readerlatte's reviews
236 reviews

Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young

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Sky in the Deep was a wonderful historical fiction story that I read in one sitting in just over 3 hours. I could not put it down! It had everything from romance, to danger, to family, to OMG everyone is going to die, and I would totally recommend this one to anyone who loves books like Outlander and Enemies to Lovers romance. SO GOOD!!

This one started out with me kind of being like meh. This one is just meg. But that all changed once I got going. After that I could not put this one down!! The story kept me going until the very last page and I only had two things that I kind of didn't like but I could over look. So the first one was that the entire war thing was that every 5 years these two factions would come together and war it was called the waring season and that was all because the gods basically told them to do this. So it just kind of felt like it was two teams of children battling over a red crayon or so. And to me it was just kind of stupid. That these people need to put on their big adult panties and suck it the crap up!! The other issue I had was during the big fight scene that was totally awesome but the fighting just ends. The end of one chapter people are still fighting then BAM its like weeks later. I would have liked to see that transition from one chapter to the next to be a little smoother than what it was. But other than those two things this book was freaking awesome!!

So the charters in this one were fabulous. Eelyn was freaking amazing and I loved her from the first few pages in. She was so strong, strong willed and man can I just be her BFF? The rest of the cast was also great. I loved learning about both sets of people and I think the author did a fabulous job making us first hate then then loving everyone. That it's an eye opener about learning that your enemies are so much different than you are. I also loved all the fighting and the religion/culture that the author added to this story. I think she did an amazing job adding elements of each one to the story and it made it very beautiful.

In the end this one would appeal to those who adore historical fiction with no magical elements to speak of.

Go Into This One Knowing: Romance, Enemies to Friends, Family, War, Suggested Almost Rape (not sure how to explain this one.), No Fantasy Elements, No Cliffhanger,
Bloodleaf by Crystal Smith

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This was such an amazing story. It was dark, full of romance, and hand had plenty of twists and turns I loved how it started and how it ended and I can not wait until book two that comes out next year. Everything worked in this books favor, the setting and world, the characters, and the magic. The world building was so beautiful and the character development was spot on.

This one works great as a stand alone but I am so happy to know that it is a series. I am excited to know where this one goes.

Go Into This One Knowing: Darker Story, Romance, No Cliffhanger, Magic
Over the Wall by Peter Wartman

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This was such an adorable story. A girl goes into a demon city to try and save her brother and finds a new friend. I really enjoyed this story, it was quick, cute, and an easy read. I think this one would be great for ages in middle school to high school. The artwork was great and I loved every second of it. I hope that we learn more about their world and culture in the next book. I think this would make a very cute cartoon.
Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller

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I started out this with this book being very worried. It was only a little over 300 pages, a stand alone, and from an author that although I did enjoy her other books they were not OMG AMAZING if you know what I mean. But I am happy to say that this one blew me away. The setting of Viking like villages ruled over by a god was one I won't soon forget. My only issue with this title was all the swoony romance. Although I got over that aspect I think this one would have been better if that would have been toned down a bit.

Ras was amazing, she had wit, great comebacks, and determination. She never wavered on what she set out to do and she had a brain!! I loved her so much!! The romance in this one was a little over done. It wasn't forced but I think overall it could have been done a little less. At times it overpowers the story and kind of makes Ras sound like a love sick puppy, which she isn't.

I do kind of hope that down the road we get a follow up story to this one. I would love to see what happens to the two other people that are banished and how that all turns out and how Ras changes her world.

Go Into This One Knowing: A little to much romance, Great stand alone, no cliffhangers
House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig

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I was so worried when I started this title. I had just DNFed a few books and I was scared that this one was going to suck. But Luckily it was amazing! This one is a retelling of the story of the 12 Princesses going into this one I didn't know that.

The amazingness of this title starts out with this beautiful cover! I am a total cover lover when it comes to books. If the cover is crap the odds that I will read it are slim. This cover was a wonderful blend that matched the book so well. With the beach and the sea meeting with an octopus. the People of the Salt are pictured wonderfully on the cover of this title.

