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readerlatte's reviews
236 reviews

Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp

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My Review: This is another one from my TBR Giveaway pile and well this one is another one that just did not work out at all. The back and forth in time felt out of place for this one. It is one thing that sometimes works for a story and well sometimes it doesnt. And for me it just didn't. I did like how the story opened though.

Go Into This One Knowing: Dual Time Periods

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

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My Review: I have no idea how I am going to review this title. This was beyond amazing and I could not put it down. To start I was thinking that this was going to be the first book in this series to only be 3 or 4 stars but that all turned around once the story got going. In this, we find old friends, new enemies, and so so much hope! Which is what I really have to say that this book has ended with. It has filled me with the message that no matter how bad things get or how dark our situation gets you should always have hope. Let it be your guiding light in the darkness.

The world that has been fully formed before this book even started and the story is in full swing. We do have some very slow parts in the start of this one which personally I think could have been cut down. As although it does get the story going it isn't all that meaningful to the story at large.

The other thing I want to say about this one is the sexual tension that it has. I mean I still can not believe that this is a young adult novel when those bits are going on. I understand that this is a high young adult but still. But I love the writing and the way the author dealt with it.

I really do not know what else to say for this one other than I know there are three books left but I am just not ready for it to be all over. I haven't finished a series since the House of Night one that I did about a year ago and even that one has a new spin-off series. So I wasn't really saying goodbye. I finished this one with tears in my eyes and laughter in my heart.

Go Into This One Knowing: Love, Death, Danger, Cliffhanger, Laughter, and Hope so much Hope!

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

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My Review: 4,200 pages is how long this series is that I have just finished. And no words could ever tell you how much this series has ripped out my heart only to put it back together. This has been one of the most amazing journeys that I have ever taken in a series and it is not one that I will soon forget.

One thing that I didn't like is that although we do get an epilogue set a few months past the last chapter I would have liked to have something that was years in the future. So much of this story was left open so I really hope that when the paperback comes out that we get another story set in this world as I would like to know what everyone is up to by that time.

This last book in this amazing series is one to bring you a lot of heartbreak. I know that through most of it I was either shouting out with YES or crying my eyes out both happy and sad tears. I will say to make sure to have tissues on hand and a lot of water. Even after finishing this story I couldn't pick a fav. character or couple as they have all found a special place in my heart. And I will think of them from time to time. I would love to revisit this series a few years from now when their story starts to grow faint in my mind. So I can once again fall in love with each of them.

I really don't know what else to say about this story other than it wowed me and I kind of wished that I could have been there to help each and everyone one of those characters. As a spirit on the wind leading them in their fight. I will leave you with this though as my final thoughts on this story.

Although Aelin might be a fictional character as far as we know. She is one that showed us to never give up. To NEVER YIELD and to Fight for a better world. So Aelin I am here with you and lets hope for a better tomorrow.

Go Into This One Knowing: Ends with openings, Lots of deaths, Have tissues!
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

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My Review: I don't even remember when I first read this title. But it's been a long while and I never did get to finish the others in the series. So I have to say that I was very glad and very excited when I received an ARC of the newest title that is a spin-off of this series. Getting the chance to reread one of my favs is not something that I generally get to do.

This book starts off with a bang and ends the same way. I really loved how it started out with our MC Ismae being only 13 (I am pretty sure) and being married off to someone who could be her father. I know in this time period that was not uncommon but still, it really sets the tone for this story that woman are no more than property. This is a story of one girl who is the daughter of Death and it is up to her to find her true path in life. This story unfolds with some wonderful historical events, Gods and Goddesses or Saints and one girl who really knows how to kick some butt! I loved every second of it. Well other than my hardback falling apart. But that even ended up being a blessing as I snagged the paperbacks with these beautifully updated covers and this one has a new story in the back. It's just a deleted scene so to speak. It is about when the girls have to test their skills on a dead body. And it was great.

The characters in this one were fabulous! I really wished that book two would have been in the same POV because I know that it is not. And although I am sure that Ismae and Duval will be in book two I would have liked to stay in Ismae's POV. But I guess well see how it goes.

This one was full of action and had a great pace things unfolded one scene at a time and it really worked for me. I was hooked and never felt bored at all. I loved all the poisons, knives, and I was really surprised about how I felt when certain characters bit the bullet and they hadn't really been in the story all that much.

