This book is the definition of just ok. Ok characters, ok writing, but a fun unique plot idea. It's a cute easy read that just isn't that compelling or that well written though. Very unsatisfying ending and the voice for the audiobook was pretty annoying. There's so many good books out there I'd skip this one if I were you.
It is exactly what you'd expect from a cozy little Christmas book with magic and a little mystery. It isn't anything profound or amazing but it's a cheerful holiday book that had me smiling throughout.
Essentially a slightly better written Legends and Lattes. If you like Legends and Lattes or enjoy cozy fantasy this book is definitely for you. I can appreciate the book for what it is snd found it to be a nice pallet cleanser between heavier books. If you're a fan of faster paced more exciting fantasy though like me you'll probably find this one a little dull and slow. The characters are likeable and the writing is solid. It was just a little slow paced for my taste. Very relaxing and cozy though if that's your jam.
If you're a fan of avatar this is a great continuation of that world. Learning Kyoshi's backstory and diving into her world was intended and cool. The writing is pretty good but at times was a little unengaging. Overall a good book but could have been a little shorter.
3.5 which breaks my heart. I love Tamora Pierce and all the previous books but just couldn't handle the plot of this one. Of all the dead people WHY would Thom bring Duke Roger back to life. Then WHY is Duke Roger not immediately thrown into a dungeon?! Let alone Thom hanging out with him and sharing information with him. Duke Roger yet again trying to take the crown and using Alana's enemies was predictable and obvious. This really ruined the book for me unfortunately. Also this strong independent FMC I've come to love and respect has no loyalty or independence with men jumping in bed with a new character every book which is inappropriate for a juvenile fiction.
Cozy comfort book with cute characters. Low risk easy read that was a nice palette cleanser for me between heavy high fantasy books. Enjoyable but simple but on the verge of being boring. Good for what it is and what it's supposed to be.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
"All books are magic. An object that can take you to another world without even leaving your room? A story written by a stranger and yet it seems they wrote it just for you or to you? Loving and hating people made out of ink and paper, not flesh and blood? Yes, books are magic. Maybe even the strongest magic there is."
This book is not my normal style but I enjoyed it none the less. At times it's a little silly/cheesy but overall I found myself smiling instead of rolling my eyes at that. It is an enjoyable cozy read with some darkness sprinkled in. A trigger warning about child abuse and loss of parent to suicide would be beneficial for some I believe. Closed door male male romance was very sweet and enjoyable. Likeable characters that could have a little more depth to get closer to 5 stars. I did the audiobook and struggle a little with many female narrators (especially voicing multiple male main characters) this one included so may have liked the physical book even more. Overall though this was a fun enjoyable read.