I think I've never read a book with a main character that is so naive, and kinda dumb. Sometimes I had to stop and be like "are you serious? are you like 5 years old? have you never thought about anything in your life?" But I guess maybe that was the point? I don't know. Either way, it was a basic 3 star read. Not bad, not great.
The book/translation is way better written than the first book was, and it kept me guessing until the end! Also loved the little easter egg from book 1.
This was one of those books I didn't feel the need to pick up when I wasn't reading it, but then when I was reading it, I was usually engrossed. I liked how you were given multiple threads, that later threaded into one tapestry; the more you read.
Why did I lowkey feel bored most of the series? Some chapters I would be speeding through because they were hooking me, and (most) others would be a drag to get through, this would even happen during high intensity scenes. I just had no interest.
Overall I think this could have been a great series, but everything felt just a superficial and too fast. Instead of actually taking the time with the characters and scenes, it felt like we just sped through the story with minor detail, almost like a 2nd draft. Nothing was really very fleshed out and I find it unfortunate. Even the sad event that happens in the last third was breezed over and hardly evoked any emotion in me. A bit disappointed to be honest, but at least I finished another series.
This was a little chaotic. Granted, it took me over a month to read it, I'm sure it would've made more sense or been more interesting if I read it quicker, but it just wouldn't keep my attention. It felt a little brain-washy, and very "first worldy" (nothing wrong with it, but it did make me struggle). It wasn't horrible but I just could not get into the book ever. Probably should've dnfed at some point.
I'm tired of the female main character of romance novels being stupid and immature. Why do they have to act like 15 year old kids in a 30 year old's body. No thank you.