The story opening has us crying right off the bat. We learn that this family of 12 sisters is burying yet another sister in their time of morning. The start of this one was very emotional and I it drew me in from the very start. We learn about this family and what they are going through as well as being introduced to the characters both large and small. It really allowed the reader to start to fall in love with the sisters. So each death rips out your heart. The author did a marvelous job making us love these characters.

The writing style in this one worked well. It was well paced and easy to follow. At times I did fell that the writing felt more middle grade vs young adult but it didn't really take away from the story. The characters in this one were fabulous. I fell in love with each sister and I think it would be interesting to get a few companion novels each from the POV of a different sister. It would make one killer series overall. My favorite character has to Verity! She was so adorable.

The storyline/plot were great. I loved the mystery on what really was going on and who was responsible. Along with a budding romance, dances, and the murders of the sisters this was one great title. Then adding in the element of magic was just spectacular. It was a wonderful blend of fantasy, contemporary, and romance that I don't think I will find again. The one thing that I did have an issue with was keeping track of the sisters that were left. It was kind on the confusing side of keeping where each sister was born and where they were in the line of siblings.

The ending brought us full circle with all the loose strings tied up and although it wasn't really a HEA story it was fulfilling. We had deaths and loves and wishes and I wouldn't have changed anything for the world.

This book is three words would be: Magic, Sisters, Mystery!
The Midnight Sea by Kat Ross

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This is totally a cover buy! I mean look at these covers are they not beautiful? They make you want to know more. I have to say that when I started this story it kind of irked me just a little. I guessed that Nazafreen was going to have the power/gift and well that is just what happened. I really wished that the author would have found a way to make her not have the gift. I think that would have been more interesting. That she learned to work the cuffs without it or something. My next issue was this girls name. I mean really has this world not heard of nicknames? I ended up calling her Naza through the entire book after about saying her name three times. Its just way too long. So those are my issues with this one. The rest of this was mind blowing!

I loved how the story opened!! We get a look at the creatures that this world is fighting and my god is was so good!! The writing style was so easy to follow and I always knew what was going on and who was what and where. I was never lost and the story flowed so well. This is a slower book to start out with. We spend time with Naza and really learn what makes her tick. From the loss of her sister, to joining the Water Dogs and being bonded. This is one story that is slow burn before it gets on a horse and takes off on an adventure.

The characters are ones that I have fully fallen in love with. The romance between Naza and Darius was perfect and I can not wait to see where the end up in book two and three. The evil, side character, and other cast were all so amazing when people went bad and things started happening you just are so shocked that you don't process it until long after and then you are a like what were they thinking its just so mind blowing amazing!

The plot/storyline with this one fabulous! We get this beautiful, dark, and dangerous world that Ross has created and I loved ever second of being in it. The Druj and Daevas are so well thought out simple but not. Their power/gift is easy to understand and I don't feel like you have to have a background in anything to get what is going on and how it all works.

The ending brings us full circle. We have gotten all the information that we need to really understand the world and the characters. And we are left with somewhat of a cliffhanger. So make sure to have book two close at hand!!
Blood of the Prophet by Kat Ross

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These covers are just so gorgeous I have falling in love with them so much!! This story is a continuation of book one The Midnight Sea. It picks up where book one left off and I have to say parts of it were kind of meh. If you are reading these back to back like I am, then you are going to find a LOT of things being said about book one. If its been a while since you read book one then you will be totally set!! As the author does a great job reminding you about things that happened in The Midnight Sea. For me though I ended up skimming a lot of the book because it was all rehash.

The story, pacing, and writing were all on par with book one. It flowed and even those rehashes didn't take you out of the story. All of the characters were there and fully formed. And this one will make you just fall even more in love with our main characters of Naza and Darius.

