readerlatte's reviews
236 reviews

Ever the Hunted by Erin Summerill

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My Review: This is the second time I have read this title and I have to tell you that the only thing I remembered about it was Enat that was it. I didn't remember anything or anyone else at all. I really really wished what happened to her hadn't and I would love a prequel story about her. I am just saying that she is totally awesome and I love her!

So this one I thought it felt a lot lighter this time around than what I remember from the first time that I read it. It didn't feel so thick or heavy at all. Although death was around the corner for the main characters I really felt like it just didn't seem as bad as it could have been. I don't know it felt like killing light I guess you could say or peril light. I don't know.

I did like how the story unfolded it was very quick. I read this one at 74.6 pages an hour and got it done in just over 5 hours. So I would say that was pretty fast. It never stagnated and I liked that the two characters already had a relationship so you didn't have to worry about that insta love that this one would have had to have if they didn't already know each other. So I think that the author dodged a giant bullet with that one.

The ending was also very nice that although there was one thing left undone even if this book wouldn't have had a sequel it wouldn't have really needed it and it stands alone on its own. Although I think if that would have been the case a good epilogue would have been needed to round out the one thing that wasn't finished.

All in all, I think this would be a great title for someone who is just getting started with fantasy books and young adult. Because its light, quick, and really gives you a very simple world view for the world building as well as the magic that they use.

Note: SO after reading this one I was talking to a friend that had already read book two. And I am like ok so I think this, this, and this happens and she was like YES YES that is EXACTLY what happens. So now I am reading this second book with already knowing what happens because I guessed it and now I am all. Crying up I am so sad right now.

Go Into This One Knowing: Great Beginner Fantasy, Slight Open Ending, No Insta Love, Very Quick Pace.
Hazel and Holly by Sara C. Snider

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My Review: OMG this was such a great book. I really loved how the story unfolded and all the snark that is in this one. It was about witches and warlocks and it was so full of snarkyness that I just fell so in love. Snider brings to life a new world and amazing characters. I really loved Tum and Chester and would love a story about them on their own. Maybe they team up to grab spoils.

If you are looking for a new story to fall for then check this one out ASAP!! Because I was laughing a lot during the story and it was just done so well.

The story itself is not faster paced, it is a slow burn of story that I could not put down. I think that for this one the slower story worked so much better than it being speedy. Every part of this story has a meaning on why it's in there. And Snider did a wonderful job bringing this story to life.

The characters were great. I loved how a side character even mentioned about how the four main characters all had H names. Because that was the only issue I had when I first started this one. Was keeping all the names right.

I don't want to accident spoil anything for anyone else. But I do want to say that although this is tech. an adult title you could totally read it as YA as well. Nothing really over the top happens so I would allow my 14 year old read this at the drop of a hat. I am so happy I got the chance to read this one.
Kawaii Origami: Super Cute Origami Projects for Easy Folding Fun by Chrissy Pushkin

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My Review: This book is just so adorable!! It comes with 50 sheets of paper so as soon as you get it you can start working. I do wish that some of the papers would have had cut lines on them so for the projects that require you to cut would have been a little easier especially for kids to do these . But all in all it was a great little book with a ton of awesome little origami things to do. I know we will be coming back to this book time and again!!

The instructions for this one are some of the best that I've seen. The start of the book gives you everything you need to know to get started. When creating my first origami box I never got lost and could follow the directions very easily. Each page also has suggestions on what to use other than paper for some of the projects which was a nice change. As well as giving you a difficultly level.

Go Into This One Knowing: Great for All Ages, Great for all Levels
I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo

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My Review: OMG This book was just adorable. I have been a fan of telenovelas for a while now and this one based on K Dramas was just as good if not better. This reminded me of the TV show Jane the Virgin and I would love this to hit the tv screens as a movie or short series. If you are looking for a great read to enjoy at the pool side or beach look no further than this one right here.

I just loved how strong a character Desi was she knew what she wanted to do when she got done with high school and went after it head on. I also enjoyed how she grew as a character in the last few chapters. I do wished that the story would have covered her being just a tad to obsessed a little more but what we got really fit with the story.

