Some scenes/themes in this book resonates so much with me that it made me feel nauseous, especially since it's written in second person. However, it lost me a bit with the magical realism aspect and the heavy focus on Lorcan as a love interest in the last 2-3 chapters. I usually love magical realism, but it felt out of place in a book so rooted in real life. I still enjoyed the majority of the book though!
I feel like I'm the minority, but the ending actually bumped the rating down massively for me. I enjoyed what the book was initially about and didn't like how the ending warped that perception. With the rest of the book being very slow, it also felt like the ending happened a bit too fast. I could even relate to the wife at times, with how GAD amplifies every thought and worry.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Läste Jurtjyrkogården för första gången när jag var, typ, 12 kanske? Då tyckte jag såklart att det var det läskigaste jag någonsin läst - när jag läste om den denna gång, förvånas jag över hur rolig vissa rader är (inte på ett negativt sätt). En underhållande bok men jag tror att en tajtare struktur, mindre fokus på micmac och en nertonad Gage när han kommer tillbaka hade gjort Jurtjyrkogården ännu bättre.
A lovely read, although the writing got a bit too flowery at times (which says a lot coming from me!). I thought it was an interesting (not necessarily positive) choice to exclude Tom's perspective towards the end, and also thought it focused too much on food descriptions at times... but all in all, an enjoyable read with metaphors/throwbacks nicely weaved throughout.
Succient yet delicious prose, unapologetically queer. Even with the lack of quation marks, the dialogues are easy to follow. Loved it. K. Patrick is someone to keep an eye on.