readingwithcake's reviews
665 reviews

Gleam by Raven Kennedy

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3.5 stars- I thought this was a trilogy but I missed the series memo somehow. I’m not super interested in book 4 anyway with that ending, so I’ll probably never read it. I felt the author was trying to be like yeah the girls, hence why the story dragged on in the middle there; so Auren could save herself but in the end she still needed a man to save her in some form and that was disappointing because I feel like the entire plot was angled at her saving herself. It was still an enjoyable read and once again the random inconsistent inclusion of other Povs annoyed me.
Don't You Forget About Me by Mhairi McFarlane

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I haven’t read any of this authors work before, it was free on kindle unlimited so I was pleasantly surprised to find I really enjoyed this book! I loved Georgina as our main character and enjoyed her coming of age story (as a 30 year old).
The Traitor Spy by Marion Blackwood

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I really enjoyed this book! Smashed through it. I did find some of the writing a bit too simplistic in some parts but it didn’t take away from my overall enjoyment. There were quite a few plot twists I didn’t see coming, so I’m excited to see what happened in book two!
Spellbreaker by Charlie N. Holmberg

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What a truly enjoyable fantasy read! The only reason I gave it 4 stars as I found the initial chapters from Elsie’s POV slightly irritating, which I know was to demonstrate her naivety but I didn’t enjoy the beginning as much as the rest of the book. I loved the concept of spell makers and spell breakers in 19th century or maybe it was 18th century England, just fantastic!
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

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Wowee, what a fun ride this read was! I literally got this in my hands yesterday morning and in any spare time I had over the weekend I read this bad boy! It was delicious, it was fun, it was witty and all round bloody adorable!
Spellmaker by Charlie N. Holmberg

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A great end to the duology and the overarching plot! It all came together nicely, with lots of action and drama along the way!
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake

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I won’t reveal too much about the characters as too much chatter could reveal a plot spoiler! However, I will say that Blake created six very different, complex characters in this book! Each one came with an interesting back story and slowly we got to know them throughout the book. Pacing could have been slightly better considering it happened over a year but this didn’t both me too much. I was impressed by the concept of the book and it’s magic system, and relished finding a new fantasy book that had originality. The ending came as shock and when the villain of the book was revealed the plot of the series became more apparent. An excellent debut novel and I look forward to reading the next instalment.

P.s Now I’m not sure if any other Aussie reader thought this but the start felt like a Tournament of Minds/ OptiMinds competition
Beach Read by Emily Henry

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Really enjoyed this read!