Where are the dragons? I have to say that I did not get that far into this book and I’m really happy that I didn’t because I happened to see a couple other reviews of where they had gotten to like 80% and the dragon still had not appeared so at this point, I have to say that this one just was not for me. It was super wordy and clunky a lot of descriptions, and just really weird because I mean if this girl had been in prison since she was five how did she get out and create her own kingdom that doesn’t fly and it just kind of gets completely skimmed over.
Snore fest like I actually fell asleep while reading this. I really loved the beginning but as a story progress, it just got more and more dense. The fantasy elements weren’t enough to actually make it fantasy. It was basically just stay in a forest and there really wasn’t anything else going on.
The premise was great but the execution was horrible. Answers were given freely without any kind of mystery or thought. And the descriptions drug on and on.
I felt like this was supposed to be some kind of cozy fantasy that was trying to be an epic fantasy and it just didn’t work.
I also think that if it would have been cut down to say 250 pages it could have been a lot better. It could have been tightened up and more engaging.
When this came in the mail I was so excited. I mean it’s signed and came with stickers. Yes please!! After starting I found it was a King Arthur retelling and the. I was totally on board. But after getting only around 27 pages into it I started to loose interested. I went a little further and then skimmed some after that and I have to say that this was super bland. The writing style was not for me. And I just felt disconnected.
As much as I say, I want to die hard love this book unfortunately the middle parts just kind of lost me completely. It was a lot of just every day things going on. It wasn’t really engaging at all and I just found that I was just completely bored.
I think this would’ve been a lot better if it would’ve been about 100 to 150 pages shorter I think a lot of stuff was just not needed and it really just bugged the story down and made it super super slow.
Like what was the entire point of this book? It was funny in parts but overall it was pretty emotionless. I almost wish that the girl would have gotten cancer again. Just so there would be some kind of tension. Something anything to keep me reading.
This was an amazing journey!! I need book two NOW!! And man although I did see the ending coming I was all here for it. I was like YES!!!!!!! And I stayed up to finish the last 40 some odd pages because I couldn’t put it down!
I cannot wait to see what book two brings us after this!
So I thought that the girl in the brothel was her friend as soon as she saw her but didn’t see her. And I knew right after the blood house was explained that the dagger had come from there. So I was guessing she would become the new house princess of that blood. What I didn’t realize was that she was going to stay human and just be immortal. Normally with these things they are changed to Fae like in ACOTAR.
I am happy to say that I was wrong but the fire prince. Although I think he might still become and enemy in book two. And I’m guessing she’s going to end up with the other guy. K something. Lord I swear I am so horrible with names.
Really hoping we don’t end up with some kind of love triangle. Loved the Snake nasty she has protecting her now. That reminded me of The Bonds That Tie series by J. Bree. And her shadow snake.
I was wondering if I was going to end up DNFing this one. As towards the middle part it slows down a bit. But overall I enjoyed it enough that I’m keeping my print copy.
My Review: OMG this book was creepy good and I really wished that the author would release another one and make this a series. This one is so not for you if you don't like darker stories. It follows 17-year-old Che and his little sister Rosa who is 10 and I have to say that Rosa freaks me out to no end. This one I had picked up at the library bookstore for $2 bucks and it sat around forever. But I am so glad that I finally got the chance to read it.
So Rosa is a 10-year-old little girl who is VERY smart she can play chess, understand math that I SO cant do. And is so twisted and creepy that I am kind of surprised that I didn't have nightmares. She doesn't have empathy for anyone. She doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants.
As for the main character Che, he is a normal 17-year-old boy that learns some very scary things during this story. He knows his little sister is a psychopath and records her when they talk about how she feels. I really have to say that I think the author turned into being a 17-year-old boy and did a fabulous job with the teens in this story.
