A review by sassypantsreading
Vogueish by Lisa Wells, Lisa Wells


Oh boy… Let me start out by saying that I really enjoyed the premise of this book. I thought it had a lot of potential to be a great rom-com, but that’s about where my enjoyment ended. First, the fairy godmother thing totally lost me. There needed to be more explanation than simply a “rich old lady makes people have great comeback stories.” WHY do they do this, how do they do this, why do the subjects go along with it…? Nothing is explained, and we’re supposed to just believe that this girl accepts this brand-new life for the heck of it. Which leads me to the girl… our FMC is the actual worst. She’s nothing more than a spoiled brat who is OBSESSED with this arbitrary “comeback” so she can show her bullies just how awesome she is. I was bullied more often than not as a child and I never, ever obsessed over showing them how great I became. The whole thing was wild. It made Isabella this ridiculously materialistic, totally shallow person. And I got straight up whiplash with her feelings about Chandler. One day she wants him, the next she doesn’t, and he’s supposed to somehow know which day it is, because god forbid he doesn’t, she’ll throw an actual tantrum like a child. Stomping, silent treatment, the whole nine yards. The “fairy godmother” is supposed to be a quirky grandmother-type, only she’s not actually quirky, she’s just meddlesome and overbearing without us knowing why. None of the characters were very well-developed and had any depth. The chemistry was lacking between ALL of the characters, not just the MCs. The plot needed to be fleshed out more to actually explain the plot. This was a big miss for me. 

I received a copy of VOGUEish from BookSirens. I am leaving this review voluntarily.