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renpuspita's reviews
1368 reviews
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? No
Dari review - review yang gue baca, beberapa reviewer yang dari Indo tahu tentang ABC Murders dari manga Detektif Conan. Walau dulu gue ngikutin Conan, tapi setelah vol 30an keatas udah kayak bosen aja hihihi. The ABC Murders ini cukup unik premisnya. Kalau beberapa kasus Poirot yang udah gue baca itu kebanyakan pembunuhan di ruang tertutup atau kejadiannya di suatu tempat yang cukup terisolasi alias semua orang tahu sama tahu dan siapapun bisa jadi pelakunya, maka The ABC Murders ini sebaliknya. Kali ini Poirot dan Hastings harus berpacu dengan waktu untuk mencegah seorang pembunuh serial membunuh orang - orang yang tak berdosa. Si pembunuh yang menamai dirinya "ABC" mengirimkan surat pada Poirot, menantang sang detektif untuk mencegah pembunuhan di kota dengan huruf awal sesuai urutan abjad. Pembunuhan terus terjadi sampai abjad C dan di setiap kasus selalu ada buku panduan kereta api ABC.
Narasi buku ini memang semuanya ditulis dari sudut pandang Kapten Hastings walau beberapa bagian ditulis dari sudut pandang ketiga untuk memberikan beberapa perspektif. Uniknya, sejak awal pembunuh serialnya sudah dikasihtau siapa! Tapi, bukan Dame Christie kalau ga bikin plot twist dan red herring yang sangat tampak nyata. Meski gue udah sedikit banyak bisa menebak sang pembunuh, gue puas dengan cara deduksi Poirot saat mengupas tuntas siapa si pembunuh ABC ini. Pace bukunya juga cukup cepat, ga terlalu lambat atau memb0sankan kayak buku - buku Dame Christie yang biasa gue baca. Mungkin karena ada aspek suspensenya juga dimana Poirot dan Hastings menebak - nebak akan terjadi pembunuhan dimana lagi.
Khas novel - novel Christie, ada yang endingnya jadian juga di buku ini XD. Gue sendiri suka sama narasi Hastings yang selain gemas buat dibaca juga menunjukkan keakrabannya dengan Poirot. The ABC Murders ini juga jadi buku AC yang gue penasaran sama siapa sih pembunuh serialnya sama gimana cara Poirot menangkap si pelaku. Beberapa bagian rada rasis tapi mengingat tahun kapan buku ini ditulis, yah, kayak inevitable gitu. Bisa diskip bagian - bagian itu jika kurang nyaman.
Salah satu kisah Poirot dengan premis yang menarik, narasi Hastings yang menyenangkan buat dibaca dan tentunya plot twist berlapis - lapis kayak kue lapis legit.
Graphic: Death and Murder
Moderate: Racism
Sayangnya, gue belum jadi ibu (meski udah nikah lama) jadi kurang terkoneksi sama isi-isinya. Mungkin kalau nanti gue akhirnya ada anak dan ngalamin apa yang dialami Puty, gue akan baca ulang dan siapa tahu ratingnya berubah :-)
*beli ebooknya dulu dapat free di GPB pas Mizan ada promo
Walau gitu, gue suka bagian saat Ernest share tip parenting yang akan gue coba terapkan juga nanti kalau gue akhirnya dikaruniai anak. Bagian Ernest fanboying ke Reza Rahadian juga menarik karena walau orang suka bosan dengan film yang dibintangi Reza dan ngomong "Reza lagi, Reza lagi, kayak ga ada aktor lain aja", malah jadi mengukuhkan kalau Reza memang salah satu aktor terbaik di Indo. Gue juga suka bagian Ernest cerita proses di balik bikin film Cek Toko Sebelah (CTS). Ngelihat nama Jenny Jusuf jadi salah satu penulis naskah CTS gue ketawa keras2 karena tahu betapa kontroversialnya Jenjus di sosmed apalagi di Twitter. Gue juga salut sama cara Ernest namain anak - anaknya. Anti mainstream karena ga namain anak dia dengan nama2 Keisya, Queensha, Farasyaa atau nama apapun yang berakhir dengan huruf "A".