The ending to this one of course ends on a slight cliffhanger and it was almost midnight so I couldn't start the next one. Although this cliffhanger wasn't as bad as book one. I am totally invested in this series as a whole and can not wait to get the next 5 books for the spin off series that follows Naza and her people even more.
Queen of Chaos by Kat Ross

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This third and final installment to the Fourth Element series was one I won't soon forget. It picked up where book two left off and split it into a few POVs which worked well for this story. Be warned through because each POV cuts off at a major cliffhanger and you will scream!! I know I did, I even skipped ahead which is something I never do. Just to make sure that everyone was still ok!!

The author still brings up things that were in book one in this one which at this point just seemed really irritating. (Sorry Kat I still love the book!!!). I kind of wished that those parts wouldn't have been in here. But there are fewer than book two. Its one of those fine lines that you have to straddle when you want to make sure readers remember certain aspects of the story. Too much and its well just too much and to less and we just sit there confused.

The story itself was amazing!! I loved how it was split up in the different POVs. The author did it wonderfully!! I loved Tijah's POV the most in this one and I can't wait to get to her series. I hope to learn more about her and her struggles after losing her friend. She is vastly approaching to becoming my favorite character. My only issue with Naza in this one was that the author used a memory trope in this one. Which was kind of a turn off. But I am hoping that it all works out in the end.

The wiring, pacing, and story all work well together. It ties up most of the loose ends and if this would have been the complete end I would have been fine with that. Luckily though its not!! It starts back up with the Fourth Talisman series. Which has five books of its own!! So I am really excited to dive into those. Then we get another four book series with Tijah which is set in the Victorian era. So don't fret there are more books to come!!

Overall, this one if you loved book one and two will satisfy your need for more story. You get to see your favorite characters both good and evil and well you might even get to see someone redeem themselves!! Which was a nice surprise.
American Royals by Katharine McGee

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This amazing book is one I won't soon forget!! This cover is the first thing I saw and I have to say that this Four POV title could have had all four teens on the cover and I think that might have worked out a little better. Although I do think that this cover worked well for the story. I think since this title is not just about Beatrice that it would have made more sense to have them all on it.

The story opening we are introduced to this alternative history to the US. and I have to say that I think the author did an amazing job with making it engaging and educational without making it feel like info dumping. It drew me in and made me want to know more about the world and characters. Although this is set in an alternative world its still set in our time period. The writing was very easy to follow and the pacing was spot on. It was speedy where it needed to be and slow in others. The mystery that surrounds a girl in a coma and Daphne was very well done!! I so didn't like her at all but I really wanted to know what happened that night and I have to say that it made me hate her even more.

My favorite character was Nina! I love her so much. She was hispanic (just like me!) And wore clothes for comfort vs. style. She knew what she liked and didn't and really was just trying to live her best life. I love how her character grew a back bone during the last chapters of this story and I can't wait to read more of her in the upcoming titles. Conner was another character that I fell hard for and I am totally rooting for him!! He was so adorable and man who wouldn't want an eidetic memory.

The ending was one that I kind of saw coming. As soon as I realized that this was a series I was like yup that is SO how its going to end!! It was heartbreaking as I was hoping that it wasn't going to end quite this way. That a few things were going to be solved before the end. But sadly that wasn't the case. So now I get to pine away until next year.

My overall thoughts on this one was that the multi POVs worked so well!! So many titles don't do this many POVs this good. So kudos to the author for that!! The plot of an alternative US History was one that I hadn't read before. It was nice to have something new.

Noteworthy experiences while reading this book: These characters worked well. I loved how the story was told only from female voices. It think it gave it a wonderful edge.

This book in three words: Historical, Intrigue, Romance

Favorite Quotes: "Please note that these quotes are from the ARC and may not be the same in the finished copy!"

"The Point of forgiveness is too recognize that someone has hurt you, and still love them in spite of it." Pg. 263

"All she knew was that one day she woke up and her love for him was simply there, like newly fallen snow. Maybe it had been there all along." Pg. 71

"Only you would daydream about a library meet-cute." Pg. 14

"Long ago, monarchies existed so that the people could serve the monarch. Now the monarch must serve the people. Remember that it is an honor and a privilege to be a Washington and devote your life to this nation." Pg. 11

Go Into This One Knowing: Historical fiction with a splash of intrigue and a dash of romance.