The rundown of the story itself I think the author did a stellar job with the topic of a child being a psychopath. Rosa was so freaking creepy and I think this would make one killer movie! The pace of the book was perfect and I don't say that too much. It flowed very well while being fast enough to keep it interesting but slow enough to really let the story unfold and build with tension. I kept thinking of all the bad things Rosa could do and was so shocked as each one happened. I fully understand how parents don't want to think of their kids as being crazy but this family really needed a wake-up call. I felt so bad for Sally but really I think this family was very weird. As the kids called their parents by their first names instead of mom and dad. It made their family dynamics really feel off. Like the kids were separated from their parents. I mean for me I love being called mom and I wouldn't change that for anything.
While writing up this review I realized that the cast of characters in this book other than Che, David, and one other parent and an ex-boyfriend that shows up. The rest of the cast is all female. I think that really made this story even better. I mean I didn't really focus on everyone's gender. We have one character that doesn't prescribe to one at all, a few girls that are gay, and then Che and his family. I think there were a few guys at the gym that Che goes to but that's about it. The main cast was all girls.
Another thing this story did was have a character that was a boxer but also very religious. Sojourner was a full on Christian but she didn't hate on people. She was the daughter of two women (mom and momma) and I really kind of loved her. I do think that she should have been more understanding with the situation but in the end, I think she did what she thought was right to keep her and her family safe.
This book was so full of diversity that it just made it so much better!! I could not put it down and again I really need a book two to this one. We could watch Rosa grow up and hopefully be put in a mental hospital or something.
The twist at the end of this one was out of this world. It shocked and horrified me. There are two major twists by the end of this one and man I did NOT see those coming at all. And yes one made me cry.
Some other tidbits about the book: *I really liked how the book was split up into the list that Che made. *I think that it should have been touched on how obsessed Che was with Rosa. I think this family needed a major wake up call. That Che is not Rosa's parent and he needs to just be able to be a kid. Or ya know to get out of that house. *At the end of this one its mentioned Spoilerthat Lelaini's parents are of course paying for everything, this is mentioned all throughout the book. So Lelaini states that her parents wouldn't do something like this unless Che's parents had something on them. But this is never explained. I really think that this was set up to be a series but it just never happened.
My Review: This book was so adorable. I thought that the middle snippets of her dates were going to take away from the story at large but after a few chapters, I was actually looking forward to reading how each one went. This book was unlike anything I have ever read and it felt very diverse with the characters. I loved learning more about Korean Culture (even though the author notes that she took liberties with the matchmaking dates) and I really hope that De La Cruz does another story set in another culture soon. I loved all of the characters and the pace of this story.
The one thing that I wish would have been really touched on in this story was the fact that Jisu's parents were very hard on her. It would have been nice for her to sit down with them to have a real talk about how they were pressuring her to not only to do her best but to surpass that. Kids these days are under so much stress during school, especially being a senior. It would be better for parents to support their children vs. stressing them out more. Although Jisu does talk to her mom about the issue its never really talked about at large and is never really resolved.
In the end, I think was a very cute and at times funny story. I am really glad that I got the chance to read it and I could see this one being a great summer read. To grab a copy and layout at the beach and get a tan while watching the waves and reading.
Go Into This One Knowing: Korean Matchmaking (with liberties), Romance, Humor
My Review: I really wanted to love this one but I have to say that it was very confusing and at times very boring. I loved the characters but the way it was written I found myself tuning out a lot of the explanations that are given. It rambled on a lot about history and puzzles and that really made this one not very enjoyable. I have heard others say that this is very close to Six of Crows and I really hope that is not true as I love that author's stories and have yet to read those.
In the end this one was just to bogged down by the elements of the story to be really great. I also thought that the magical system needed to be way simpler explained.
Go Into This One Knowing: Light Romance, Confusing, Humor, Cliffhanger, LGBT
My Review: This was one of the books that has been laying around for a while now. It was the winner of one of this months TBR Giveaways.
I was very excited to read this one but for me it just fell short to what I was expecting. I read another book about a little girl that was supposed to be well psycho and a killer and where that one drew you in with the writing and story. This one left me pretty bored.