Sisanya sih, terlalu nano nano for my taste. Ngingetin sama buku Imperfect yang ditulis sama istrinya Ernest, Meira, karena sama - sama campur aduknya. Kalau suka materi stand up comedy atau ingin cari yang ringan - ringan, boleh lah cek Setengah Jalan.
And Ernest, stop called yourself "OLD" when you are only 35 years old when you wrote "Setengah Jalan"! Loe di tahun 2024 aja masih 42, itu MASIH MUDA YA! Gue yang pas baca buku ini di 2024 umur 37 tahun wicis lebih tua 2 tahun daripada loe pas nulis buku ini aja masih merasa muda kok hahaha. Masa kalah sama bos gue yang usianya udah 65 tahunan lebih tapi dia selalu merasa muda dan emang masih semangat kayak anak buahnya yang gen millenial dan gen Z!
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
If you follow IA's blog, Blood Heir first serialized in their web under "Aurelia Ryder" series and written when in 2020 pandemic. The year that I'm sure change our life and still affect me to this day. No wonder that Blood Heir also have a slightly "pandemic" vibes especially the homesickness and can't meet a family member that we hold dear. Blood Heir start with Julie finally come back to Atlanta after 8 years but she can't meet Kate because if she meet her, the enemy called Moloch will kill Kate. Julie now go with name Aurelia Ryder, a new face, a new scent, unrecognizable with Atlanta's citizen that once know Julie is Kate's ward. So, we will met characters that we had known and loved but also new characters as well.
Did Julie meet Derek? Of course, but Derek also change and their relationship got more complicated than ever.
I see some reviews that compared Julie with Kate and I think that inevitable. I read Kate's books and I love her personality and her relationship not only with Curran but also another characters as well. I know that some can be harsh with said Julie is Kate 2.0 or worse, Kate 98 version. Maybe that true, but I think it's also a little bit unfair. There are some similarities between Julie and Kate, but there are also differences. Kate start as a loner and killer, she hide who she is the whole of series up to Magic Strikes because Voron told her to hide her magic in order to avoid Roland so Kate is more prominent in sword fighting rather than magic. Even when Kate finally using her blood magic with the help of Erra, Kate still hesitant to fully embrace it and only decide to use her ability to the fullest because of Conlan (as shown in Magic Triumph and more in the Wilmington Years novella). In Blood Heir, IA describe that Julie's appearance change is because the Eye of Moloch and she wished to become like Kate and Erra. Stronger and harder to kill. In my opinion, Julie's wish is very humane. When you have a Shinar princess as your Mom and Shinar queen as your Grandmother, of course you want to be like them even it was start as a wishful thinking. Julie also want to belong because she start as a street kid. Unlike Kate, Julie learn under Erra's teaching and embrace her role as the heir of Erra in New Shinar Kingdom. While at first Julie seems like better than Kate, I feel like it's unfair to compare them. Kate is her own person, so does Julie. There's no appearance of Kate and I think that's for the better because Kate will overshadow Julie and Blood Heir is Julie's story. Also, when I first read Magic Burn, I admit I can't stand Julie because I think she was bratty. But in my second read, I change my opinion because teenager supposed to be bratty, heh.
To see old characters that we love is a delight to read. Barabas and Christopher married and their daughter, Sophia is adorable. I hope we get glimpse into the children but so far only Sophia and Conlan that have some role. True to the tradition, just like Kate saved Julie back then, Julie also save a street kid named Marten. But, contrary to Julie, Marten is a savvy 7 years old that have bottomless pit and also maybe hide some secret of her own. There's some appearance by our favorite wizard, Luther and his scene is funny and hilarious because
About Ascanio, well he also change too. Gone the pervert mischief bouda teenager because Ascanio now is Beta of the Clan Bouda and apparently he vying for the Beast Lord position. I don't think he will become one of Julie's main love interest, because unlike Julie and Derek, I see Ascanio is just a friend. Okay, I admit I'm a Team Metal Rose, lel. Although I kinda disappointed to see the way of their relationship unfold. Julie is still not over Derek despite she want to move on, but Derek also can be so dense! I had read Magic Stars and there's a hint that Derek already loved Julie back. But in that novella, Julie is till in her 16-ish while Derek already 20-ish so I understand why Derek want to be in status quo but Julie also hopelessly in love with Derek and not just a teenage crush. Their lack of communication and misunderstanding in the end is hurt to read and I really want to smack them both like "what are you two doing? why are you act both immature despite of your ages?". I know that both Julie and Derek's feeling hurt because Julie left Atlanta without telling Derek but in the other side Julie hope that Derek will pursue her by ask how she was doing or maybe do some mating dance or what, lel. I just shake my head and I wonder how IA will solve this problem in the next book. If Julie frequently compared to Kate, I don't think Derek is a carbon copy of Curran. First, Derek is more like calm and cold type. He's like to howling not roaring (duh!), but he's not that arrogant, unlike Curran. Namtur once called Derek as Shepherd of the Wolf and like Julie, Derek's wolf form also change so there's something going on with him that still unrevealed yet.