I think that they only thing that would have made this story even better could have been maybe if it would have been dual POV but I fear that it might have slowed the story down. I would love to have a novella book or something in Luca's POV just so we could fall in love with him even more. I could see a collector's edition of this being full of art that Luca did.

The story itself was so beyond adorable. It had some of the funniest and cuties quotes (you can see those here) that I have ever found. It was well paced and I enjoyed every page. I also really enjoyed how the chapter names changed from chapters to steps and then back to chapters. It was just a little addition that made this story even cuter.

Go Into This One Knowing: K Dramas, Korean Culture, No Love Triangle
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

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My Review: When I started this one I really was thinking that I was going to end up DNFing it. And that all was because of the pacing. This is this author first dip into the world of fantasy and don't get me wrong the book was freaking amazing and by the end, I was like NO NO NO You can't end yet!!! And that major twist at the end was just WOW I did not see that coming!! But the rest of the book especially the middle parts were very slow and really reminds me more of a contemporary novel vs. a fantasy. I mean yes this one had the cursed castle and prince etc. But the core parts of the book laid heavy in the romantic aspect and well Contempo.

I will say that as this is a series I think Kemmerer is more than capable to flourish as a fantasy author I just think that this one could have been just a tad better.

This book wow just wow. I loved what Brigid did with the characters and the world. This twist on a tale as old as time knocked my socks off for the most part. I loved how she wove elements of sci-fi (parallel worlds) with that of fantasy and her normal titles which are contemporary. This story was so beautifully woven with all of these elements and I could not put it down. I can not wait for the next title in the series and I have to say that for a first try into the world of fantasy I think the author did a bang-up first try.

Go Into This One Knowing: Dual POV (there is one more POV at the end), Blend of Scifi, Fantasy, and Heavy Contemporary, Slight Cliffhanger, A Little Slow in the Middle.
Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott

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My Review: This story was wonderful and yes it did make me cry. And when I watched the movie it was even worse. This story is so sad but also so eye opening. It covers the illness of CF or cystic fibrosis. You learn a lot of about this illness during the course of this story from how new lungs won't cure them but give them another 5+ years to live. And how they must stay 6 feet apart from other CF's or risk infection.

This story started out with Stella living for her treatment and Will not wanting to live at all. But by the end everything changed I really loved how strong Stella was and although she did have a save the world complex (as the story says) there was just something about her where you wanted to get healthy if you weren't.

Book vs. Movie I have to say that I was happily surprised when I watched the movie to this one. They did everything they could to keep this the same. I found out later that this had been a screen play first then had been turned into a book. I think more books need to happen this way. Because for the most part things were word for word from book to movie. Which makes my book to movie heart happy. The one major thing that the book did and that the movie did not was give us 8 more months. At the end of the book we get an epilogue that is set 8 months after the end of the movie. And that is what a lot better than the open ending of the movie.

In the end I really enjoyed both the movie and the book but if I had to choose one I think for this one I would choose the book for those extra 8 months. I kind of feel like Stella right now as I am stealing those 8 months from the book and really wished we would have gotten to see that in the movie.

Go Into This One Knowing: cystic fibrosis, Death, Talking about Death, Movie (Open Ending), Book (8 Months Later)
Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

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My Review: I really thought this was going to be the first book in this series that was not going to get five starts. This one started out a lot slower than I would have liked. It was very wordy and had a lot of descriptions that I thought just weren't needed. But by the end chapters, I was dying. I could not put it down and I was very sad that it was over. So much stuff happens in this title that you really do have to read it and it is not a novella like a lot of people say. It is integral to the story at large and is not a title you can skip or you will miss out on a lot of what happens. This one is full of twists and turns and is really an edge of your seat thriller at least once you get past those few starter chapters.

Love, Life, and Death all rage in this heart-pounding story with one of the most beloved side characters that I could just not put down!

Go Into This One Knowing: Twists, Turns, Laugh Out Loud Moments
The Warrior Queen by Emily R. King

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My Review: My goddess this book ripped me apart. It picked a few months down the road from book three and after the events of the last book things are pretty depressing for our heroine Kalinda. This one filled me with all the feels, I loved how everything came to an end. It was so nice to see where Kali came from, where her best friend ended up, and just all of it. I was reading this one as fast as I possibly could because it was just so amazing.

