paperbacks_and_planners's reviews
1177 reviews

An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lapena

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Such a good, classic mystery! And that final twist at the end, amazing.
Hate Notes by Vi Keeland

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When Charolette finds a note on the inside of a wedding dress in a second hand store, she decides to find out who wrote the romantic note. After the worst possible first meeting, her image of this man is shattered. And to make matters worse, the cynical, arrogant man is now her boss.

This romance was so. damn. slow. burning. I love office romances and was so excited to pick this up. Sadly it wasn't my favorite. I enjoyed the banter between the main characters but the characters themselves weren't my favorite.

Things I Liked
1. The banter between Charolette and Reed was really entertaining. Their relationship was cute and funny and I liked how they pushed each other.
2. I liked that this did have a slightly deeper more serious side to it.

Things I Didn't Like
1. The characters themselves felt a little bland to me. I never really connected with Charolette in particular.
2. I didn't love the ending.
SpoilerThat proposal was so cringe-y...

Overall this was fun but predictable and a little cheesy.
The Final Six by Alexandra Monir

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This book took my total surprise. I saw this on BooksAndLala's overly specific recommendation video and on a whim picked it up on audiobook. And I'm so glad I did!

After climate change has made Earth a dangerous place to live, the need to inhabit other planets have risen. Twenty four teens have been drafted for a new mission to travel to and settle Jupiter's moon Europa.

This is told from 2 alternating POV - Naomi, a scientific genius from the US who has no interest in traveling to space. And Leo, an Italian swimmer who recently lost his whole family and needs this to give purpose back to his life.

This is a fun, fast paced story perfect for those looking to dip their toe into science fiction.

I listened to this on audiobook and really enjoyed it! It's a cast audiobook, so there are different narrators for the 2 main characters/POVs.

What I Liked
1. The characters were really likable and they were easy to get attached too and invested in. Leo is the lovable underdog while Naomi is uber smart and stubborn. I liked their dynamic and relationship. It was a little fast for sure, but it was cute nonetheless.
2. The spaces mission was really interesting. I enjoyed hearing about all of their training sessions and practices. I even would have loved seeing more of them!
3. I thought the twist at the end was really well done! I knew the character would be brought in somehow, but the way it was executed still took me by surprise.

What I Didn't Like
1. Some bits were a little over the top and unbelievable (Naomi's hacking for instance) but if you go into this with the right mindset, it's not a huge enjoyment hinderance by any means.

This was such a fun YA, sci-fi. I definitely recommend this for anyone trying to get into the sci-fi genre or looking for something quick and lighthearted. I definitely plan to continue with this series!!
What He Never Knew by Kandi Steiner

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Arc was graciously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review


This picked up immediately where What He Always Knew left off. Reese is still broken over the loss of Charlie but finally knows it's time to let go. When his boss's niece, Sarah, comes to Pennsylvania to work with him on piano, there is an immediate connection. But he knows she is off limits - not only is she his student, but she is 16 years younger than him. But the more time they spend together, the harder it is to fight the draw to each other.


Content warnings: Sexual Assault, Depression.

This is told in alternating perspectives from Reese and Sarah. It is dark, intense, angsty, and really beautiful. Be prepared for an emotional ride with this one.

What I Liked

1. Just like in the previous two books, Kandi's characters are so raw and complex. They are extremely flawed with dark pasts, but I immediately connected with them. And while I have never experienced any of the things they had gone through, they still felt so relatable.
2. I loved the relationship that Sarah had with her mother. Her mother supported her and was always there when needed, but still gave her space to grieve and breath. It was such a wonderful representation of a healthy mother/daughter relationship. I dream of being this type of mother one day.
3. In the ebook, there were links to Spotify so you could listen to the songs that the characters were playing/listening to. This was so unique and I loved it! It just added another layer to the story and made each scene come to life.
4. Sarah's story was handled with such respect. Sarah is a biracial pianist who was assaulted by her college piano professor. She had such a difficult past, but her character still had such personality, grace, and strength. I really appreciated that her character was so much more than her struggles.
5. I loved how this touched the difficulties women face while chasing lofty goals. Sarah's professor kept telling her she would sleep her way to the top, and those words stuck with her. As they did for me. I love when authors take on relevant, difficult topics like this, and Steiner handled it wonderfully.

What I Didn't Like

1. There is quite a large age gap between the 2 main characters - Sarah is 21 where as Reese is 37. But they are both mature, consenting adults. However, they way the side characters talked about Sarah irked me to no end. I understand that 21 is young, but the way they referred to her as 'kid' felt so demeaning. And as people discovered their relationship and berated Reese for 'taking advantage of someone so young', I wanted to scream.
2. This did have the ultra common, romance trope of 'conflict created due to lack of communication'. Which I don't love. However! This one did have clarification as to why Sarah didn't communicate so it wasn't nearly as frustrating.