I think this review is already long enough, lol. For me, Blood Heir as a start of the new series is good and well written. Blood Heir will always be compared to Kate's books, it's inevitable. But for the beginning of Julie's adventure and maybe her HEA with Derek (please IA, Derek for Julie, Ascanio (or maybe Yu Fong, lol) can be for everyone, lol), Blood Heir is still a must read and I can't wait to read book 2 especially with that ending that have while didn't end in cliffhanger but have some promise for more stories to come.
Graphic: Death, Violence, Blood, Fire/Fire injury, and Injury/Injury detail
Moderate: Child abuse
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
At first, I think Magic Claims will be in a light tone like Magic Tides. Just a glimpse into the life of Lennarts family in the Wilmington. But, I'm wrong. IA once said in their blog that they intent for this book to be in novella length but in the end it's almost a full novel! I'm not complain tho, more words to consume for me. The story itself more like the continuation of what happen after Magic Breaks . Especially regarding Curran's decision to left the Pack and how after more than ten years together Kate still feel guilty about that since she thought that Curran left because of Roland's ultimatum. Actually since I had read Curran's PoV in Small Magics but I think not everyone that follow Kate Daniels series read it so IA once again wrote that
I once write about Jim in my review of Magic Tides and finally what happen with Pack under Jim as Beast Lord come to the light. I never see Jim as a villain, there's many hateful characters to be despised from Kate Daniels series and deserve their villain status. But to see how Jim finally become is quite sad. He become
Just like its title, Kate again try to claiming a land like what she did back then in Atlanta. But, unlike her immediate and rush claiming, Kate now have years to practice and Erra also guide her to learn about her heritage. Oh, Kate still reluctant to fully embrace her Shinar magic, but she's now mature and didn't hesitant to use it when necessary. It's satisfying to read Kate's character development from Magic Bites to Magic Claims. Her personality change to the better but her old shelf as a killer still shone through. Kate will never be a Queen although Jushur insist that she's the Sharratum, lol. Not everyone must be a queen with crown.
The challenge about written a pair that already achieve their HEA is they become mundane and stagnant. That's not the case with Kate and Curran. If possible, their love grew stronger and they have goals now to protect Conlan. I really like when Curran say that he will do everything to see Kate smile again like his stabby Kate and I love the scene when Kate call Curran "His Furriness". Their bantering is a delight to read especially Curran's flirting that really, really smooth. IA show that even the characters already married that didn't mean they will become boring of sort. I like that after decade, Kate and Curran still find things to be laugh together, have deep talks regarding their future, compromise especially about if they got injured and try to not rush to the danger and so on. That's what marriage do, not only based on love but based on companionship.
Roland still an interesting character and to call him a villain now maybe stretching it a bit. He's more like a morally grey character now. I like that Roland written with so many facets. He's a megalomaniac tyrant but also a wise grandfather to Conlan although he love to disparaging Curran. Maybe he still doesn't want Kate to marry Curran, but he didn't refuse it either. Complicated, thy name is Roland. He also still like to manipulate Kate and maybe still not talking with Erra. But, I like that despite so many of his faults, he can see that Kate's doubt about using her magic is because Kate afraid that she will turn into Roland or Erra. So Roland's dialogue about Kate to not hesitant to use her magic maybe show that he try to understand his children. Fascinating character indeed. Erra herself still become a stern aunt and I still can't believe how she become Kate's enemy back then in Magic Bleeds and how she also make Curran go comatose but now Erra and Curran respect each other. People do change, huh.