The story tied up all the loose ends that were in the story and even gave us a very nice ending. I do wish we would have gotten an epilogue set a few years into the future but we did get something.

Kalinda in this one found out a lot about herself and what she was willing to save the man she loved. I have to say that I didn't see any of it coming even though I probably should have. Because, it was staring me right in the face. In this one we get one more POV of Ashwin which weren't my favorite for the most part but really worked to get the story moving. It was king of interesting to learn what he was going through with marrying a Bhuta and getting the kingdom to accept them as people who deserve equal rights.
Deven my god his chapters ripped out my little heart they were the hardest to read with what he was going through.

The thrilling conclusion to The Hundredth Queen series transport you to the ending you won't be able to put down until the very last page.

Go Into This One Knowing: Three POVs, Ties Up Loose Ends
The Last 8 by Laura Pohl

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My Review: OMG this book was so good. I was up until 3am just to finish it and I did that in just over 4 hours. This alien invasion/dystopian was freaking great!! The characters were awesome and the story just kept going. I was kind of sad about the ending but I am so excited to see what the author does with book two.

This young adult story has almost no romance so if that isn't your thing don't worry about it this book doesn't have a lot in it almost at all. Theres really only like two parts that deal with it and that's it.

This is kind of how I hoped The Fifth Wave would have been. With the world going to the trash heap and the aliens taking over. If you have been searching for a great alien story then look no further than right here!!

The characters in this one were diverse and amazing. I loved everyone!!! And the author did a wonderful with all of the twists and turns that came at me. The world was full of everything from creepy creatures to real questions about life. The author didn't shy away from creepy scary action and man o man this was one for the best reads list!!
The Deepest Blue by Sarah Beth Durst

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My Review: When I started this book I thought, OMG YES were going to get a brand new story and this time we won't be in the glade etc. Like we were in the other three books. Where it was all about becoming queen. This was going to be about these two newly married people being on the run!!

Sadly, that didn't happen and were back on an island this time against these women's wishes. I have to say how the world of Belene felt very Hunger Gamesish. I actually just now looked at book synapses and yes this is VERY much like the Hunger Games. But instead of other tributes that these women are defending from its the spirits.

This story follows a bunch of characters from the main character Mayara and her trying to survive to get back to her husband, her husband trying to find a way to get her off the island, and the Queen trying to find a way out of her situation. I did enjoy that we had a character from the original series. I do not remember who she was in the other series so if someone knows and can remind me that would be great. It's been a while since I read it.

The number one thing I loved about this story was the pacing. I liked that it was a stand alone and that although the author could come back and add more to this story she doesn't have to. This is a fully formed story on its own. The story starts we get all the information that we need to know and then it gets going. Nothing was stagnate and it flowed very well. Even when it was just Mayara surviving on the island and she was going through caves this story was still going and it was great!

The world building was amazing I loved all the islands and the construction and use of old skeletons as homes and roads etc. The diving aspect was great as well. I felt like the author did a wonderful job with the ideals and just everything. This world of Belene came alive on the page and it really made me want to go to the beach. The characters were the same way. I loved how strong Mayara was as well as her husband Kelo. The rest of the cast from the Queen to the other Spirit Sisters were all there and no one was lacking.

The spirits of the Deep Blue themselves were awesome even though we don't really get to spend a lot of time with them. I do hope we get to see what occurred in the end of this book in a new one set with them.
SpoilerAt the end of the story Mayara tells the spirits of the Deep Blue that they could go out to the vast oceans and build. It would be awesome to get a story that deals with that.

*Do you need to read the other series to read this one?
No you don't really need to read the other series to know what is going on with this one. The author gives you everything you need to know in this title to read it on its own.
SpoilerThe only things you will miss without reading the other series is the way things are done on the mainland of Renthia. As they use schools to train their Heirs vs. sending them to a death island. As well as how the Queen of Belene is treated vs. how the Queen of Renthia is. And then there is that one character from the original series that for the life of me I don't remember who she was. But other than those things no you do not have to read the other series.

Go Into This One Knowing: Danger, Sisters, Magic, Romance