parmyc's reviews
256 reviews

آخرین آرزو by Andrzej Sapkowski

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من تا قبل از دیدن سریال the witcher هیچ آشنایی‌ای با دنیای‌ بازی و کتابش نداشتم.
در نتیجه باید بگم که اگه سریالش رو نمی دیدم، احتمالاً هیچی از کتاب نمی فهمیدم.
این کتاب در واقع مجموعه داستان‌های کوتاهیه، از ماجراهایی که برای گرالت اتفاق افتاده.
کرکترها آنچنان معرفی نمیشن و عملاً جوریه که انگار شما باید از قبل آشنا باشید باهاشون.
مدل روایت یکم گیج کننده‌ست و طول میکشه دستتون بیاد چی به چیه.
از ترجمه آنچنان راضی نبودم هرچند که به نظر میرسید مترجم تمام تلاشش رو کرده تا واضح ترجمه کنه.
به طور کلی، برای کسی که با دنیاش آشنایی نداره، بهتره که اول سریالش رو ببینه. بعد اگر خیلی علاقمند بود، کتابش رو بخونه.(دست کم برای من این ترتیب جواب داد.)
هرچند که من سراغ جلدهای بعدی نمیرم.
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

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I believe I do not have enough English vocabulary in my system to fully express how I feel about this book. And ironically, I don't have enough Persian vocabulary to express my feelings about it, either. It's just me and my inability to talk about this book truly the way it deserves to be talked about against the whole world.
(Somehow I still managed to write a very long review, it appears I'm just words and no action.)

At the very start, I must announce that this book is so fucking personal and here's the main reason why: Henry.
Honestly, there is no secret that this guy is the emo version of me. His thoughts, His interests and how he carries himself in the world is basically how I would've been if I let all this thoughts and emotions out of my system. Believing that I actually have someone that believes in me, someone who tells me it's okay to exist and just be who I am. So when I talk about RWARB, I'm talking about love, self-acceptance and bravery.

• It would've been nice if the "enemies" part lasted a bit longer. They bonded a bit too fast for my liking. But it just shows how good of a match they were for one another, if only they would've talked things through from the start.
• At some point, some stuff seemed too ideal. Eventhough it makes me happy just thinking about how good the world could be if they were true, but realistically speaking? They seem so out of reach these days. I had to keep reminding myself that it's just a book. It's a fantasy. It's a fairytale. The real world, is the main reason why you are reading this in the first place, darling.
• Their emails. Their. Fucking. Emails. I just know that I will read them again and again till the day I die. True pieces of art and literature. How well they described love, longing and loneliness. All those quotes from famous historical characters, how they kept telling themselves that someday, they're gonna have their own piece of history too.
Those were my favourite parts of this lovely little love story. History, huh?
• Allot of issues were discussed in this book and I want to give my biggest Salute to Casey McQuiston for how well they handled them all. The grief of losing someone close to you at a young age was described so damn well I almost cried at how accurate it was.

Trying my best to keep this short, this was one hell of an emotional rollercoaster for me. I laughed and ugly cried. Fell in love and felt hatred, but most importantly, I lived this book and I'm so glad I had the chance to be part of their journey.

To my baby Henry, Prince of Wales,
You're the bravest son of a bitch I know.
Never let them take that away from you.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

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به نظر میرسه من برای این داستان زیادی پیر بودم.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

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I almost died out of boredom.
I can't even think of one reason why this book is so popular because honestly?!?!?!
The writing is literally trash.
(Charlie is 15 but sounds like a 6 y/o)
The characters are bland. The non-existent plot is boring. It's like Chbosky is begging me to cry or feel sad about something. (Sir, I didn't feel SHIT!)(well, that's not true, I constantly felt "Bored".)
Anyway, a HUGE disappointment.
(So far, March has been a very tough month. I'm going from one bad book to another..)
Savage Rivals by Becca Steele

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Shit made no sense 78% of the time and I cringed ALLOT, but Levi Woodford was hot so here's your 2 stars.
The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas

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No. Na-uh. I will NOT waste my time writing a review for this trash. No way in HELL. Just trust me when I say it was BAD, HORRIBLE, CRINGE AND STUPID and I wish I could turn back time so I could SLAP my old self for starting it in the first place.
فرار اودیسه‌وار مردی از کره‌ی شمالی به سوی آزادی by Blaine Harden

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فارغ از محتوای خود داستان که ناراحت کننده‌ست، من خوشم نمیاد وقتی توی داستان های واقعی راوی قابل اعتماد نباشه.
این مسئله تو کتابهای فیکشن خیلی جذابه، اما موقع روایت یک اتفاق واقعی (اونم همچین اتفاقاتی) وقتی راوی دروغ های کوچیک و بزرگ میگه، ادم از خودش میپرسه “چه دروغ دیگه‌ای گفته؟”
این داستان روایت جالبی نداشت. میتونست خیلی بهتر نوشته شه اما نشده بود.

کتاب من مال نشر آسو بود و بی نهایت غلط تایپی داشت.
توروخدا یه ویراستار استخدام کنید :))
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher

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This was indeed a fun read.
Now, while I somehow cringed at some parts and some interactions seemed stupid, I loved the characters and their personal developments.

Rowan, my boy, you’re hot but a bit unreliable for my taste. Hopefully you’re big brother will meet my expectations. *winks*
Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell

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Re-reading this book for the second time and now I think I'm totally capable of writing a proper review for this. Point is, I love these two so much that my first opinion on this book was totally biased and I hate it when that happens.
Don't get me wrong tho, I'm obsessed with this book. Finally after a very long journey Simon and Baz are learning how to communicate and that was exactly what I wanted.(I would kill for these two.)
But there are some things that needs to be discussed...
First of all, why are we not talking about the whole "America" thing?? It almost seemed as if it didn't happen at all! Yeah, they did mention it a couple times at the beginning, but not anymore. Yeah, I get it, they needed to keep it a secret. But honestly, how did they? These ppl had a huge fight with the whole group of American vampires, killed a bunch infront of normals and did everything they were not supposed to, and not even a single soul in England heard about it? Professor bunce for instance? The headmistress of Watford? This doesn't sit right with me at all.
B, I never really liked Agatha, and by "liked" I mean "I never really cared about her story". But!! I somehow wanted her to find happiness on her own. Her relationship with Nimiah felt...forced? Unnecessary? Idk. It would be nice if rainbow didn't PAIR EVERYONE WITH SOMEONE AT THE END.
C, I expected things to be cleared a bit sooner. She wrapped everything up in the last 20 pages and it somehow felt rushed. On the other hand, some other things took so fucking long to be clarified. Some questions needed to be answered, but she didn't gave us any.
D, I really hated Fiona's character in this book. She used to be a badass. But in this one, she was simply just a dick. Though I'm not sure I feel this way because she REALLY was a dick, or because she was a very realistic character... anyway, I do not approve.
Though the reason I'm rating this book so high is because I liked the whole "this could be us, if you were trying" thing that Simon and Baz had going on. (When they visited Watford's library together??I almost lost it..) I cried a couple times.(Sobbed.) I had SO MANY favourite lines it's hard to even choose one. Their chapters were amazing. It was so well written and beautiful. Finally watching them experience things they never had the chance to was so emotional. Honestly??I was so happy for them!! And yes, I'm totally fine with Rainbow writing this one and if she comes up with another book next year, I'll read that too, cause I don't think I can EVER get enough of them.

(Hmmm...this review still seems biased.
But at least I'm trying.)