One thing that I want to note about this world is the historical aspects and the fantasy. It is a very light fantasy so if you think you're going into this and you're going to see the fey, flying, witches, etc. You aren't. The only real magic per se that is in this one is the mark of death and that is pretty much it. I am not sure if we will see more fantasy elements in the coming titles. But for this one that is all there is. The historical aspect of this was wonderful. I loved how the author took real people and events then added in this aspect of Death's Handmaidens it worked so well!!

In the end, this reminds me of the White Princess where the woman although are property still make do with what they can in any way they can. There is a lot of political dangers in this one as well as twists and turns. And really you can't trust anyone in this story other than Ismae!

Go Into This One Knowing: No Insta-Love, Politics, Woman as Property, Light Fantasy
The Fever King by Victoria Lee

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My Review: I always get excited when that prime thing for Kindle First gives us a young adult novel since that is mostly what I read. So when this one popped up and I found out it was a post-apocalyptic fantasy I was like YES PLEASE!! But shortly into the title, I realized that this was just a very slow and boring story. I just didn't care about anyone in the story and by 10% I was just done and bored to tears. I am sad to say that this one really felt like it didn't have the depth I was hoping for. I mean within the first 10% this kid finds three people who are either dead or on their way out. One of which is his own father and it just didn't feel like it had any emotion at all.

Go Into This One Knowing: Slow, Boring, No Depth
A Conspiracy of Stars by Olivia A. Cole

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My Review: I wish that I could say that I loved this one because I really wanted to. But sadly the pacing in it just got to me around 250 pages. I just had to put it down and I am so sad that that happened. This one starts off so well but during the story, it just becomes so boring that I was doing everything I could not come back to it. This was supposed to be this amazing sci-fi title but what I found was a very slow story that I just had to say goodbye to. At first, I didn't want to quit because I really wanted to know what in the world was going on. But as the story progressed I just found that I didn't care anymore.

Go Into This One Knowing: Slow Pacing
Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers

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My Review: Out of the three books in this series I think this one was my favorite! I am sad that I did not get an epilogue which I am very sad about. I will say that what I got was one great journey that I will not soon forget. Although I prob. am not saying anyone's names right. This was such a story about a girl who found her destiny and her love and my god it was so good. If you are looking for a series about nuns who kick butt and gods/saints then check out this one.

Go Into This One Knowing: No Epilogue, No Love Triangle, No Cliffhanger (persay)
Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte

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My Review: This one was ok for me but it could have been so much better. I really loved the main story of the book but my issues came when you were tossed into the POVs of the queens leading up to their deaths. It really made the story feel choppy for me. I wished I could have loved it but it just wasn't working. I really wished that the author (whom I loved her other books) would have summed up all the queens in the first few chapters then go on with the main story.

I really thought that the romance wasn't needed. It felt flat and rushed. I really loved Keralie but with being tossed back into the POVs of the queens I never really felt like we got the who perspective of her and Varin.

I think this one with the great world building will appeal to some but it really, in the end, felt like it had taken a lot of things from other young adult novels than just kind of twisted them just a little.

Life Is a Party: Deliciously Doable Recipes to Make Every Day a Celebration by David Burtka

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My Review: My goodness this book about killed me when I started flipping pages. And I have to say that I have created a massive list of things from this title that I can not wait to make. Especially those Ancho Chile-Mexican Chocolate Cookies, those things looked divine!!!! I really loves how this book is split up via seasons and that each one really comes with a drink, appetizer, and then your main course and sides. As well as giving us stories about these people's lives. I loved seeing these two with family and friends and their kids.

These recipes could become household favorites very soon and I love that each one is way down to earth. When the title said doable recipes it meant it. I even think that kids could help so it could be something that the entire family helps out with.
The Art of Visual Notetaking: An Interactive Guide to Visual Communication and Sketchnoting by Emily Mills

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My Review: I love this book about visual notetaking. It was so informative and had space for practicing the steps in the book. I do wish that it would have given more complete samples. But these really remind me of those infographic. I am excited to try and do some of these for the books that I read as I think that they would help me with keeping my thoughts in order to do reviews. And of course its so freaking cool looking!!! This would be great for all skill levels and I like that the author drops the hammer that you should keep all of your work. So that over time you could see how much you have learned.

I could see someone using this for school as well as for work. It just has so many applications. That the possibilities are endless.