A review by readerlatte
Queen of Chaos by Kat Ross


This third and final installment to the Fourth Element series was one I won't soon forget. It picked up where book two left off and split it into a few POVs which worked well for this story. Be warned through because each POV cuts off at a major cliffhanger and you will scream!! I know I did, I even skipped ahead which is something I never do. Just to make sure that everyone was still ok!!

The author still brings up things that were in book one in this one which at this point just seemed really irritating. (Sorry Kat I still love the book!!!). I kind of wished that those parts wouldn't have been in here. But there are fewer than book two. Its one of those fine lines that you have to straddle when you want to make sure readers remember certain aspects of the story. Too much and its well just too much and to less and we just sit there confused.

The story itself was amazing!! I loved how it was split up in the different POVs. The author did it wonderfully!! I loved Tijah's POV the most in this one and I can't wait to get to her series. I hope to learn more about her and her struggles after losing her friend. She is vastly approaching to becoming my favorite character. My only issue with Naza in this one was that the author used a memory trope in this one. Which was kind of a turn off. But I am hoping that it all works out in the end.

The wiring, pacing, and story all work well together. It ties up most of the loose ends and if this would have been the complete end I would have been fine with that. Luckily though its not!! It starts back up with the Fourth Talisman series. Which has five books of its own!! So I am really excited to dive into those. Then we get another four book series with Tijah which is set in the Victorian era. So don't fret there are more books to come!!

Overall, this one if you loved book one and two will satisfy your need for more story. You get to see your favorite characters both good and evil and well you might even get to see someone redeem themselves!! Which was a nice surprise.