Well written with excellent character development. The octopus is by far the best part! The author is skilled at descriptions and details. There is a lot of build up that doesn't feel like it wraps up in a way that I felt satisfied. The plot is a little predictable and at times a little dull but overall a solid read.
Interesting and informative but got a bit long and repetitive. Provides solid background information to the opioid crisis and methamphetamine issue using real life stories of how people became addicted. It's good information for everyone to know and understand about our society but the stories definitely get a bit redundant. Someone gets prescribed pain meds, gets addicted, and eventually it ruins their life or kills them. Learning about the difference between new methamphetamine and the impacts was super interesting just got a bit long.
ARC review: From start to finish this book was addicting and engrossing. The pacing was just right and I never found myself wishing it was faster or slower. IT was extremely hard to put down and I found myself staying up until I fell asleep involuntarily multiple times. Descriptive world building and solid overarching story. The FMC is badass and well written with a great story arch/character development. Plot twists throughout definitely caught me off guard multiple times. There's definitely themes/tropes but they're well done and not super predictable. lt's a unique take on the classic wolves vs. vampire story.
If you liked fourthwing, this is a similar vibe but a little darker and better written with giant direwolves instead of dragons. This book is absolutely worth the read and is one of the best books I've read in a very long time. I liked it so much I bought a physical copy after completing my read. It really is that good! Go get it and come back to tell me how much you loved it.
Whimsical, well written, and fun adventure. Enjoyed it thoroughly! Pirates, friendship, bravery, and a talking rat. Just an all around solid fairy tale with a female lead coming into her own making friends along the way.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Not bad, not great, but definitely just ok. While it is not poorly written, it was longer than it needed to be and not very engaging or exciting. Wendy, however, is just not a super engaging character in general, so I'm not sure what I expected. The relationship with Wendy and Tinkerbell is the main focus and Hook was probably the most interesting character. Overall just a really strong just ok.