There's so many interesting characters in Magic Claims like Kellan's Wilminton Pack with his renders and another Roland's people, Jushur and his son Rimush. My favorite renders is Owen and Troy who keep bickering to each other, lel. The enemy itself have pretty unique background and kinda come from nowhere, lol. Still interesting to read. The scene when the Penderton's citizen panicked about Kate's claiming envoke my emotions because at first they seems ungrateful to what Kate and Curran did, but Curran's speech (without too much roar) assure them. Conlan is still totes adorable and the enemy identity get revealed because of him.
I read Magic Claims before Blood Heir aka Julie's book so maybe this book kinda explained what happen in Julie's story because Magic Claim timeline is 1 or 2 years before the event in Blood Heir. IA promise that there will be Wilmington 3 that will released in 2024. Can't wait!!
Graphic: Confinement, Sexual content, Violence, Blood, and Fire/Fire injury
Moderate: Animal cruelty, Animal death, and Death
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? No
Review will contain spoilers from previous Kate's books
About Kate:
About Curran and Conlan:
About relationship between Kate & Hugh, also Curran & Jim:
For a novella, Magic Tides as entertaining as the full novel. My complaint maybe because Kate and Curran separated for almost all the book because I like when they are together in the books. It's just me tho, because Kate and Curran is already become a solid couple and maybe one or two distance is fine. I like the touch of the Celt myth that IA used and with some tidbits about Irish people in Wilmington maybe we will get more Celt myth's fiasco in the future.
Kate and Curran try to stay low and to give a chance for Conlan to live is a normal kid. But maybe, their wish is for naught because we know that they will never back down from any challenge! I welcome for more Wilmington year novella!
Graphic: Child abuse, Slavery, Blood, Trafficking, and Injury/Injury detail
Moderate: Gore
Minor: Body horror
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
I really enjoy reading Sanctuary although Roman is grumpier than usual, but there's a reason behind that. The story start with Roman give sanctuary to a little boy that got hunted by mercenaries and unknown enemy. The identity of the enemy still a mystery, tho. Roman did what Roman do and I really like the magic battle that ensues. Very different from Kate of course. Roman's magic more like long range magic based on his Slavic deity. Near the end of story, Roman will meet his potential romantic interest, a Vasilisa . Apparently, Roman know her back then and the Valisila (named Andora) was an unwilling victim of Roman's magic going awry when Roman is in his 12-ish. I like that IA didn't sugarcoated that what Roman did was bullying even Roman had his reason and in the end Roman apologized properly to Andora. But, the romance is more like a hint and maybe will explored more in the next Roman's novella. Yep, IA already confirmed that Roman will get another story to be told.
One of the highlight of this novella is Evdokia. OMG, she's a hoot, lol. She's such a concern mother that currently nagging Roman to married and make babies, with some commentary that make laughing so hard (low sperm count? Maybe Roman have low testosterone and must get tested? LOLOLOL). The Baba Yaga sure enjoying herself in order to get Roman walk the altar. There's also some explanation about Roman's deceased brother and how Roman got chosen as Chernobog's volvh.
My one (and only) complaint just this book is short, lel. But, for a novella, Sanctuary pack quite a punch because there's a long essay from Mod R (if you a visitor of IA's blog, you will know her) about Vasilisa, Baba Yaga and stock characters in Slavic Myth. Sanctuary is filled with many Slavic creatures, especially in Roman's nechist that consist of so many creatures with names that hard to pronounce. We also got glimpse into Chernobog's realms, Nav and some of meaningful discussion about what the characters perceive as evil and good.
A good novella that reveal that our favorite black Volvh have some depths and also a difficult past that shape him as a character that we know and loved. Looking forward to more Roman's story!!
Graphic: Violence and Injury/Injury detail
Moderate: Bullying
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
After binge reading for almost 2 month, I have reached the conclusion of Kate Daniels's arc against her father Roland that is Magic Triumphs.
Nah, we know that the story still continued to Julie's book in Blood Heir and we also get some of novella from Kate and Curran (and their son, Conlan) in Magic Tides and Magic Claims. Also don't forget Hugh's own book in Iron Covenant 2 and Roman's novella Sanctuary. Godness, BDH aka Book Devouring Horde is a menace and we demand MORE books from Kate & co, because admit it, IA write so many wonderful characters that need their story to be told.
