepts this brand-new life for the heck of it. Which leads me to the girl… our FMC is the actual worst. She’s nothing more than a spoiled brat who is OBSESSED with this arbitrary “comeback” so she can show her bullies just how awesome she is. I was bullied more often than not as a child and I never, ever obsessed over showing them how great I became. The whole thing was wild. It made Isabella this ridiculously materialistic, totally shallow person. And I got straight up whiplash with her feelings about Chandler. One day she wants him, the next she doesn’t, and he’s supposed to somehow know which day it is, because god forbid he doesn’t, she’ll throw an actual tantrum like a child. Stomping, silent treatment, the whole nine yards. The “fairy godmother” is supposed to be a quirky grandmother-type, only she’s not actually quirky, she’s just meddlesome and overbearing without us knowing why. None of the characters were very well-developed and had any depth. The chemistry was lacking between ALL of the characters, not just the MCs. The plot needed to be fleshed out more to actually explain the plot. This was a big miss for me.
I received a copy of VOGUEish from BookSirens. I am leaving this review voluntarily.