This was an absolutely beautiful sequel to one of my favorite angsty romance series of all time. If you haven't checked out this series, do yourself a favor and pick it up immediately!
The Wrong Kind of Love by Lexi Ryan

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*Fans self*

On the day of her wedding, Nic finds out that her fiancé cheated on her with her twin sister... and got her pregnant. She runs off and finds herself in a small town in Michigan where she plans to hide and lick her wounds. Then she meets Ethan.
Ethan has a past he can't forgive himself for, and keeps everyone at arms length. But his feelings for Nic won't go away. And now they're stuck together for the next 3 months.

This was a wonderful slow burn romance. Seriously guys. Around 65% through, I felt metaphorically blue balled by all the sexual tension.

This is told from alternating perspectives - Nic and Ethan.

Content warnings: Depression, suicide, cheating, cancer, drug abuse, and child neglect.

What I Liked
1. The chemistry between the main characters was palpable. Their connection felt so believable and I was completely absorbed into their worlds.
2. This spent some time discussing mental illness and I felt like it was handled with such respect. There was a big focus on mental illness being a disease and how it's affect on family and those around them. It talks about the guilt of losing a loved one to mental illness. It was heartbreaking but expertly handled. I really appreciated seeing this side of mental illness in a book.
3. I'm in love with the Jackson family. I'm so excited that each of the children are getting a book, and I can't wait to get my hands on each of them.

What I Didn't Like
1. I mention this a lot in romance reviews, but I HATE when conflict is created due to lack of communication. It drives me bonkers. This one wasn't terrible, but towards the end, Ethan learns something about Nic and pushes her away without ever hearing her out. Just once I want the characters to talk it out..

Overall I was completely engrossed by this novel. It was hard-hitting yet sexy. I've been in a major reading slump but still devoured this in 2 sittings. I just couldn't put it down. If you're looking for a new romance series, definitely check this one out!
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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I read this for the first back in high school. I read the entire thing in a single afternoon and completely loved the story.
This time around, I took a little longer to finish (yay adulthood), but I loved the story just as much.

Everyone in this story is flawed to an extreme. And it's what I love most about the story. You see each of them thinking their actions are justified and correct. It's such an great peek into, and commentary on, that part of society.

Still one of my favorite classics of all time.
What He Always Knew by Kandi Steiner

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I loved this duet! I want to read everything Kandi Steiner has written now.

This picks up immediately after What He Doesn't Know. This follows Charlie through the two months she agreed to give her husband. She is torn between 2 men - her husband Cameron and a man from her past, Reese.

Oh man this duet blew me away. I was invested in Charlie's story and who she would choose.

What I Liked:
1. This felt so believable. I love how this book worked in shades of gray. It didn't endorse cheating nor settling. All of the characters were so dynamic. I loved all three of them so much.
2. This story was not only steamy but hard hitting and intense. By the end I was simply sitting on my kitchen floor tearing up.

What I Didn't Like
1. So many of the problems these characters had stemmed from an utter lack of communication. I just wanted to shake them all at times.

Overall I can't recommend this duet enough! It had me so stressed and invested from start to finish. I loved this and can't wait for the companion story early next year!
What We Saw by Aaron Hartzler

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4.5 stars. This is such an important story with a powerful message and characters.
"Not being able to say no isn't the same as saying yes."

This takes place in small town Iowa where basketball reigns. Kate and her friends attend a big party at the home of a star player - Kate drinks too much and the boy she's had a crush on since she was 5, Ben, gets her home safely. But the next day, a classmate is missing from school and Kate gets the impression something terrible happened at that party.
Later at lunch, four of the star varsity players are arrested on charges of rape.
The entire town erupts in defense of the boys. But what really happened that night? And why doesn't anyone seem to want to find out?
"'Boys will be boys' is what people say to excuse guys when they do something awful."

This books is intense - I'll be honest and say it was a very triggering story for me. I barely slept after finishing this, my anxiety was so piqued. I'm so glad I read it anyways. Things like this (horrifically) happen all the time and these stories need to be heard.

Huge warning for a detailed depiction of sexual violence, tread lightly with this.

Content warnings: Rape, hoarding.

What I Liked
"I want to tell her that I don’t think a book from the Bronze Age is a good enough reason to relegate women to the role of “helpers” for all time."

1. The characters were so realistic. The high school students felt like high school students. And everyone, including the teachers and parents, were so flawed. It was so believable but difficult to read some of the comments the characters made
"I just think it’s awful what that Stallard girl is doing to them. Dragging their good names through the mud."