I need time to process, lol. But for me in term of awesomeness and 5+++ stars rating, Magic Triumphs come in third place behind Magic Strikes (the first) and Magic Breaks (the second). It's not that Magic Triumphs was worse written. Quite the opposite to be exact, because IA carefully close some story threads that need to be closed while still left many mysteries open, such as Julie's fate in the end of the book (that we know will be continued into Blood Heir). And not all beloved characters have scenes and parts. Like our naughty bouda Ascanio (that have some part in Iron and Magic) or the good doctor Dolittle. I admit, I'm become so familiar with Dolittle presence since Kate love to get herself to hurt but in Magic Triumphs, surprisingly the amount of wound that Kate inflicted to herself is minimum. Maybe because she's already a mother to Conlan. Reading about her become a helicopter parent is funny, lel
Will write more after I sit it for some times. Maybe, will do some little re-read, heh
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
Magic Tests
I had read this short stories before in Magic Breaks and I believe this is the first time Julie get her own PoV. Fun and interesting, Julie show that she is as shrewd as Kate and she have so much potential in the future. Yeah, Julie is a brat but her brattines and know-it-all still in manageable level. Her sensate magic is unique and I wonder how it will get explored in Julie's own book, Blood Heir.
A Questionable Client
First time meeting between Kate and the sexual deviant, Saiman. Apparently Saiman already try to wooing Kate from the first time they meet and if you had read Magic Bleeds, you know that Saiman try his damnedest to get into Kate's pants just to prove his point about emotions and relationship. We all know how its end, poor Saiman (not). I like the touch of Slavic myth that IA used and also got to know some interesting creatures as well.
Retribution Clause
Eh, too short and not much pages to get to know more about Adam Talbot and his partner, Siroun, except for that Adam is Saiman's cousin and both he and Siroun is part of insurance company adjuster. I don't know what Siroun is and if her feeling for Adam is romantic or not. A pity because the story seems interesting
Of Swine and Rose
Cute! As cute as a YA short story can be. It's also end when things become interesting *sigh
Grace of Small Magics
So this short story first published in Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance and in 2009. Maybe that's why the romance is the main focus and also happen fast although still well written. I believe some parts of this short story such as the war between Clan and the unique magic system was expanded more into Hidden Legacy although both Grace and Nassar didn't appear in that series.
Curran's PoV
This. This is the best part of this anthology. Save the best for the last, hehe. With all of Kate's books told entirely from Kate's 1st PoV, it's a wonder to know what His Majesty thinking. So, IA decide to write some scenes from Curran's PoV from Magic Bites to Magic Bleeds and with one addition, from Magic Breaks. From Unicorn Lane and Fernando's scene in Magic Bites, it's appear that Curran already interested to Kate. The interest become full blown mating frenzy in the Soup scene from Magic Burns. So, His Furriness is falling first and very hard at that, heh. I often read that Kate really, REALLY love Curran and she think that she was unlovable at first. But if only she know what Curran thinking in their first meeting, she may know that Curran also love her so much. We also get to know why Curran didn't appear for his Naked Dinner with Kate and well, no wonder he didn't make it in time. He try to settle some of domestic dispute!
Sadly, there's no Curran's PoV from Magic Rises, because admit it, he's very suck in pretending to interesting to other girl just in order to keep Kate safe. But maybe IA try to not write that part because I know that Magic Rises make some readers upset to Curran (me included). Magic Breaks told about Curran's past when he lost his family to the loups and meet Mahon. The rest when he become Beast Lord is a history although I want to know what Mahon thinking in the first place to sent Curran to fight Andorlf in the first place when Curran is in his 16 or 16-ish. Beside Curran, we also got Jim's PoV when he become Beast Lord after Curran's abdication. While I know that Curran trust Jim and consider Jim as his best friend, I don't know if Jim really cut it to be a Beast Lord since Jim's paranoia is off the chart just like what he did in Magic Binds. Only time will tell, I guess.
Small Magics is a must read if you love Kate Daniels series and especially if you want to know more about Curran, since his voice and PoV is pretty interesting to read
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
#Make him falling to the rock bottom;
#Give him a conscience and epiphany after all the eeevuuulll & wrongdoings he did in the name of his Sharrum;
#And to add the cherry on top, throw him into a marriage of convenience with a woman that despise him from the start but didn't have much choice because they need each other because of circumstances.
