I don't know what is gonna happen next and I'm heartbroken about how it ended..
Oh also cutter got her ass beat loved it was hoping to see her suffer more 🫡 I know she's evil and all but she also looks so hot? Like the character design is equally scary and sexy ???? Gabi you will always be remembered T-T
I love the emphasis on dealing with our feelings and maintaining our humanity and that it's one of the central characteristic of Erica. She does what she believes is right even when things get worse it's hard and you can't help but root for her..
The dragon and Cecelia conversation was something else I didn't see that coming but it also just makes sense because cutter is diabolically evil oh my god.. although the pacing was a bit different a great volume nevertheless!!
I am loving Erica's character with each passing chapter. She strongly clings to her choices and also deals with the consequences. I didn't expect that we'd lose Aaron so quickly didn't see that coming it sucks.
AAAA something is killing the children is quickly becoming one of my favorite series!! I think the best part is how serious the consequences are to whatever Erica decides to do. She has to live with them and lose some of her trusted allies. It's heavy but there's also moments that they try to alleviate the tension which is hard to pull off. I am so hyped for what's about to come.
The way this series deals with death and psyche of the kids who have witnessed the horrors is interesting. It might not be something new but its done very well imo. Erica is an amazing character and I love the multitudes that she contains. Its nice to see Aaron in the past and Jessica was all I was expecting to see! A great series !