"All I’m saying is there are rules. You don’t get wasted. You don’t take off your top. You don’t flirt with raging drunks. You don’t dress like a slut. You have to play by the rules. If you don’t, this is what happens."

People say garbage like this every day. This town cared more about the successful basketball careers of four smart-mouthed, privileged white boys than the health and wellbeing of single girl. Because she was flirtatious and wore short skirts.

2. But woven in, we see amazing depictions of people fighting back and standing up.
"Words have meanings. When we call something a theory in science, it means something. Reggie, when you say that you 'can't help yourself' if a girl is wasted, that means something, too. You're saying that our natural state as men is 'rapist.' That's not okay with me, Reggie. That's not okay with the rest of this class, either."

3. This book covers it all - rape culture, misogyny, consent, victim blaming, slut shaming, gender equality.
"What does it mean to say yes? To consent to a kiss? To a touch? To more than that?"

4. I really connected with Kate. Her struggles to do what was right versus what was easy were so relatable. She was strong, intelligent, and always questioning but still read like she was only 17.

What I Didn't Like
1. My half star deduction comes from the end.
SpoilerOnce Kate sees the video, she confronts Ben and tells him she is turning it in. And giving his name. While this ending was insanely powerful, it felt mildly unrealistic for a 17 year old. It was difficult to imagine myself at that age, being able to make that choice on my own. With such resolve. So it took me out of the story slightly.

Overall this book absolutely destroyed me. This sat on my TBR for years and I'm so glad I finally picked it up. I recommend this for absolutely anyone who can handle the subject matter.
Truly, Devious by Maureen Johnson

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Re-read - March 2019

I decided to pick this up on audio to refresh my memory before starting the sequel. And I still stand by my original review. Solid 3.5 stars.

I really enjoy this story but I don't feel any strong attachment to the characters. The setting, I love though! And I'm still completely desperate to know about that box!


This was a solid 3.5 stars. I enjoyed my time reading and the mystery/suspense was handled well. But I wasn't in love.

-The story is told in 2 perspectives - one in the present about Stevie and one set in the past about the Ellingham murders. And some of the chapters set in the past are told in interview or report form. I like the dual perspectives and changes in format, it really worked with this story. The chapters set in the past gave the reader insight and information into a case the main character knows really well, without info dropping constantly.
-The characters overall were well written and interesting but I didn't find myself especially attached to anyone. I actually think Nate is my favorite character.
-The romance I wasn't expecting. But I do appreciate the utter awkwardness of it as this is about juniors/seniors in high school. All the super suave 17 years in YA books drive me crazy. These 2 are awkward and have no idea how to communicate and I appreciate that realness.
-The cliffhanger - while David's identity wasn't a huge shock, the contents of the box... I NEED TO KNOW! Ugh I will continue this series just because of this. I need to know if she solves the Truly Devious mystery.
-My biggest issue with is was there was literally zero wrap up. I understand that it's the first book in a series but I would have appreciated at least 1 tie up. I feel like by the time the next book comes out I will have forgot the dozen open ended story lines.

Overall solid read. If you're new to mysteries this would be a great place to start! And I do plan to continue with the story.
A Heart in a Body in the World by Deb Caletti

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I stayed up way too late and cried my eyes out. But this book was amazing ❤❤

After a traumatic year, Annabelle decides to run from her home in Seattle to Washington DC. With the help of her "PR team" and Grandfather in his RV, she slowly makes her way across the country. She runs to forget everything that has happened. To punish herself for a tragedy she blames herself for.

This book is truly harrowing and I was sobbing my eyes out through the entire last chunk of this book. This book is beautifully written and covers such a difficult but important topic.

Content Warnings: The reason for Annabelle's run is a mystery for the majority of the book, so most of content warnings are a spoiler.
SpoilerMurder, gun violence, stalking, PTSD, depression, anxiety

What I Liked
Literally everything.
1. I loved Annabelle's character. I found her to be extremely relatable and realistic. And her emotions were so real and raw, I felt everything along side her.
2. In fact, I loved all the characters. Her grandfather brought the perfect amount of relief to an other wise dark story - he was kind and humous and inspiringly supportive.
3. This book was also very self aware - it made sure to acknowledge how dangerous a run like this is, now Annabelle's coping skills were lacking, that her blame was ill placed. And I really appreciated that! This book did not glamorize these events in any way.
4. The way the message/event was finally revealed was so impactful I burst into tears immediately. I don't want to say anymore than that, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who is interested in reading this (and I definitely recommend you do!)

What I Didn't Like
I have literally nothing to put here. This book was outstanding.

This is book is extremely dark and intense - so please tread with caution if you are in a tough headspace. But if you are able to handle difficult subjects, I can't recommend this book enough! I was seriously blown away by how much this book drew me in. It's a beautiful story with a powerful message and powerful characters.