Sick fuck, ehm sorry, Hugh D' Ambray was known by his villainy from Kate's book. I don't really hate him, I think he was interesting back then in Magic Rises. Magic Breaks make me view him with ewww because he torture & kill some of characters that very dear to Kate (view spoiler). Don't forget what he did to Kate in Mishmar and his unhealthy obsessions because he got a hard-on when fighting Kate. Eww, nope, lel. So when IA decide to give Hugh his own book despite the said book happen because of some April's Fool joke, color me surprise.
IA already lay the ground for Hugh's path to redemption. After his falling from grace and separation from Roland, Hugh is a former shadow of himself. He drunk himself to stupor just to numb the void that happen because Roland no longer want him to be a Warlord while the Iron Dogs got hunted. So when he finally decide to be sober and agree to a business marriage with Elara Harper, the White Warlock that rule Baile castle in Kentucky, I see a new light about Hugh. See, I know Hugh just from Kate's book and all of them told entirely from Kate's first PoV. I see Hugh from Kate's eyes, I judge him from Kate's insight about Hugh. Of course there will be bias. I like that IA write Iron and Magic from both Hugh and Elara's perspective and use 3rd voice. So I get to know them from outside views.
Hugh is a villain yes, but he's also not entirely at fault. The fault lay with Roland and his manipulative way to form Hugh from a gifted healer to a ruthless Warlord. Roland temper Hugh to obey all his demands with charisma, suggestion and also some of magic involved. See it unveiled make me realize that Roland is a kind of toxic parents but what make it chilling, Roland didn't see that what he did to both Hugh and Kate was wrong and said that it's parents duty to educate children to their own views. IA didn't glossed over all Hugh's faults and mistakes. Oh, Hugh is still hard, vicious but he also amend for his mistakes. All Hugh did to Kate in Magic Rises and Magic Breaks was because he take Roland's demand to bring Kate to Roland's palace with extreme precautions. I like that IA write about Hugh handle
I like Elara and sure she's different from Kate because Elara is a leader to her people. Her past and real magic still didn't get revealed and I have a guts maybe its will be unfold in the next Iron Covenant book. I like the secondary characters from Iron Dogs and also Elara's people. There's a hint of romance between Stoyan, Hugh's second in command, with Johanna, one of Elara's people that have a unique power of her own. Another Iron Dogs, Lamar and Bale provide comic relief while Lamar also act as voice of reason to Hugh. Elara and Hugh hated each other with snipping, snapping and mocking each other. Sometimes its hilarious to read. There's a romance of course, but still in the early phase even though Hugh and Elara is married and don't forget that they have history in betraying their allies. They begin to see each other in new light and also care in their twisted way. The consummation scene, well, kinky, just like Hugh. I have "whaaa" moment when read it because the steamy levels is off the chart and I have a guts because Iron and Magic was self-published, IA didn't hold at all when writing sex scene, lel.
The battle scenes is very well written and we got not only one but two battle scenes that show that Hugh indeed, is a Warlord. His hostility with the Legatus of Golden Legion, Landon Nez get expanded. There's a new enemy that target Elara's castle and the surrounding villages and their real identity also reason behind attack still shrouded in mystery. Even the reason why Elara and her people, The Departed, got chased by another witch covens is still not clear. Stoyan and Lamar tell Hugh that Elara's people feels like cult and maybe they are really a cult, lel. We don't get explanation why Elara called The White Warlock. There's so much things still unclear and maybe will resolved in the next books.
It's very entertaining to read Iron and Magic. I very much looking forward to Hugh's path of redemption and to see how he become his own person, free from Roland's influence. Also, I don't know why both Kate and Hugh have a steed that love prancing. Kate with her mammoth donkey, Cuddles and now Hugh with his white stallion that shining like a unicorn every damn time with name as majestic as Buchepalus but called Bucky. IA seems to have things for unique horses and donkey alike. Also the dog, the real dog not the Iron ones, Cedric is adorable!
Graphic: Death, Gore, Sexual content, Violence, Blood, and Injury/Injury detail
Moderate: Alcoholism, Emotional abuse, Medical content, Religious bigotry, and Alcohol
Minor: Infidelity